1/7 foreign-born in 1900
1900-1914 - 13 million immigrants
(1899) "The Theory of the Leisure Class" - attack on the new rich. Viewed the leisure class engaged in making money for money's sake instead of making goods to satisfy real needs
Argued that the social leadership should go from the useless rich to those who are useful
(1890) "How the Other Half Lives" - spoke about the horrors of the NY slums
Influenced future NYC police commissioner, TR
Lincoln Steffens: The Shame of the Cities
Ida M. Tarbell: exposé of the Standard Oil Company
Upton Sinclair: The Jungle
David G. Phillips: The Treason of the Senate
"White slave" traffic for women, slums, and industrial accidents
Stannard Baker's "Following the Color Line" (1908) - 9 million blacks, 90% of the South, and 1/3 illiterate
John Spargo's "The Bitter Cry of the Children" (1906) - abuses of child labor
Symbolized much of the nature of the progressive reform movements
Long on lamentation but stopped short of revolutionary methods
Counted on publicity and aroused public conscience (not drastic political change) to right social wrongs
Sought to not overthrow capitalism but to cleanse it (Puritans vs Pilgrims anyone??)
Believed more democracy was the answer to solve issues
Use the state to curb monopoly power
Limit socialist threat by improving the common person's conditions of life and labor
Regain the power that had slipped from the hands of the people into those of the "interests"
Getting rid of graft (bribery, corrupt practices, etc.)
Direction election of US Senators - often heeded to the voice of business instead of the people (even referred to as the "Millionaires' Club)
Limited the amount of money a candidate could spend on their election campaign
Australian ballot
Political reformers believed the women's vote would elevate the political tone
Anti-Saloons felt they could rely on support of enfranchised females
Frustrated by inefficiency and corruption of city government — looked to Galveston, TX as an example (expert-staffed commissions to manage urban affairs)
Often favored efficiency over democracy
City-manager systems
Attacked slumlords, juvenile delinquency, and wide-open prostitution in red-light districts
Looked to English and German cities
Most militant of progressive Republican leaders. Became the governor of WI in 1901.
Tackled RR and lumber "interests"
Regulated public utilities and inspired other states to follow
Gave the power from the business -> people
Women's place was in the home, Republican Motherhood
Women viewed being involved in issues was an extension of their motherly role (protecting children from labor issues, health problems, etc.)
NY had much stronger laws regulating hours and conditions
30 other states by 1917 put workers' compensation in the books (insurance)
Progressively changed from dog-eat-dog world to employer's responsibility
Control of corporations
Consumer protection
Conservation of natural resources
140k workers demanded 20% increase in pay and 9-hour workday
Unsympathetic mine owners, George F. Baer also unsympathetic
Coal supplies dwindled -> factories, schools, and hospitals had to shut down because of the lack of heat --
TR brandished the Big Stick -> threatened to seize the mines and use federal troops
Owners arbitrated -> 10% pay boost and working day of 9 hours
Believed there were good and bad trusts
Didn't want to completely destroy all big business
Railroad holding by JP Morgan and James Hill, wanted a monopoly of NW RRs
1904 - Company appealed to SC, ordered it to be dissolved -> Upset Wall street and big business but gave TR reputation as a trust-smasher
His outdoorsman persona
Upwelling national mood of concern about the disappearance of the frontier
Jack London's Call of the Wild (1903) and other books of nature made the Boy Scouts of America the country's largest youth organization
Middle-class club-women raised money for nature preserves and organized the Massachusetts Audubon Society (save birds by banning the use of plumes to hats)
Sierra Club - preserve wilderness of western landscape
Large companies found ways to work with the federal conservation programs
Individuals and single-person enterprises had minimal influence and were set aside in favor of efficiency
Easily elected president in 1904, yet Republican bosses found him unpredictable
Blunder: announced he would never run a third term
Platform was stronger regulation of corporations, taxing incomes, and protecting workers
Financial world blamed TR for causing it, TR lashed back
Paved way for fiscal reforms
Aldrich-Vreeland Act
Banks unable to increase volume of money in circulation
Those with ample reserves reluctant to lend to their competitors
Roosevelt hand-picks for Taft
421k votes for Eugene V. Debs (Socialism)
Political lightning rod to protect capitalists against popular resentment and socialism
Middle road between unbridled individualism and paternalistic collectivism
Most lasting achievement: Conservation crusade (conservationists of wilderness and resource predators)
Enlarged power and prestige of presidential office
Helped shape the progressive movement and reform campaigns later in the century
Square Deal - grandfather of the New Deal
Opened the eyes of Americans to the fact that they shared the world with other nations
Reputation as lawyer and judge, regarded as hostile to labor unions, trusted administrator under TR
Suffered from political handicaps: didn't have the charisma of TR, passive towards Congress, and poor judge of public opinion
Cabinet didn't contain any of the insurgent wing on fire for current issues (tariff)
Object of Taft's effort to inject the dollar into the Far East
Japan and Russia controlled the RRs here
Saw Chinese economic interests and a slamming of the Open Door in the faces of US merchants
Proposed that a group of American and foreign bankers buy the Manchurian RRs and turn them over to China under a self-liquidating arrangement
Japan and Russia rejected -> Taft ridiculed
Brought more suits against trusts than TR did
1911 - SC demanded the dissolution of the Standard Oil Company (violated Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890) -> rule of reason
Taft decided to press an antitrust suit against US Steel Corporation -> upset Roosevelt