1840= Before the Golden Age of Microbiology
-1st person to start doing hand hygiene(washing hands)
So microbes will not be passed on between patients.
A Hungarian doctor= worked maternity hospital
Cycling of Elements
Flow of Energy
Food Chains
Genetic Engineering
Gene therapy
Helping with:
Cycling of elements
Flow energy
Food chain
-Are important for life on earth by not very personalized.
-Microbes that must infect host, so they must infect the host because that is the only way they get nutrients and can replicate
No other option they need to infect host to get nutrients to replicate=parasites
ex= HIV
Normal development of the digestive and immune system
Provide vitamins= E. coli produces vitamin K
Protection from Infectious disease
Genetic Engineering(DNA)
Gene Therapy
very small
No organelles
Heterotrophic and some autotropic
Some produce asexually
Do Not have peptidoglycan in their cell wall
* Most are Extremeophiles **
-5 different arrangements that bacteria can be arrangement has to do with how the bacteria alls divide.
diplococci =1 (oo)
streptococci= long chain (oooooooo)
tetrad= 4 (oooo)
sardine = 8(oooooooo)
staphylococci = irregular clusters
single bacillus =1
streptobacilli=long chain
coccobacillus= rounded rods
Vibrio= curved rods
spirillum= several curves, very rigid
spirochete= several turns, flexible, not as regular with curves
Star-shaped bacteria
rectangular bacteria
Very unusual bacteria usually do not cause disease
Move more directed they have chemotaxis or phototaxis
-Chemotaxis=response to chemical(molecule)
(+)= cell moves toward the molecule
(-)= cells move away from the molecule
-Phototaxis= movement in terms of light or relation to light.
(+)= cell moving into the light
(-)= cell moving away from light
The cells outermost layer of prokaryotic cell
Mainly composed of carbohydrates, glycoproteins, glycolipids
Main Purpose: Adherence is sticky, helps cell to stick to surface and protective, can protect cell.
2 Types; Slime layer and Capsule
Contain= essential genes that determine which proteins- determine characteristics of particular cell
-Nucleotide= area you find chromosome
Prokaryotic= Must have 1 chromosome per cell, circular composed of DNA only cells does NOT have organelles
Eukaryotic= Several there, many linear, composed of DNA, complex with protein called histone.
-Eukaryotic ___= Multiple ___ that are linear, complex DNA and Histones.
-Prokaryotes____=__ Single circular double-stranded ___ composed of only DNA
liquid part inside cell
Prokaryotic= 80% water
Eukaryotic= 90% water
Refers to liquid inside cell, Just referring to liquid
-Mainly water, dissolved; nutrients, waste, sugars, salts, ions
Prokaryotic cell= there are mainly enzymes, proteins that are bound in cell wall membrane. No cholesterol
Eukaryotic cell= Not very many enzymes, have cholesterol embedded in membrane
Fungi= Mold(multicellular), Yeast(Unicellular)
Algae= Photosynthetic, unicellular or multicellular
Multicellular algae= seaweed
Protozoa= Unicellular, found in water and soil
Helmets= multicellular, worms
Locomotion= one place to another
Eukaryotic _____= Much more complex in structure
Both Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic ______ have the same function but different structure
Have chitin(a type of carbohydrate that is indigestible)= digestive system unable to break down
Yeast has= Mannan, B-glucan, chitin
Mold only has chitin
Thick outer protective covering Protozoa
Composed of protein, others are composed of carbohydrates
Do Not have true cell walls instead have ____
Disease caused by fungus
Opportunistic pathogens= majority
Obligate pathogens= few
Chronic= last long time
Dimorphic= found in yeast and mold
Water and soil
Heterotrophic and Autotrophic
Asexual and sexual reproduction
Trophozoites= active form, moving around, reproducing
Cysts= protective form forms cysts when it wants to protect itself
-Pointed end, No mode of Locomotion, 2 types;
Plasmodium= causes malaria, requires mosquito and human(intermediate host)
Toxoplasma gondii= causes toxoplasmids in feces
Multicellular= Body systems
Sexual reproduction
Monoecious and Dioecious
Trematodes, Cestodes, and Nematodes
Round worms, Dioecious
Ex: Enterobius vermicularis= pinworm, usually infects children, lays eggs on anus
Ex: Necator americanus= Hookworm, burrow through skin, enter circulatory and respiratory system, poor sanitation
Smoking and Drinking
Each microbe has a specific way it prefers to enter the body
Mucous Membrane(Respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenetial, and Conjunctive)
Parenteral Route= injections or insects
Microbe enters person’s body, 3 parts of immune system, need to worry about.
