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Placebo group
Participants believe they receive treatment, but do not.
Attention placebo group
Participants receive attention without actual treatment.
Empty control group
No treatment; assessed only on dependent variable.
No-treatment group
Participants receive standard care, no experimental treatment.
Waiting-list control group
Participants receive treatment later, after study ends.
Double-blind design
Neither participants nor researchers know treatment assignments.
Relapse effect
Return of symptoms after stopping treatment.
Statistical test comparing means across multiple groups.
Post-hoc tests
Follow-up tests to identify specific group differences.
Omnibus F test
Indicates significant differences exist among group means.
Nonspecific factors
Elements of therapy not related to specific techniques.
Comparative study
Research comparing different groups to identify differences.
Substance use disorder
Condition characterized by compulsive substance use.
Homeless adolescents
Youth experiencing homelessness, distinct from adults.
Quantitative differences
Differences measurable by statistics or numbers.
Qualitative differences
Differences based on characteristics or qualities.
Natural helpers
Individuals providing assistance without formal training.
Treatment as usual (TAU)
Standard care provided to control group participants.
Efficiency in research
Using fewer groups to achieve more data insights.
Age differences in homelessness
Variations in homelessness experiences across age groups.
Continuum of poverty
Spectrum illustrating varying degrees of poverty.
Professional therapists
Trained individuals providing mental health treatment.
College professors as therapists
Untrained individuals providing therapy-like attention.