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Chapter 7 - Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR)

Chapter 7. Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR)

7.1 Implementation of Emergency Response

Establish a comprehensive process for implementing minimum emergency response requirements tailored to the specific needs of various construction phases. This includes a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities among team members. Ensure internal accountability by assigning specific individuals to oversee emergency management during different stages of construction.

Coordination of Emergency Response: Coordinate emergency response and communication flows at the project. This coordination is vital to ensure that all team and emergency responders are informed and can act swiftly in case of emergencies. Emergency response management is focused on minimizing adverse impacts of emergencies on personnel, operations, and the environment.

8. Requirements

8.1 Interface & Bridging

The Project Management Team (PMT) must maintain robust coordination with:

  • HSSE leadership to align health, safety, security, and environmental objectives.

  • CLP Group to integrate corporate policies into project practices.

  • Regional business units to ensure compliance with local regulations and standards.

Linkages and Research: Identify critical linkages between the CLP Crisis and Emergency Management Teams and individual work sites, including marine vessels. Conduct thorough research on local, regional, and national emergency management requirements to define project-specific plans. Address these requirements proactively during initial project phases, well before site execution begins, to allow sufficient time for implementation.

8. Role & Responsibilities

Director of Project Management Team (PMT):

  • Ensure active participation in Emergency Management team training and practice sessions.

  • Allocate necessary resources for the development and implementation of Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) Plans.

  • Regularly monitor and evaluate the implementation of project plans to ensure compliance and effectiveness.

Senior Manager (HSSE Lead):

  • Take the lead in developing a comprehensive project emergency response strategy, reflecting the unique needs of the project.

  • Ensure an effective interface between project EP&R plans and stakeholder emergency management protocols.

  • Monitor and report on key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with EP&R to assess performance and make necessary adjustments.

  • Participate actively in emergency drills upon request to strengthen response capabilities.

Project Leadership (PMT):

  • Lead the Project Emergency Control Team (ECT) and oversee emergency response activities.

  • Manage interfaces with other facilities to verify awareness and understanding of PMT roles and responsibilities.

  • Approve the Project EP&R Plan and ensure effective communication with CLP Regional Leadership regarding emergency preparedness.

  • Ensure the availability of critical emergency equipment and actively participate in drills and exercises.

Contractor Group:

  • Develop emergency preparedness and response plans that fully meet regulatory requirements and project-specific needs.

  • Make independent decisions regarding emergency management for themselves and their subcontractors.

  • Arrange for additional professional emergency services, such as medical or technical support, as necessary.

Community Awareness:

  • Provide public affairs support and clear communication during incidents to keep the community informed.

  • Involve community stakeholders in Emergency Management Team (EMT) practices and drills as required to foster cooperation and awareness.

8.1 Incident Categorization & Emergency Response Activation

Conduct a detailed Emergency Scenario Risk Assessment (ESRA) to identify all necessary resources for effective mitigation strategies. Assess the capabilities of external services required throughout all phases of the project lifecycle, including during feasibility studies and project progress reviews.

8.2 Project Level Emergency Preparedness & Response (EP&R) Plan

Develop an overarching EP&R Plan that comprehensively covers every project phase, ensuring clear documentation of responsibilities among project team members and operational facilities.

8.2.3 Site Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan (Mode 1)

Site/vessel EP&R plans must include well-defined responsibilities, comprehensive training plans, lifesaving equipment availability, effective communication strategies, and coordination with external services. Contractors are required to develop their own EP&R plans and submit them to clients for endorsement.

8.3 Training

Develop detailed training plans for project personnel outlining their specific roles and responsibilities during emergency situations. Review ESRA(s) with contractor groups prior to contract awards to ensure clarity in EP&R plans and readiness of all personnel involved.

8.4 Emergency Practice and Drills

Conduct regular drills to assess the effectiveness of emergency plans, enhance training protocols, and ensure the readiness of emergency responders. Plan drills in collaboration with contractors on a regular basis to maintain high levels of preparedness.

Minimum Recommended Drill Frequency:

  • Weekly for Emergency Response Team (ERT) practices.

  • Monthly ERT drills to enhance teamwork and coordination.

  • Quarterly joint drills to ensure overall readiness of all involved parties.

8.5 CLPP Project’s HSSE Toolkit

The toolkit provides detailed expectations and guidance for developing project-specific EP&R Plans. It also references existing CLP corporate HSSE documents to align with best practices.

