hey gang so update, its currently 1st of january, 2025 and its 3:45pm. it is raining. and im making these flashcards. i love rs. its lit a break. its not even revision, its just a lovely little break (she says while breaking down into tears). YEAH ITS THE 2ND OF JAN NOW. RS GRRRR I HATE IT. MY ONENOTE NTES R SO BAD I CANT EVEN MAKE THESE FLASHCARDS UGHHHH
What is Rosh Hashanah
A two day festival to mark Jewish New Year, remembering the creation of the world
What do Jews do on Rosh Hashanah
Think about their lives and actions over the past year
Ask for forgiveness of your sins
Reflect on yourself
What is the Days of Awe
The ten day period that begins with Rosh Hashanah and ends with Yom Kippur
A time for self reflection and seeking forgiveness
What happens to the book of life
The Book of Life is opened during Rosh Hashanah
How does God judge Jews
Some Jews believe that God keeps a record of people's good and bad deeds, and on Rosh Hashanah God weighs them up, judges them and makes a decision about what peoples fortune will be in the coming year
What do Jews do on Rosh Hashanah
Say special prayers of forgiveness
Tashlich - throwing sins (bread) into running water
Go to synagogue
What is Teshuvah
Spiritual realignment
Jews focus on this during Rosh Hashanah - they use it as a time to remember who they truly are and strive to return there
What is Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur is the holiest, most important day in the Jewish calendar.
What does God do on Yom Kippur
This day of Atonement is when God seals the Book of Judgement, so it is the last chance to repent for any sins.
What do Jews do on Yom Kippur
Make confession for their sins
Have a sunset service in the synagogue
How is Yom Kippur observed in Britain today
No work is done
Jews fast for 25 hours
How is Yom Kippur observed in the synagogue
Services are held throughout the day
There is a general confession of sins
In the final service, the doors of the Ark are open
This is the last chance for people to make confession
Then the door is closed, showing God's judgement is no sealed
The service ends with a blowing of the shofar to signal the end of fasting
Reasons that Rosh Hashanah is the most important festival
It is the anniversary of when God created humans
It is the build up to the New Year
Reasons why Yom Kippur is the most important festival
G-d seals the book of judgement on this day
People repent for their sins and God forgives them, strengthening relationship with God
Quote about Yom Kippur
"On this day, atonement shall be made for you to cleanse you of all your sins" - Leviticus
What is halakhah
Halakhah is living a fully Jewish life
Why do Jews follow food laws (quote)
Brings you closer to G-d
"By following the law, you are walking in the path of G-d"
Do certain denominations not follow the food laws?
Reform and liberal Jews might not keep kosher
Ultra-orthodox must keep kosher
Most reform Jews only keep the moral laws, not the laws about diet, purity or dress
Kosher law for meat and fish (quote)
"you may eat any animal that has a divided hoof and chews the cud"
"you may eat any that have fins and scales"
Leviticus 11
Why should we still follow kosher laws in the 21st century?
It is a way to put your faith into action
Connects Jews to their history
It is a way to obey the Torah
Why should we not follow kosher laws in 21st century
There is no health reasons to do so
Most people think kosher laws originate from hygiene, but now there is no need to avoid certain animals
It is easier to integrate into multicultural friend groups if you don't follow the kosher rules
It is expensive to keep kosher in your home, because you need two of everything
Kosher law for combining foods (quote)
"do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk"
What is marriage important
It shows commitment
Provides a foundation for building a family
It follows what G-d said when he instructed people to "go forth and multiply" (Genesis)
What is Kiddushin
Where you say your intention of getting married
The first part of the marriage process
1 year before
What is Ketubah
marriage certificate
Contains promises such as having children, divorcing etc
Solidifies the promises that the groom makes to his wife
The mothers of the bride and groom break a plate to make the certificate legal
What is Chuppah
the canopy in which the couple get married under
It is made of tallits so that they're under the prayer shawls of people
Represents the home that the couple will grow together
Do both denominations have Bat mitzvahs
Only done in reform
Orthodox Jews do not do bat mitzvahs because women can't read from the Torah, pray in the synagogue on the ground floor etc.
