Preguntas Round 4
Hey! Congrats on your promotion! Quick question for you: What are the best key performance
indicators (KPIs) to analyze for top-of-funnel (brand awareness) and bottom-of-funnel (conversion)
1. Thanks! To answer your question: when a customer is bottom-of-funnel or ready to
purchase, you should focus on click-through rate and CPC KPIs. When they’re top-of-
funnel, focus on impressions and clicks.
2. Thanks! To answer your question: when a customer is bottom-of-funnel or ready to
purchase, KPIs to base your decisions on are impressions and clicks. When they’re new
and top-of-funnel, the KPIs you should focus on are conversion rate, ROAS, and revenue.
3. Thanks! To answer your question: when a customer is at the bottom-of-funnel or ready to
purchase, you should focus on conversion rate, ROAS, and revenue KPIs. When they’re
top-of-funnel, focus on impressions and clicks.
Comments: The conversion rate, ROAS, and revenue metrics are the most important for bottom-
of-funnel campaigns as they indicate how well your ad helps people convert and how much more
potential there is for conversion from an audience. Top-of-funnel campaigns are designed to fill a
company’s pipeline with new traffic and potential customers. Since impressions indicate traffic
levels and clicks indicate how interested that traffic is, they’re key for brand awareness campaigns.
With past digital marketers, we've had an issue with poor budget allocation, which resulted in low
return on investment (ROI). What's your budget allocation plan?
1. My plan is to allocate more of the budget to campaigns and keywords that have a high
click-through rate, low CPC, and high ROAS.
2. My budget is going to be allocated to campaigns and keywords that indicate high revenue,
conversion rate, and ROAS.
3. My plan is to reallocate the budget toward campaigns with low traffic so we get more
traffic to them.
Comments: High revenue, conversion rate, and ROAS are the most important metrics for
determining budget allocation especially the longer your campaign continues. These KPIs indicate
when you have good or better ROI and if there’s a possibility of increasing ROI.
We’re not getting enough sales through our website to pay for costs. How can I improve my
website and landing pages? What kind of factors could influence sales through the website and
landing pages?
1. I’m not an SEO expert, so I can’t help with your overall website, but I can help with landing
pages. Keyword consistency between landing pages and ads is the number one indicator
to customers that they’ve landed on the right page. Once they’re on the page, you just
need two things: the same title as your ad and a CTA inviting them to buy.
2. I’m not an SEO expert, so I can’t help with your overall website, but I can help with landing
pages. Landing pages are most successful when they match the ad’s design, copy, and
product promotion. Customers need to immediately know they’ve landed on the right
page. Make sure your above-the-fold section correlates the strongest and the CTA is clear
and enticing.
3. I’m not an SEO expert, so I can’t help with your overall website, but I can help with landing
pages. Make sure the landing page and ad are about the same product. Don’t worry about
keywords matching. Since landing pages are part of the website, say whatever your SEO
expert tells you to say. Include a CTA, unique value proposition, and reviews, but make
them hard to find. People enjoy scavenger hunts so they’ll associate that fun element with
your brand.
Comments: NSAMCWADLP is a popular acronym with digital marketers. “Never start a marketing
campaign without a dedicated landing page.” While you could, for example, run a Facebook
advertising campaign that directs interested buyers to your website’s homepage, the resulting
conversion rate is almost guaranteed to be lower than what would result if you instead sent traffic
to a dedicated landing page. The reason dedicated landing pages tend to outperform any existing
pages of the website is that dedicated landing pages can be crafted to precisely match the
message of the advertisement so that visitors’ expectations and interests are addressed precisely.
Landing pages should match the advertisement on three dimensions: product (or service),
message, and visual components.
Preguntas round 5
I feel like I'm doing a lot to improve my ads, but it seems like I’m hitting a wall. Is there something I
can do to optimize my campaigns further?
1. Nope. If you’ve got your bids as low as you can and your impressions stay pretty
consistent, there’s nothing more you can do.
2. Yes. Get rid of low- or moderate-performing keywords and don’t add more to your pool.
This way all your budget is dedicated to your most successful keywords.
3. Yes. Reorganize your best-performing keywords into your top-performing ad group. Do
the same for moderate and low-performing keywords. This will allow you to better
allocate funds as well as better optimize bids and ad copy.
