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Electromagnetic radiation
a form of energy that exhibits wavelike behavior as it travels through space
the shortest distance between 2 equivalent points on a continuous wave
Units for wavelength
meter or nanometer
Symbol for wavelength
lambda, λ
the number of waves that pass a given point per second
Unit for frequency
hertz, 1/s
Symbol for frequency
nu, ν
the wave's height from the origin to a crest or trough
Speed of light equation
c (speed of light, m/s) = λ (wavelength, m or nm) * ν (frequency, hertz)
Wavelength and frequency vary ________.
Electromagnetic spectrum
a spectrum that includes all forms of electromagnetic radiation
Quantum theory
a theory created by Max Planck to explain how matter lost and gained only small, specific amounts of energy
the minimum amount of energy that can be lost or gained or gained by an atom
a particle-like bundle of energy without mass that carries a quantum of electromagnetic energy
Energy of a photon equation
E (energy, joules) = h (Planck's constant, joules * seconds) * ν (frequency, hertz)
the method of studying substances exposed to energy
the pattern of energy studied in spectroscopy
Atomic emission spectrum
the set of frequencies or wavelengths of the electromagnetic waves emitted by atoms of the element
Each element produces a ________ line spectrum.
Bohr's (planetary) model
an early atomic model of the hydrogen atom that was developed by studying the emission spectrum of hydrogen
Accurate part of Bohr's model
the electron can only posses certain quantities of energy/ have certain allowed energy states
Ground state
the lowest and most stable energy state
Excited state
any state of energy that is more than the lowest amount
Inaccurate part of Bohr's model
the electron moves around the nucleus in certain allowed circular orbits
Electrons should be thought of as ________ spread out in space. (Louis de Broglie)
The act of ________ disturbs the object being measured.
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
states that it is fundamentally impossible to know precisely both the velocity and position of a particle at the same time
Quantum mechanical model
modern atomic model, a mathematical equation that treated an electron as a wave and solved the equation for the hydrogen atom
Lowest energy level
The ________ the electron, the higher the energy level
Energy sublevel
a subdivision of an energy level, assigned a letter: s, p, d, or f
Atomic orbital
the volume around the nucleus in which the electron is likely to be found
Sublevel "s"
spherical, 1 orientation
Sublevel "p"
dumbbell, 3 orientations
Sublevel "d"
cloverleaf, 4 orientations, dumbbell with donut, 1 orientation (5 orientations in total)
Sublevel "f"
7 different orientations
The orbitals in the higher energy levels are ________ than the orbitals in the lower energy levels
Max electrons in "s"
Max electrons in "p"
Max electrons in "d"
Max electrons in "f"
Electron configuration
a notation for showing how electrons are arranged in energy sublevels
How many electrons can be in a sublevel
Aufbau principle
sublevels are "filled" with electrons starting with the lowest energy sublevel
Quantum numbers
a set of four numbers used to describe the properties in electrons in an atom
Pauli exclusion principle
states that each electron in an atom has a unique set of 4 quantum numbers and that 2 electrons can be in an orbital only if they have opposite spins
Abbreviated electron configuration
noble gas in brackets and portion of configuration that remains
Orbital diagram
notation used to depict electrons in orbitals
Hund's rule
the most stable arrangement of electrons within a sublevel is one with greatest number of parallel spins
electrons with the same amount of energy
Electron dot diagram/ Lewis dot structure
notation used tp symbolize atom's valence electrons
Valence electron
the electrons in the outermost (largest) orbitals, determine element's properties