Who is the concubine of Abram?
Hagar, Sarai’s maid
Who is the son of Abram and his concubine?
What does “Abram” mean?
Father exalted
What does the name of Abram’s wife mean?
What does the Lord promise Abraham for a permanent possession?
The whole land of Canaan
What must Abraham’s descendants do in order to continue the covenant with the Lord?
Every male must be circumcised
What is the name of the son of Abraham and his wife?
What does Isaac’s name mean?
How many visitors come to Abraham when he is sitting outside his tent at Mamre?
3 men (angels)
Which two cities are so sinful that the Lord will destroy them?
Sodom and Gomorrah
How many innocent people need to be found in order for Sodom and Gomorrah to not be destroyed?
What does Lot offer the townsfolk in order to insure the safety of the Lord’s messengers?
His daughters
What miracle to the messengers perform in order to prevent being hurt by the townspeople?
The angels struck them with a “blinding light”
What happens to Lot’s wife?
She turns into a salt pillar (or NaCl, as Mr. DeLaRosa put on the Kahoot)
What is the test that Abraham undergoes?
He is told to kill his son, Isaac, as an offering to God
Who is the wife of Isaac?
Who is Rebekah’s brother?
What age does Abraham live to be?
Who are children of Isaac?
Esau and Jacob
What does the name of Isaac’s oldest son mean?
Who helps Jacob deceive Isaac?
His mom, Rebekah
What does Jacob receive because of his deception
A blessing from their father
Where does Jacob have a dream?
A place in Haran
What is Jacob’s dream?
There’s a staircase and God appears with angels and tells him the land will be his and his descendants and God will protect him and his descendants
Who are the wives of Jacob?
Leah and Rachel
What wife does Jacob marry first?
Which wife is Jacob’s favorite?
Which son is Jacob’s favorite?
Joseph because he was born from Rachel
Which son of Jacob begs that another brother not be put to death?
Who is Joseph sold to?
How many pieces of silver is Joseph sold for?
Where does 20 pieces of silver appear in the bible again?
That’s how much Judas got for selling out Jesus
What is the name of the Egyptian courtier of Pharaoh?
Who tempts Joseph?
Potiphar’s, his master’s, wife
What is the dream of the baker?
He had three baskets of bread on his head and birds were eating out of the basket
What is the dream of the cupbearer?
There were three branches on a grpae vine and he squeezed the juice into the Pharaoh’s cup
What is Joseph’s interpretation of the cupbearer’s dream?
He will go back to serving the Pharaoh in three days
What is Joseph’s interpretation of the baker’s dream?
In three days the Pharaoh will impale him on a stake and birds will eat his flesh
What is the first dream of Pharaoh?
There are seven good cows that are eaten by seven gaunt cows
What does Joseph say both of Pharaoh’s dreams mean?
There will be seven years of good crops and seven years of famine following
What is the second dream of Pharaoh?
Seven ears of good grain and seven ears of scorched (by the east wind) grain that consumes the good grain
What does the favored son of Jacob do to his brothers?
He tests them to see if they have changed since they sold him
Where is Jacob buried?
In Canaan in the cave in the field Machpelah, facing Mamre (where Abraham was buried)
What age does Joseph live to?
What does Joseph wish for his descendants and his own bones someday?
He wishes for them to return to the promised land (Canaan) (He wants them to take his bones with them when they go back)
How does the book of Genesis end for the Hebrew people?
They’re powerful, wealthy, and they have the best land in Egypt (Goshin)
How are the direct descendants of Jacob living in Egypt at the start of Exodus?
They lived well and were fruitful and prolific
What does the phrase “who knew nothing of Joseph” mean?
The Pharaoh didn’t care about Joseph’s accomplishments nor did he like the Hebrew people
What does the word “Pharaoh” mean?
King in Egyptian
What two cities did the Hebrews have to build for Pharaoh?
Pithom and Raamses
What are the names of the two Hebrew midwives?
Shiphrah and Puah
What were the midwives supposed to do to Hebrew baby boys and baby girls?
Kill all the baby boys but let the girls live
What did Pharaoh order to have done to the Hebrew boys after the midwives disobeyed him?
Throw all the boys into the river (Nile)
What tribe did Moses’ family originate from?
The house of Levi
The Hebrew word “basket” could also be translated to this word (cf. Genesis 6:14)
Which family member of Pharaoh found the baby Moses among the reeds of the river?
Pharaoh’s daughter
Who went to get a nurse for the baby and who did she get?
Moses’ sister and got Moses’ mother
Who names Moses and what does his name mean?
The Pharaoh’s daughter names him, it means “I drew him out of the water”
What does the note on verse 11 say about the age of Moses?
He’s 80
What does Moses do that made him flee Egypt
He kills an Egyptian that was fighting a Hebrew man
Where does Moses flee to?
The land of Midian
What is the name of the father of the seven daughters who meet Moses at a well?
Reuel or Jethro
What are the names of Moses’ wife and son
Zipporah and Gershom
What does the name of Moses’ son mean?
Resident alien (I am a stranger in a foreign land)
What mountain does Moses come to with his flock of sheep?
Horeb (the mountain of God)
What does the Exodus story say appears out of the flaming bush?
The angel of the Lord
Why did Moses hide his face?
He was ashamed/afraid and guilty because he killed a man
What does the Lord intend on doing?
Free the Israelites from the Egyptians and lead them to the land flowing with milk and honey
Who lives in the land flowing with milk and honey?
Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Hivites, and Jebusites
Where does the Lord want Moses to bring the people?
Out of Egypt
What is the name of God?
I am the one who creates
How many days must the Hebrews travel into the desert?
When the Hebrews leave Egypt what will the Egyptians give them?
Silver and gold articles and clothes
What happens to Moses’ staff?
It turns into a snake
Wat is the first plague?
The Nile turned into blood
What is the second plague?
THe Nile will teem with frogs
What is the third plague?
Dust turns into fleas
WHat is the fourth plague?
Swarms of flies
What is the fifth plague?
What is the sixth plague?
Boils and sores
What is the seventh plague?
Hail from the sky that turns into fire
What is the eighth plague?
What is the ninth plague?
Complete darkness
What is the tenth plague?
The death of the firstborn (humans and animals)
What is the significance of the Passover for Jewish people?
Commemorates when God passed over their houses and spared their firstborns
What is the significance of the Passover for Christians?
The Last Supper starts as Jesus and the Apostles celebrating Passover, but as the night progresses it turns into the Eucharist/Last Supper
What cave does Abraham buy as a burial place?
What are the two ways Abraham and Sarah were related?
They were married and had the same father
Who is buried in the cave at Machpelah?
Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Leah, and Jacob
Who wrestles with an angel of God and is renamed Israel?
Who is the Egyptian god/goddess of the Nile river?
What plague is Hapi associated with?
The first, the Nile turning into blood
Who is the Egyptian god/goddess of fertility, water, renewal, and has the head of a frog?
What plague is Heket associated with?
The second, frogs coming from the Nile
Who is the Egyptian god/goddess of the Earth?
What plague is Geb associated with?
The third, lice coming from the dust of Earth
Who is the Egyptian god/goddess of creation, movement of the sun, rebirth, and has the head of a fly?
What plague is Khepri associated with?
The fourth, swarms of flies
Who is the Egyptian god/goddess of love and protection and had the head of a cow?
What plague is Hathor associated with?
The fifth, death of cattle and livestock