Chapter 15 flashcards for OB- Mgt 305
Balanced Scorecard
tool that managers use as a good method for understanding to define organizational success
a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons
unity of command principle
specifies that each employee should only report to one manager
span of control
describes the number of people reporting directly to a given manager
staff employees
_________ do background research and provide technical advice and recommendations to their line managers
line managers
genrally have authority to make decisions for their units
closed system
self sufficient entity
open system
depends on the constant interaction with the environment for survival
learning organization
proactively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge and changes its behavior on the basis of new knowledge and insights
Information acquisition is also known as _______.
information acquisition
the process through which an organization obtains information between internal and external sources
discussions about past success or failures
information distribution
the process or systems that people, groups, or organizational units use to share information among themselves
knowledge integration
occurs when information is shared and accumulated across different parts of an organization
occurs when an activity fails to delivers its expected results or expected outcomes
organizational design
sets the structures of accountability and responsibility used to develop and implement strategies, and the human resource practices and information and business processes that activate those structures
Organizations with _______ approach tend to have functional, divisional, and/or matrix structures.
Organizations with a ________ approach work hard to flatten hierarchy and organize people around specific segments of the work flow.
Organizations with a ________ design tend to have hollow, modualr, or virtual structures.
An organization thats focus is self contained within the organizations boundaries has a(n) _________ approach.
An organization thats focus is team and process oriented has a ________ approach.
An organization thats focus is opened beyond the organizations boundaries has a _________ approach.
boundaryless organization
management has largely succeeded in breaking down barriers between interval levels, job functions, and departments, as well as reducing external barriers between the association/organization and those with whom it does business.
functional structure
groups people according to the business functions they perform; for example, manufacturing, marketing, and finance
divisional structure
employees are segregated into organizational groups based on industries, products or services, customers or clients, or geographical regions.
Organizations use ________ structures when they need stronger horizontal alignment or cooperation in order to meet their goals.
matrix structure
combines a vertical structure with an equally strong horizontal overlay
horizontal structure
teams or groups, either temporary or permanent, are created to improve collaboration and work on common projects
_______ approach to organizational design tends to focus on work processes.
hollow structure
Which structure is also known as a network structure?
hollow structure
designed around a central core of key functions and outsources other functions to outside companies or individuals who can do them cheaper or faster
A _______ structure is useful when an organization is faced with a strong price competition and there are enough companies to perform the required outsourced processes.
modular structure
company assembles product parts, components, or modules provided by external contractors.
a company that outsources production of parts for a product follows the ________ structure.
virtual structure
one whose members are geographically apart, usually working with email and other forms of information technology, but that generally appears to customers as a single, unified organization with real physical location
contingency approach to organization design
states that organizations tend to be more effective when they are structured to fit demands of the situation, and when the structure is aligned with internal activities and actions of the organization.
strategy and goals
market uncertainty
decision making processes
What are the 5 contingency factors one should consider when making decision about organizational structure?
centralized decision making
occurs when key decisions are made by top management
decentralized decision making
occurs when important decisions are made by middle managers and lower level managers
mechanistic organizations
rigid bureaucracies with strict rules, narrowly defined tasks, top down communication, and centralized decision making.
organic organizations
flexible networks of multitalented individuals who perform a variety of tasks
the information, technology, equipment, and tools, and processes needed to transform inputs into outputs
measured by the number of employees, volume of sales, amount of assets, and geographical locations
the creation of something new that makes money; it finds a pathway to the consumer
product innovation
a change in the appearance of functionality/performance of a product or a srvice or of the creation of a new one.
process innovation
change in the way a product or a service is conceived, manufactured, or destributed
innovation system
a coherent set of interdependent processes and structures that dictates hoe the company searches for novel problems and solutions, synthesizes ideas into a business concept and product designs, and selects which products get funded
links the problems solution to peoples lives.
generating, developing, and testing ideas
the problem or opportunity that motivates the search for solutions
financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth
The business score card (BCS) provides managers with a comprehensive view in to _______, __________, ____________, and ____________.
strategy map
visual representation of a company’s critical objectives and the crucial relationships among them that drive organizational performance
What is a key driver of long-term organizational performance?
