Affixes 19-24
Week 19-
91. -ist:one who practices or deals with something
Biologist- someone who studies life
Chemist-someone who studies chemistry
92. -kary-:cell nucleus
Eukaryotic- cell with a true nucleus
Prokaryotic- cell without a nucleus
93. Kilo-: thousand
Kilogram- a thousand grams
Kilometers- a thousand meters
94. Kine-: move
Kinetic energy- the energy of movement
Kinetic sand- sand that sticks together and mores sort of as one
95. Lact- milk
Lactate- to produce milk
Lactose- milk sugar
Week 20-
96. Lat- side
Lateral- pertaining to the side of an organism
Quadrilateral- shape with four sides
97. Lingu- tongue
Linguadental- a sound formed using the tongue and teeth
Bilingual- speaking two languages fluently
98. -logy,-ology: the study of
Biology- the study of life
Cosmetology- the study of the skin
99. Lumen-: light
Bioluminescence- light emitted by living creatures
Illumination- to show light
100. Lys- : to break
Lysis- the bursting of a cell
Dialysis- separation of particles
Week 21
101. macro- : large
Macromolecule- large molecule such as DNA or proteins
Macrobiotic- diet thought to help people live longer
102. mal- : bad
Malnourished- poor nutrition
Malpractice- doing something in the wrong way
103. Mamm- : breast
Mammal- animal with breast that can produce milk for young
Mammogram- and image obtained
104. marg- : border; edge
Margin- the edge of defined space
Marginalize- the section into groups
105. Mega- : large
Megaspore- larger of two types of spores produced by some ferns and flowering plants
Megaphone- a large thing to announce things
106. Meso-: in the middle
Mesoglea- jellylike material found between the outer and inner layers of centrioles
Mesoblast- early term embryo
107. Meta- : change
Metamorphosis- change in form
Metabolism- used to help maintain living things
108. Micro-: small
Microscope- too small to be seen by the unaided eye
Macromolecule- molecule that can't be seen by the naked eye
109. Mono-: one singular
Monoploid- one set of alleles
Monosaccharide- a single sugar bond
110. Morph-: form
Morphology- study of the forms of organisms
Metamorphosis- the change in life form
111. Multi-: many
Multicellular- composed of many cells
Multimedia- multiple forms of media
112. Mut-: change
Mutation- a change in the dna sequence of an organism
Mutilate- to become unrecognizable
113. Neo-: new
Neonatal- newborn
Neon- bright color
114. Nephr-: kidney
Nephron- functional unit of a kidney
Nephron- functional unit of a kidney