Do both denominations have bar mitzvahs
Yes - because in both denominations, men can read from the Torah, lead a service etc., therefore it is worth preparing them for this
What happens in a bar mitzvah ceremony
Boys wear the tallit from the first time
Read from the Torah
What is the naming ceremony
When boys and girls born into Orthodox families get blessed in the synagogue on the first Shabbat after birth
The father goes forward to recite the Torah blessing and ask G-d for good health for his wife and child
What is Brit Milah
Circumcision at 8 days old
Why do Jews do Brit Milah (+ quote)
Circumcision recalls the covenant that G-d made with Abraham, serving as a lifelong reminder
"Any male who is uncircumcised ... shall be cut off from his kin; he has broken my covenant" - Tenakh
Reasons why Brit Milah should still be done
God told all Jews to do it in his covenant with Abraham
It connects all Jews
When you do it at an early age there is less health risks
Reasons why Brit Milah should not be done anymore
If someone doesn't stay as a Jew their whole life, they would feel bad having a symbol of a religion they are no longer part of
It is public
Differences between reform and orthodox synagogues
Men and women sit together
Women can lead
Men and women sit separately
Bimah faces the Aron Hakadesh
What is the Amidah prayer
The Amidah is the central prayer of daily Jewish worship.
The prayer's name means 'standing', and the prayer itself is a series of blessings recited silently while standing up
Quote for Tallit
"Instruct them to make fringes on the corners of their garments" - Tenakh
What is the Tallit
Prayer shawl, aminly worn during morning prayer
There are 613 strings for each mitzvot
What is Teffelin
Boxes, containing some Torah scrolls, with straps that are wound around your arm when you pray
What are the features of the synagogue
Star of David
Ner Tamid
Aron Hakodesh
Ten Commandments
What is the Ner Tamid
Everlasting light
Situated above the Aron Hakodesh
Shows everlasting nature of God
What is the Aron Hakodesh
The holy arc where the Torah is
Different section each week
Features of the Sefer Torah
Parochet - curtain to cover the scrolls
Yad - pointer used as to not damage the Torah
What way does the Bimah face
In Orthodox synagogues it faces the Aron Hakodesh
In reform it faces the audience
Seating in orthodox vs reform
In both, the seating faces the Aron Hakodesh
In orthodox, men and women are separated
So that they can do their set prayers together
So they do not get distracted
In reform, men and women sit together
Candles in Shabbat
Female member of the family lights the candles 18 mins. Before sunset
This is to welcome in Shabbat
She then recites a blessing which praises God, and asks God to bless the family
Steps before eating the meal
Reciting Kiddush: The head of the household recites the Kiddush blessing over the wine, which sanctifies the Shabbat and starts the meal.
Blessing the Challah: The head of the household uncovers the challah, says a blessing, and the bread is shared, typically dipped in salt, as part of the meal.
What happens on the Friday of Shabbat
Families have their meal, which can last for 2 or more hours
They say a prayer of thanksgiving
What happens on the Saturday of Shabbat
A morning service in the synagogue
Another special meal
How is the end of Shabbat marked
By a havdalah service, performed in the home once 3 stars can be seen in the sky
What do Jews do in the synagogue
It is where they go to worship
It is where they celebrate festivals e.g. Yom Kippur, Bar Mitzvahs
They have Shabbat services there
They have charity events there
Children have lessons there
Why is the synagogue important
Some prayers need to be done in a minyan, so Jews go to the synagogue to do this
It is a replacement of the destroyed temple in Israel
Quote to encourage Jews to do shabbat
"Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy" - exodus 20
It is also one of the Ten Commandments
Why is Shabbat important
It remembers God's creation of the Earth
It is a time to relax with your family
What happens on the Friday in synagogue
There is a brief service to welcome Shabbat
At the end, the prayer leader takes a cup of wine and recites a Kiddush blessing, thanking God for giving shabbat to the Jewish people
What happens on the Saturday in synagogue
There is a longer service on Saturday morning
It includes prayers, blessings, and a reading from the Torah
What happens when the Torah is taken out of the ark
The doors of the Aron Hakadesh are opened to reveal the Torah
The congregation stands, to remember how the Israelites stood at the bottom of Mount Sinai when Moses returned with the Ten Commandments
What happens in the synagogue after the Torah is taken out of the ark
It is paraded around
This gives Jews a change to be close to the Torah and give thanks
What can you not do on Shabbat
Any work
The 39 Melachot are all the forbidden actions on shabbat
These include carrying, writing, tying a knot, lighting a fire
2 mourning rituals in Judaism
Shiva - when a mourner takes 7 days off work after a loved one's burial
Shmira - when the body is never left alone before the burial, to protect it
When do Jews pray
Orthodox Jews pray 3 times a day, either in the home or synagogue
How are Jews reminded to obey God's commandments
Their homes have a kitchen designed to meet Jewsih food laws
They have mezuzah in their houses
What is a mezuzah
A small box containing verses from the Torah
It is fixed to the doorpost
Jews touch it so that they remember God's laws
What is the Tenakh
24 books
Contains the Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim
What is the Torah
The fist 5 books of Moses
All of the essential Jewish laws
What is the Talmud
The oral law
What Moses remembered from God
Why is the Torah important
It contains the Ten Commandments and the 613 mitzvot
Unchanged (the Talmud was passed down by word-of-mouth so is therefore more unreliable)