What’s an ecosystem?
Non living and living things (organisms) that co exist in a biome.
Constructive vs destructive waves
1) constructs the beach
2) destructs the beach
What is swash and backwash?
When a wave breaks water rushes up the beach
The water then runs back down the beach and back into the sea, by gravity.
What is weathering?
Is when rocks are broken down by sub aerial processes caused by the weathering
What are the 3 types of weathering?
1) mechanical
2) chemical
3) biological
What is mechanical weathering?
When water gets in cracks then freezes so it expands and breaks the rock
What is chemical weathering?
Carbonic acid attacks the rocks.
What’s biological weathering?
Plants grow roots through the sediment
What is mass movement?
Is when rocks loosened by weathering move down a slope under the influence of gravity
What are the 3 types of mass movement?
Rock fall
Rotational slumping
What is this type of mass movement?
What type of mass movement is this?
What type of mass movement is this?
Rotational slumping (Barton on sea)
What are the 4 coastal processes of erosion?
Hydraulic action
What are the 4 coastal processes of transport?
What is coastal deposition?
When the sea drops material. Eg. Sand, sediment, shingle.
What are erosional landforms?
Headlands, Bays
What’s a fetch?
The distance wind travels over the surface of the water.
How are spits formed?
Sand deposits sand which makes a spit over time.
Is someone who has an interest in what happened to something.
Hard engineering + examples
Strong defence against the sea;
Sea wall
Rock armour
Soft engineering + examples
Less strong defense but still protects
Beach nourishment
Dune regeneration
Do nothing
Beach retrofitting
How has hengistbury head been protected?
Long Groyne
Managed realignment
Advance the line
Whats a long profile?
A long profile of a river is how long it is from source to mouth.