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Not visible to the unaided eye/ only visible with a microscope
Who discovered chromosomes and When?
Walter Fleming in the 1870s
Who discovered that certain sections of chromosomes in each cell controlloed the development of characteristics?
Wilhelm Johannsen in 1909
How many genes do humans have?
How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?
23 pairs, 46 total
Which men discovered DNA?
James Watson (American) and Francis Crick (British) in 1953
What are the four bases of DNA and what connects to what?
Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine(G), Cytosine(C)
A+T and G+C
Who discovered restriction enzymes, and what are they?
Hamilton Smith and Daniel Nathans. Enzymes that destroy the DNA of invading viruses
Ligase enzyme
Enzyme used to join two parts of DNA to form the new recombinant DNA
Who were the first to successfully produce recombinant DNA
Stanley Cohen and Herbet Boyer
What do all living things do?
respirate, grow, repair, move, reproduce, have a life span, respond to stimuli
What does excretion mean?
Who was the first to sudy biological heredity
Gregor Mendel
How is gender determined?
By the X or Y chromosomes carried by the sperm that fertilises the egg
XX for girl XY for boy
What is the most dramatic tool of biotechnology?
Genetic Engineering
What is the Genome Project? When did it start and end?
A goal to identify all human genes and their funtion. Started in 1986 completed in 2003
Physical gene map
Indicates the position of indvidual genes and the actual distance between genes on the same chromosone in cell nucleus
Linkage gene map
Idicate the positions of genes and which genes are related and likely to combine
Proteins that speed up chemical reactions (catalysts)
polymers of amino acids
Polymerase chain reaction(PCR)
is a method of making many copies of a spliced gene
What is gel electrophoresis used for? What is the process?
To identify the sequence of DNA bases in a gene. Using an electric current and probes, they identify bases by the rate at which they migrate through the gel. Large segments move slowly, while small fragments move faster.
What two principles has biotechnology concentrated the development of?
Genetic engineering and the use of microbes
What were the first living creatures? (probably)
How many types of microbes are there?
single-celled microscopic organisms with only one chromosome and no nucleus that can be harmful or beneficial to people
microscopic plant organisms that grow as single cells or in long filaments
plant colonies composed of algae and fungi
considered to be their own kingdom. The basic unit of a fungus is not the cell, but rather a tube-shaped structure called a hypha.
fungi hyphae don't contain chlorophyl
microscopic, one-celled creatures that can move about under their own power
considered the "first animals" because their simple structure includes most of the basic characteristics of animal cells
Live only in liquid environments
Very simple, very small microbes that are actually particles, not cells
Simplest viruses are composed of a strand of DNA carrying only a handful of genes
Can't reproduce on their own but must infect a host cell
DNA is protected by a coat made up of many identical protein subunits
Clones are organisms that have identical genes.
When was the microscope invented?
17th century
What did Robert Hooke do?
Discovered and named cells
What was invented in the 1930s?
Electon microscope
(The thing could not be alive, had to be cut in thin slices and have all water removed)
Who photographed the Molecule using X-ray diffraction photography?
Rosalinnd Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
What is yeast?
single-celled organisms that can be seen only with a microscope
contain special enzymes that convert sugar into carbon dioxide and ethanol
How is beer made?
Using yeast for fermentation
What fungus caused the irish potato famine?
nitrogen fixing bacteria
Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t)
natural insect killer that lives in the soil
What was the first gentically engineered plant?
Disease resistant petunia in the 1980s
The transfer of genetic material from one species to a different species
viruses that infect bacteria
How far back do edible microbes (SCPs or Single-cell proteins)?
Aztecs in Mexicp
What does bGH stand for?
bovine growth hormone
What was the first animal cloned?
A sheep named dolly
What did Edward Jenner do?
He created the small pox vaccination from cow pox in 1796
What are altered pig genes used for?
Synthetic insulin
Alteplase (tPA)
Dissolves blood clots in heart attack victims
Alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT)
Treat emphysema
what is the likelihood of a baby being born with a genetic defect?
1 out of every 100 born
Fragile X syndrome
Genetic mutation carried on the X-chromosome that causes varying degrees of intellectual disability and hyperactivity
Occurs in one out of every 1,500 boys and less frequently in girls
When was the first gene therapy?
1990 on a four year old girl with Sever Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCIDs)
How many antibiotics are there and how many are used to fight diseases?
5,000 total 100 used to fight diseases
Who discovered penicillin?
Alexander Fleming in 1928
Who isolated penicillin?
Howard Florey
B cells
produce antibodies
Who was the human guniea pig for Penicilin?
Albert Alexander
Antiviral vaccines
Vaccines that fight viruses
proteins that exist naturally in the immune systems of all mammals and are used to help fight off invading viruses
Who injected a boy with rabies without permission?
Louis Pasteur in 1885
When does cancer occur?
affected cells grow wildly, invading healthy tissue, and derailing the body's processes
Substances that cause cancer in people
cancer causing genes
What does HIV and AIDS stand for?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
What causes AIDS?
Forensic medicine
biology and biotechnology used in a legal setting
Who was the first to use fingerprints in police-related work?
William Herschel in 1860
Who developed genetic fingerprinting or DNA typing
Alec Jefferys in 1984
What are RFLPs?
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
Southern blot
technique named after Edwin Southern used in recombinant DNA technology that allows researchers to stabilize specific DNA sequences from an electrophoresis gel and then localize them using DNA dyes or probes.
The x-ray picture of RFLPs
Germ line gene therapy
Egg and sperm are genetically altered
Somatic gene therapy
alters the patient's genes, normally only a temporary cute
A special kind of virus used in gene therapy
the use of living organisms, such as prokaryotes, fungi, or plants, to detoxify a polluted area
usage of microbes that already exist at the polluted site
Microbes that have cleansing properties are injected into a polluted environment
a bacterium that could eliminate large amounts of carbon dioxide to help reduce global warming
What does Thioubacillus have the ability to absorb?
Who first observed and identified microorganisms with the microscope?
Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1680
What do scientists believe about stromatolites?
Mats covered areas of the Earth roughly five billion years ago
Steps to produce Ethanol
Add water to ground up grains or plants
Heat up the mash
Ethanol water mixture is heated to vaporize the ethanol which is collected and cooled
How many gallons of ethanol does one bushel of corn produce?
When is menthane produced?
When microorganisms breakd down sewage or other organic materials that contain carbon and nitrogen
methane createing bateria
What are one stage digester systems?
use bacteria to create methane gas
Steps for a two stage/complex digester system?
Algae are grown on sewage material in ponds
algae are harvested and placed in a closed digester system
Enzyme that produces hydrogen
What do the Alcaligenes bacterium produce?
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)
Brown staining that appears on books from microbes
treated wastewater
Which sewage treatment method uses compressed air?
Activated sludge
Fungus that offers natural non polluting methods for combating plant destroying diseases and insects
A rare hereditary disease resulting in rapid aging
The use of animal organs instead of human organ in transplant patients
What percentage of copper in the US is produced by microbial mining?
How many methods of microbial mining are there?
Microbial leaching
Water and bacteria, used over a waterproof surface to separate metal compounds from mounds of ore