Unit 5: Political Participation (copy)

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Rational choice

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Rational choice

What is in the citizen’s individual interest

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Retrospective voting

Whether or not a party/candidate should be reelected based on their past performance

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Prospective voting

The potential performance of a party/candidate

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Party-line voting

Voting for candidates from a single political party for all offices

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Political parties

Organizations with similar ideologies that try to influence election outcomes and legislative problems; formed to unite people who have the same political ideals to elect similar-minded representatives and have similar legislative goals

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Two-party/bi-partisan system

A system of government made of two major political parties

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Party platforms

List of goals that outlines party’s issues and priorities

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National conventions

Occur every four years to nominate presidential candidate; organized by national party

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Party coalitions

Political parties made of multiple groups made of multiple individuals; larger coalition increases candidate’s chance of winning

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Single-issue parties

Third parties formed to promote one principle

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Independent candidates

Candidates who run without a party affiliation

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Trying to influence legislators

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Economic groups

Promote and protect members’ economic interests, including business groups and labor groups

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Public interest groups

Nonprofit groups organized around a set of public policy issues, including consumer, environmental, religious, and single-issue groups

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Government issue groups

Localities like states and cities have lobbying organizations in DC, including mayors and governors

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Interest group tactics

Direct lobbying, testifying before Congress, socializing, political donations, endorsements, court action, rallying membership, propaganda

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Influence peddling

Using friendships and inside information to get political advantage

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Political action committees (PACs)

Allowed by FECA (1974); formed by corporations, unions, and trade associations to raise funds

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Hard money

Regulated contributions to candidates

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Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)

Supreme Court overturned BCRA limits on PAC funding for “corporate independent expenditures”

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Super PACs

PACs with no fundraising limits as long as they do not coordinate with specific candidates

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Incumbent advantage

Representatives who run for reelection (incumbents) win ~90% of the time House incumbents have a greater advantage than senators

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Election nominations

When parties choose candidates for general election, mostly through primary elections

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State caucuses and conventions

Local meetings of party members select representatives to send to statewide party meetings

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Party leaders who are automatically granted delegate status by the Democratic Party who generally support the front-runner

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Closed primary

Primary election in which only registered members of a political party can vote

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Open primary

Primary election in which voters can vote in any single party primary which they choose

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Blanket primary

Primary election in which voters can vote for one candidate per office of either party

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General elections

Election in which voters decide who will hold office; held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November

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Presidential elections

Elections when the president is being selected

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Midterm elections

Elections between presidential elections

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Party platform

Party purpose and goals

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Electoral College

Electoral system in which each state is given a number of electors equal to the senators and representatives and the winner of the state wins all of its electors; created by framers to insulate government from whims of less-educated public

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Voter turnout

How many voters vote in an election

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A clear winner of an election

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Split-ticket voting

Voting for a presidential candidate of one party and legislators of another

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Policy fragmentation

When many pieces of legislation deal with parts of policy problems but never address the problem as a whole

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Mixed economies

Made of capitalist free-market systems where government and private industry play a role

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Deficit spending

Funds raised by borrowing, not taxation

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Mandatory spending

Required by law to fund programs such as entitlement programs, Medicare, Social Security, payment on national debt, and veterans’ pensions

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Discretionary spending

not required by law, programs include research grants, education, defense, highways, and all government operations

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