Phagocytosis= WBC➤ ingest any microbes that enter the body.
Antibodies= serum proteins, found in your body
Capsule= helps bacterium avoid being phagocytose by WBC
M Proteins= heat resistant, acid resistant, and help bacterium avoid being phagocytose
Mycolic acid= Very resistant to phagocytosis➤ Waxes and mycolic acid.
microbes can release toxins and damage hosts, 2 types
Endotoxins= part of bacteria cell wall, are released at death.
Exotoxins= made inside the cell, secreted out, need a living cell that can create exotoxins, and secrete them out.
Gram (-) cells
Gene on the Chromosome
Released at death
Released at death
Lipids= nonpolar, hydrophobic, don’t interact with water.
Highly concentrations
General Symptoms= fever, shock
No inactivation
No antibody stimulation
No Vaccine
1 type= Lipid A
microbes leave the individual to infect others
Mucous membranes
Parenteral Route
Gram(-) or Gram(+)
Genes on plasmid= antibiotic resistance and toxins
Released by living cells
Proteins= 3D structure, highly specific
Low concentration= interact with water
Specific symptoms= heat can denature
Antibody stimulation= can make antibodies
3 types= A-B toxins, membrane disrupting and superantigens
-Overreaction= immune system is responding to something that is not pathogenic. Sometimes referred as Hypersensitive, overly stimulate.
4 types= Anaphylaxis, Cytotoxic reactions, and Immune complex(Involve B-cells, antibodies triggering hypersensitive), Cell-mediated(Involves T-cells).
Anaphylaxis= hay fever, immediate, Involves B-cells
Cytotoxic reactions= Blood types incompatibilities, Involves B-cells
Immune complex= Rheumatoid arthritis, serum sickness, Involves B-cells.
Cell-mediated= Contact dermatitis, graft rejection, involves T-cells only.
-Involves IgE antibodies= found on surface of mast cells and Basophils, purpose to activate Basophils and Mast cells.
When IgE binds to allergen that its specific for, it will stimulate mast cells or B-cells to release Histamine and other mediators= lead to inflammatory reaction in individual
Often for these reactions person has sensitized to allergen
Already come in contact with allergen, formed primary response and now have memory cells, so far second response will have very strong reaction.
2 types= Localized and Systemic
Inflammatory response remains localized to 1 part of the body of 1 body system.
Inhalants= Antigens, allergens that enter through respiratory system. There going to stimulate inflammatory reactions.
Effecting upper respiratory system= considered hay fever.
Effecting Lower respiratory system= Often leading to asthma. Response to inhaled allergens. Cause inflammation in lower respiratory system can be life threatening.
Ingestants= Food allergies, when individual ingest the food it will stimulate an inflammatory reaction. Often involves: swelling of: lips, eyelids, and formation Hives.
Involve IgG binding to soluble antigens and Antigen has entered the body.
-Some targets for immune complex, hypersensitivite’s are forming complexes in blood vessels, hearts, joints, skin, and kidneys= causing inflammation.
Antibody combines with excess soluble antigen, forming large quantities of Ag-Ab complexes.
Circulating immune complexes become lodged in basement membrane of epithelia in sites, like Kidneys, lungs, joints, skin.
Fragments of complement causes release of histamine and other mediator substances.
Neutrophils migrate to site of immune complex deposition and release enzymes that cause severe damage in tissues and organs involved.