Follicle Shaft
Hair consists of these 2 parts.
club shaped structure in the skin
What is at the end of a hair follicle?
Network of blood vessels which supply nutrients to feed the hair and help it grow
This surrounds the papilla and is associated with the sebaceous gland
Sebaceous Gland
Secretes oil that helps keep the hair conditioned and is associated with the bulb
Erector Muscle
Causes hair to stand upright and attaches to the bulb.
Nerve Cells
cells which wind around the follicle and stimulate the erector muscle in response to changing environmental conditions.
The hair shaft is composed of this protein which is produced in the skin; it makes hair both strong and flexible.
Part of hair follicle which must be present for DNA to be extracted, amplified, and compared to known samples for identification
Compound Microscope
This tool uses more than one lens to magnify a hair when no root is present so that it can be matched by other characteristics
Inner Medulla Cortex Outer Cuticle
The hair shaft is made up of 3 layers:
narrow, flattened, overlapping cuticle scales commonly found in human hairs.
Transparent outer layer of the hair shaft made up of imbricate scales that overlap one another and protect the inner layers of the hair.
When examining a section of hair under a microscope, noticing the __________________ the scales point shows the younger and older ends of the hair.
In humans, the _______________ is the largest part of the hair shaft.
Pigment granules within the cortex that give the hair its color
Near the cuticle
Commonly, the pigment is denser in what part of human hair?
Center of hair Hollow tube or filled with cells Absent in some people, in others it's fragmented, and in others it's continuous or even doubled. Contains pigment granules or is unpigmented
Forensic investigators classify hair into ____ different groups depending on the appearance of the medulla
Shape Length Diameter Texture Color
Hair type can vary in what five ways?
Circular Triangular Irregular Flattened
How can hair be shaped which can influence curl pattern?
The ________________ of hair can be coarse as it is in whiskers or fine as it is in younger children.
Hair ______________ varies depending on the distribution of pigment granules and on hair dyes.
50 hairs from the head 25 hairs from the pubic region
Because inconsistencies occur within each body region, how many hairs are usually collected from a person's head and pubic region?
Forensic scientists distinguish how many types of hair/regions on the human body?
Head hair Eyebrows & Eyelashes Beard & Mustache hair Underarm hair Auxiliary or Body hair Pubic hair
What are the 6 hair regions which forensic scientists distinguish?
One of the ways in which hairs from the different parts of the body are distinguished is their ___________________________ shape.
Head hair
Hair from this region is generally circular or elliptical in cross section.
Eyebrows & Eyelashes
Hairs from this region are circular but often have tapering ends.
Beard hairs
Hairs from this region tend to be thick and triangular, is usually coarse, and may have a double medulla.
Body hair
Hair from this region can be oval or triangular, depending on whether regularly shaved.
Pubic hair
Hair from this region tends to be oval or triangular; the diameter may vary greatly, and buckling may be present.
Arm/Leg hair
Hair from this region usually has a blunt tip, but may be frayed at the ends from abrasion.
There are ____ different patterns of medulla which are identified in forensic hair analysis.
Medulla pattern which is one unbroken line of color
Interrupted (Intermittent)
Medulla pattern described as pigmented line broken at regular intervals
Fragmented (Segmented)
Medulla pattern of a pigmented line unevenly spaced
Medulla pattern where pigmented area fills both the medulla and the cortex
Medulla pattern where there is no separate pigmentation in the medulla
You lose approximately ______ hairs from your head each day.
The Life Cycle of Hair: Hair proceeds through ____ stages as it develops.
Anagen stage
1st stage of hair development Active growing stage of hair (cells around follicle rapidly dividing/depositing materials within hair) Lasts @ 1,000 days 80-90% of all human hair is in this stage.
Brief transition period between the growth and resting phases of a hair follicle Hair may turn gray 2% of all hair growth/development
(resting or dormant phase) the final phase in the hair cycle that lasts until the fully grown hair is shed/lost 10-18% of all hairs are in this stage
There is no __________________ as to which hairs on the head are in a particular stage of the life cycle at any time.
Doing this to hair removes pigment granules and gives hair a yellowish color. It makes hair brittle and can disturb the scales on the cuticle. Artificial-shows a sharp demarcation Sun-leaves a gradual mark
Doing this to hair changes the color of the hair shaft. An expert forensic examiner can immediately recognize the color as unnatural. The cuticle and the cortex both take on this color as well.
1.3 cm per month 0.44 mm per day
Human hair grows at what rate?
Measuring the length of hair that is natural in color and ______________ by 1.3 cm provides an estimate of the number of months since the hair was colored.
European hair characteristics
Appearance: generally straight or wavy Pigment Granules: small & evenly distributed Cross Section: oval or round of moderate diameter w/ minimal variation Color may be blonde, red, brown, or black
Asian hair characteristics
Appearance: Straight Pigment Granules: Densely distributed Cross Section: Round w/ Large diameter Shaft tends to be coarse & straight Thick cuticle
African hair characteristics
Appearance: Kinky, curly, or coiled Pigment Granules: Densely distributed, clumped, may differ in size & shape Cross Section: Flattened w/ moderate-small diameter & considerable variation
Pattern of Pigmentation Medullary Index Cuticle Type
What are 3 differences in animal and human hair?
