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interactions between organisms and their physical environment (abiotic)
time and energy
Everything costs _________
behavioral ecology
how individuals are interacting
Animals occupying same geographic area that can successfully interbreed and interbreed and produce viable offspring
organisms of different species occupying the same geographic area
definitions of mutually exclusive behaviors
behavior stream
behavior/movement that is constant
scan sampling
a type of random sampling where you record the behavior at a predetermined time
Frequency Bar Graph
how do you show the results of testing an ethogram
behavior set
collection of different actions or responses that an animal can exhibit in specific situations or environments
behavior events
behaviors that occur over a relatively short timeframe, and can generally be expressed as a frequency
threat-trailing, radio telemetry, GPS, Fluorescent dusting, Post-hoc trails, visual mapping, trail cameras, and MOCUS
What are 8 ways to monitor animal movement
Ideal Free Disitribution
occurs when animals are located in the environment without being influenced by other animals or other environmental factors
landscape of fear
the thought/idea that a danger may be present
intraspecific competition
competition within the same species
interspecific competition
competition between species
quality of patch decreases with the density of individuals
assumption of IFD
animals will settle in areas where reproductive success is maximized
Prediction of IFD
area where the owner has sole or prioritized access to resource