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Chapter 7 - Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR)

Chapter 7. Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR)

7.1 Implementation of Emergency Response

Establish a comprehensive process for implementing minimum emergency response requirements tailored to the specific needs of various construction phases. This includes a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities among team members. Ensure internal accountability by assigning specific individuals to oversee emergency management during different stages of construction.

Coordination of Emergency Response: Coordinate emergency response and communication flows at the project. This coordination is vital to ensure that all team and emergency responders are informed and can act swiftly in case of emergencies. Emergency response management is focused on minimizing adverse impacts of emergencies on personnel, operations, and the environment.

8. Requirements

8.1 Interface & Bridging

The Project Management Team (PMT) must maintain robust coordination with:

  • HSSE leadership to align health, safety, security, and environmental objectives.

  • CLP Group to integrate corporate policies into project practices.

  • Regional business units to ensure compliance with local regulations and standards.

Linkages and Research: Identify critical linkages between the CLP Crisis and Emergency Management Teams and individual work sites, including marine vessels. Conduct thorough research on local, regional, and national emergency management requirements to define project-specific plans. Address these requirements proactively during initial project phases, well before site execution begins, to allow sufficient time for implementation.

8. Role & Responsibilities

Director of Project Management Team (PMT):

  • Ensure active participation in Emergency Management team training and practice sessions.

  • Allocate necessary resources for the development and implementation of Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) Plans.

  • Regularly monitor and evaluate the implementation of project plans to ensure compliance and effectiveness.

Senior Manager (HSSE Lead):

  • Take the lead in developing a comprehensive project emergency response strategy, reflecting the unique needs of the project.

  • Ensure an effective interface between project EP&R plans and stakeholder emergency management protocols.

  • Monitor and report on key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with EP&R to assess performance and make necessary adjustments.

  • Participate actively in emergency drills upon request to strengthen response capabilities.

Project Leadership (PMT):

  • Lead the Project Emergency Control Team (ECT) and oversee emergency response activities.

  • Manage interfaces with other facilities to verify awareness and understanding of PMT roles and responsibilities.

  • Approve the Project EP&R Plan and ensure effective communication with CLP Regional Leadership regarding emergency preparedness.

  • Ensure the availability of critical emergency equipment and actively participate in drills and exercises.

Contractor Group:

  • Develop emergency preparedness and response plans that fully meet regulatory requirements and project-specific needs.

  • Make independent decisions regarding emergency management for themselves and their subcontractors.

  • Arrange for additional professional emergency services, such as medical or technical support, as necessary.

Community Awareness:

  • Provide public affairs support and clear communication during incidents to keep the community informed.

  • Involve community stakeholders in Emergency Management Team (EMT) practices and drills as required to foster cooperation and awareness.

8.1 Incident Categorization & Emergency Response Activation

Conduct a detailed Emergency Scenario Risk Assessment (ESRA) to identify all necessary resources for effective mitigation strategies. Assess the capabilities of external services required throughout all phases of the project lifecycle, including during feasibility studies and project progress reviews.

8.2 Project Level Emergency Preparedness & Response (EP&R) Plan

Develop an overarching EP&R Plan that comprehensively covers every project phase, ensuring clear documentation of responsibilities among project team members and operational facilities.

8.2.3 Site Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan (Mode 1)

Site/vessel EP&R plans must include well-defined responsibilities, comprehensive training plans, lifesaving equipment availability, effective communication strategies, and coordination with external services. Contractors are required to develop their own EP&R plans and submit them to clients for endorsement.

8.3 Training

Develop detailed training plans for project personnel outlining their specific roles and responsibilities during emergency situations. Review ESRA(s) with contractor groups prior to contract awards to ensure clarity in EP&R plans and readiness of all personnel involved.

8.4 Emergency Practice and Drills

Conduct regular drills to assess the effectiveness of emergency plans, enhance training protocols, and ensure the readiness of emergency responders. Plan drills in collaboration with contractors on a regular basis to maintain high levels of preparedness.

Minimum Recommended Drill Frequency:

  • Weekly for Emergency Response Team (ERT) practices.

  • Monthly ERT drills to enhance teamwork and coordination.

  • Quarterly joint drills to ensure overall readiness of all involved parties.

8.5 CLPP Project’s HSSE Toolkit

The toolkit provides detailed expectations and guidance for developing project-specific EP&R Plans. It also references existing CLP corporate HSSE documents to align with best practices.