Human hair-denser toward cuticle Animal hair-denser toward medulla
How does the pattern of hair pigmentation differ in humans vs. animals?
Ovoid Bodies
Solid masses of animal hair pigmentation especially in dogs and cattle.
Human hairs are usually one color along the _____________.
Animal hairs can change color abruptly in a ____________ pattern.
In animals, the _____________ is much larger than it is in humans.
Medullary Index
the ratio of the diameter of the medulla to the diameter of the entire hair
If the medullary index is 0.5 or greater, the hair came from an _______________.
If the medullary index is 0.33 or less, the hair came from a _________________.
The medulla of animal hair is much larger than in human hair, and it is always ___________________.
The ______________ of the hair shaft can also help distinguish human hair from animal hair.
There are different cuticle types in different ________________ hair cuticles.
Rodents and bats have a ___________________ cuticle with scales that give the appearance of a stack of crowns.
Cats, seals, and mink have scales that are called _______________ and resemble petals.
Human hair has cuticle scales that are flattened and narrow, also called _______________.
Locard's Exchange Principle
Whenever two objects come into contact with one another, there is transfer/exchange of materials between them. Reasoning behind the use of trace evidence; if a person is at a crime scene, they will leave/pick up some trace evidence. One of the major examples of trace evidence is hair.
Plucking Shaking Scraping Sticky tape Vacuuming
What are some ways in which investigators collect hair evidence?
body regions
If a large number of hairs are collected from a victim or crime scene, an investigator will compare the sample with hair taken from the six major ____________ ____________ of the victim or suspect(s).
Length, color, and curliness are ______________________ characteristics.
Pattern of the medulla, pigmentation of the cortex, and types of scales on the cuticle are ____________________ characteristics.
Microscope that uses a beam of light of a certain color so that if a sample contains particular chemicals, it will absorb some of the light and then reemit light of a different color. *Many dyes and other hair treatments will fluoresce under a certain color of light.
This microscope provides incredible detail of the surface or interior of the sample, magnifying the object 50,000 times or more.
Because hair grows out of the skin, ______________ that the skin absorbs can become incorporated into hair.
Ingested or absorbed __________________ such as arsenic, lead, and drugs can be detected by chemical analysis of hair.
During testing, the hair is dissolved in an organic solvent that breaks down the _________________ and releases any substances that have been incorporated into the hair and chemical tests can be performed to detect the presence of various substances; can provide evidence of poisoning or drug use.
Because hair does not readily ____________________, by testing different parts of the hair, it may be possible to establish a timeline for when exposure to poisons or other toxins might have occured.
Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)
Technique that can identify up to 14 different elements in a single 2 cm long strand of human hair. Different elements will give off gamma radiation with different signals which can determine concentrations of elements in the sample.
The probability of the hairs of 2 individuals having the same concentration of nine different elements (antimony, argon, bromine, copper, gold, manganese, silver, sodium, and zinc) is about one in a _________________.
Follicular Tag
Tissue from a hair follicle that is still attached to the root end of a hair. *DNA analyses can be performed and can also identify the blood type of a suspect.
cost effective
In many cases, a microscopic assessment of hair is performed initially because it is more _______ _____________ and rapid that blood protein and DNA testing. If a microscopic match between a suspect and a sample is found, then the samples will be forwarded for blood and DNA testing.
class evidence
DNA analysis of the hair follicle provides an identification with a high degree of confidence, whereas analysis of the hair shaft usually provides ___________ _____________ only.
This is a character shared by all mammals and functions in temperature regulation, reducing friction, protection from light, and as a sense organ.
follicle shaft
Hair consists of a ________________ embedded in the skin that produces the _____________.
Composed of the protein keratin and consists of the outer cuticle, a cortex, and an inner medulla, each of which varies among individuals or species.
Hair varies in length and cross-sectional shape, depending on where on the body it _______________.
Hair is broken into 3 _______________________ stages, called the anagen (growth), catagen (growth and change), and telogen (dormant) stages.
The use of the comparison microscope to perform side-by-side analysis of hair collected from the crime scene and hair from a suspect or victim first occurred in:
secondary transfer
Hair can adhere to clothes, carpets and many other surfaces and be transferred to other locations. This is called:
trace evidence in criminal investigations in the late 1800s
Investigators recognized the importance of hair as:
hair in forensic investigations
A classic 1883 text on forensic science, The Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence by Alfred Swaine Taylor and Thomas Stevenson contains a chapter on using:
most animals
In 1910 a comprehensive study of hair titles The Hair of Man and Animals was published by the French forensic scientists, Victor Balthazard and Marcelle Lambert. This text includes numerous microscopic studies of hair from:
5 million; 2%
When humans are born, they have about ___________ hair follicles, only _____ are on the head.