A system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons is called a(n)
organization chart
To the casual observer, the term _______ __________ means a family tree-like pattern of boxes and lines posted on workplace walls.
A(n) _________ system organization is said to be a self-sufficient entity.
information distribution
information acquisition
knowledge integration
Organizations learn by using which independent subprocesses?
the goal of being effective
a structure that serves as a fingerprint
the idea that innovation is crucial to remain in business
What are the three characteristics that all organizations share?
The phrase "consciously coordinated" is key to the definition of a(n)
organizational design
The general idea behind _______ ________ is that firms are more successful and effective when their structure supports the execution of corporate strategies.
Spans of control
Division of labor
Line and staff positions
Hierarchy of authority
Select the four basic dimensions of organizational structure.
A(n) _______ system organization depends on constant interaction with the environment for survival.
Functional, divisional, matrix
Hollow, module, virtual
A(n) ________ organization is one that proactively creates, acquires and transfers knowledge and that changes its behavior on the basis of new knowledge and insights.
The structure that groups people according to the business functions they perform is called a _________ structure.
What is a key driver of long-term organizational performance?
Organizations that are structured to fit the demands of the situation are said to follow the ________ approach to organization design.
organizational design
The structure of accountability and responsibility used to develop and implement strategies and the human resource practices and information and business processes that activate those structures is called ________ _________
organization chart
To the casual observer, the term _______ ________ means a family tree-like pattern of boxes and lines posted on workplace walls.
contingency factors
Managers who take into account strategy and goals, market uncertainty, decision-making processes, size, and technology are considering ______ about organization design.
Self-contained within organization's boundaries
Team- and process-orientation
opened beyond organizational boundaries
What is needed across internal characteristics for organizations to achieve higher performance?
An organization that groups all of its marketers in one department, its finance people in another, and product designers in another is which type of organizational structure?
job satisfaction
enhanced performance
When you fit with your organization, what results are likely?
Organizations that are structured to fit the demands of the situation are said to follow the _________ approach to organization design.
organizational design
The structure of accountability and responsibility used to develop and implement strategies, and the human resource practices and information and business processes that activate those structures is called:
connecting to the customer
Through innovation, an organization makes money by doing what?
market uncertainty
strategy and goals
What are the key contingency factors to consider when making decisions about organization design?
improvement innovation
A focus on existing customers and optimizing existing product/services for them specifically is called:
strategy and structure
employees' human and social capital
human resource practices and policies
What characteristics need to be aligned for an organization to maximize performance?
The extent to which your personality and values match the culture and climate in your work organization is called ______ fit.
appropriate resources
necessary human capital
right culture and climate
required structure and process
Select resources needed to support innovation.
Organizations that are structured to fit the demands of the situation are said to follow the ________ approach to organization design.
The creation of something new that makes money is called an
open-office design
What type of office design do companies use to improve cooperative behavior and camaraderie as well as achieve cost reductions?
improvement innovation
A focus on existing customers and optimizing existing product/services for them specifically is called _______ __________
What is needed across internal characteristics for organizations to achieve higher performance?
a dashboard
What is the technology called that tracks current sales data, issues with quality, employee turnover, as well as other forms of aggregated real-time corporate data?
What type of system acts as a coherent set of interdependent processes and structures that dictates how the company searches for novel problems and solutions?
learning and growth
A balanced scorecard examines an organization from which perspectives?
Organizations that are structured to fit the demands of the situation are said to follow the
_______ approach to organization design.
True or false: A visual representation of a company's critical objectives and the crucial relationships among them is known as a organizational measurement map.
limited ability to focus due to distractions
stress due to overstimulation
lack of privacy
An open-office plan results in which of the following?
__________ innovations are more incremental and are less likely to generate significant amounts of new revenue.
Which of the following, managed by a dashboard, is crucial for evidence-based management?