Comments: Reorganizing your keywords by best-performing, moderate-performing, and low-
performing enables digital marketers to have finer control of their campaigns. You can bid, create
ad copy, and design landing pages more precisely, increasing ad relevancy.
What's your strategy with the retargeting campaign? And what will you use to measure
1. Since retargeting campaigns focus on audience size, I’m going to retarget anyone who’s
been to any page of our website. They’ve already shown interest in our brand, so they
should be interested in learning more specifically about the American Dream Backpack.
The metrics I’ll focus on are click-through rate and revenue.
2. My strategy is ad relevance. I’ll target the backpack category page audience. As they’ve
already shown an interest in backpacks, they should be interested in learning more
specifically about the American Dream Backpack. The metrics I’ll focus on are conversion
rate and impressions.
3. Even though the audience size is smaller, I’m going to target anyone who’s been to the
American Dream Backpack product page. They’re obviously interested in the product.
They probably just need a little push. The metrics I’ll focus on are conversion rate and
click-through rate.
Comments: Retargeting ads have higher conversion rates and ROI because the companies that
employ them use cookies to put them in front of recent visitors to certain pages. Interest-based
ads aren’t as effective for ROI since they cast a wider net and often reach people who are
unfamiliar with a brand or product.
I'm starting an interest campaign. I've got an audience of about 15,000 with interests in
skateboarding, snowboarding, and outdoor recreation. How do I know if I'm doing my targeting
1. That sounds like a good interest selection for your products. If the audience is right but too
small, you’ll see low impressions but a high click-through rate. If the audience is right but
too big, you’ll see high impressions but a low click-through rate. If your audience is wrong
or too broad, you may see high impressions and click-through rates but a low conversion
2. That sounds like a good interest selection for your products. As long as you’ve based your
audience on interests similar to your target persona, you can’t go wrong.
3. That sounds like a good interest selection for your products. If the audience is right but too
small, you’ll see low clicks but a high ROAS. If the audience is right but too big, you’ll see
high clicks but low ROAS. If your audience is wrong or too broad, you may see high clicks,
click-through rates, and conversion rates.
Comments: Impressions, click-through rate, and conversion rate are the best metrics for
determining if you’ve targeted the right audience and created a good audience size.
Preguntas round 7
Hi again. I’ve recently been assigned a project that uses shopping ads, but I’m not super familiar
with them. What key components of shopping ads have the biggest impact on ad performance?
1. Shopping ads are new for me as well, but I’ve learned that keywords are the most
important thing to pay attention to.
2. Shopping ads are new for me as well, but I’ve learned that they need to feature high-
quality images that showcase the product, and optimized product title, a call to action,
and customer reviews.
3. Shopping ads are new for me as well, but I’ve learned that A/B testing is what’ll make your
shopping ads perform best.
Comments - Shopping ads are highly visual and are meant to show off a product, so it’s important
that their presentation is professional and high quality. Reviews, CTAs, product titles, and images
should all work together to influence a searcher to click and buy the product.
Hey, I understand shopping ads can be expensive if they aren’t done correctly. So, what’s your
strategy? What are you going to focus on?
1. I’m going to focus on investing more money into the shopping ads that are performing
2. I’ll mostly focus on A/B testing. This way, I’ll be able to see what performs well without
making any significant changes to the campaign.
3. I’m going to try and subdivide my groups based on similar bids and use negative keywords.
Subdividing the products and creating and organizing those groups so the right bids and
negative keywords work together.
Comments: Shopping ads can be expensive if they aren’t being used correctly. In order to
maximize your shopping ads, utilize negative keywords and subdivide your ad groups into similar
categories. This will ensure that your shopping ads only appear to those who really want to see
What are shopping ads all about? I must’ve missed an entire section during my university study or
something because I’ve never heard of these before.
1. I don’t think shopping ads get as much attention, if any, compared to search and display
ads, so that’s probably why you aren’t familiar with them. Shopping ads are ads that
contain copious product information and drive a consumer to make a purchase.
2. I don’t think shopping ads get much attention, if any, compared to search and display ads.
That’s probably why you aren’t familiar with them. Shopping ads contain lots of text to
help a consumer know more about the product.