Test 2/28
Standard of living
How well we live
Employment generates
income and investments
Labor market
The supply and demand of jobs
number of different jobs available
who is obtaining jobs and who is not
jobs being created
Bureau of Labor Statistics
The agency that collects and processes a large amount of labor market data.The government uses this data to create economic policies and make important decisions.
Labor Force
Anyone at least 16 years old
Has a job (employed)
Actively looking for a job.
Discouraged workers
1.Those who have given up looking for work (discouraged)
Disabled and not working
Unemployment rate
Economists use the unemployment rate to determine the number of people who can’t find a job. The percentage of people that are in the labor force who want to work but can’t find a job.
Low unemployment rate
more jobs
better wages
stronger economy
High Unemployment rate
fewer jobs
weak economy
lower wages
Cyclical unemployment
Anytime there is a direct link between a downturn in the economy and an increase in unemployment.
Seasonal unemployment
When a certain job is needed during a particular time but not during other times of the year. During these times, the unemployment rate is higher (e.g. construction, retail, landscaping)
Frictional unemployment
When people change jobs or are looking for their first job. There is always this unemployment in the job market.
Structual unemployment
When people become unemployed because they lack certain skills or education.
How much money you make. You can have a lot of revenue but no profit.
Money after bills are pad. What you take home
Anyone having connection to the company (consumers, employees, management)
Making a product or providing a service.
Activities between businesses and customers involved in buying and selling goods.
All money involved in a business
Produce goods used by others.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Total market value of all goods and services in a year (wages)
Compared from year to year
Specifies to country or to the world.
Underground economy
Income that escapes being recorded in the GDP.
illegal activities, counterfeit merchandise
Cash transactions
Consumer spending
2/3 of GDP
Personal income and outlays provide input on consumer spending.
Supply Chain
The way in which businesses produce goods and services. Involves how goods and servers are distributed to the consumer in the most efficient and effective way.
Supply chain network
Supplier of raw materials
The purchasing of supplies of business components a business needs. Businesses need to identify and reach out to suppliers.
delivery and time
reputation and reliability
payment terms
The movement of products, people, and equipment to the final end user.
Transportation: sea, air, rail, road
Stock Control
Stock is available for use and if needed.
Goods that are not yet finished products stored in a factory but completed.
Just in case stock
keep if needed
extra stock
inefficent based on store size
Just in time stock
created by walmart
less stock: scheduling the flow of production so that products are available when needed.
What consumers want and the best way to produce them
Doing the right thing
Knowing what customers want
buying habits
new features
Total Quality Managment - commitment to excellence
work procedures
Producing quickly, low cost without wasting resources (time, material, money)
doing things well
measured by output (quantity produced in a given time)
Productivity (largest quantity in the least amount of time)
Generation X
Workers from post-baby boom generations (1965-1979)
Reduced adult supervision as a child
less loyal to a particular employer
Expect to change jobs many times.
Gen Y (Millineals)
Major surge of birth rates
marked by increase use of technology
Generation Z
1997-early 2000s
Digital natives
comfortable with technology and social media
US Economy Indicators
Employment numbers
consumer spending
industrial product
home sales
retail sales
stock market
CSR (Corperate Social Responsibility)
Businesses need to benefit all stakeholders. A companies effort to do business ethically.
ESG (environmental social corporate governance)
A new trend that is a set of factors used to measure a companies impact on the environment and society.company's
Individual well-being
A person’s overall health, happiness, and life satisfaction.
Glass ceiling
Barrier to job advancement
Sticky floor
Inability of workers to move up in their careers.
Rapid increase in prices caused by inadequate supply of goods and services.
Labor force participation rate
(unemployed+employed)/adult population (Excludes people in prison and the military)
Current unemployment rate
inventory control
The process of managing stock to ensure the right amount of products is available at the right time.