A broader concept that encompasses various methods of influencing another nation or group, which may include direct conquest, economic dominance, or cultural influence.
A specific form of imperialism where individuals relocate and establish themselves on the territory of another nation.
The belief system that attributes spiritual essence to non-living entities such as natural features.
native speakers
Individuals who communicate in a language from the moment of their birth.
pidgin language
When individuals speaking different languages frequently interact, often due to trade, they may create a simplified hybrid language.
lingua franca
A common means of communication used by people who do not share the same mother tongue.
creole language
A new and structured language that evolves from the mixing of two or more distinct languages over time.
Informal words or phrases that originate and are used by specific groups of the population.
social constructs
Concepts or ideas that have been established and accepted by a society rather than being dictated by nature.
cultural convergence
The process where different cultures become increasingly alike and share similar traits, beliefs, and traditions.
Time-space convergence
The phenomenon of enhanced connection between locations due to advancements in transportation, often resulting in reduced cultural distinctiveness.
cultural divergence
The process by which a culture evolves and changes over time due to factors such as distance, time, physical separation, and modern technology.
Specialists who study languages.
language tree
A visual representation that illustrates the relationships among various language families.
Indo-European language family
A large group of languages believed to have originated from a common language spoken approximately 6,000 years ago.
Romance languages
Languages that developed from the unifying language of Latin, resulting in numerous distinct regional variants.
The boundaries that distinguish different pronunciations or usages of words.
Regional variations of a language characterized by differences in accent, grammar, usage, and spelling.
Distinct phrases or sayings within dialects that convey truths about life.
Names of locations that offer insights into the geography, history, or culture of a particular area.
official language
A language recognized or utilized by a nation's government, often taught in schools and used in legal contexts; not all nations designate an official language.
Describes a group that is alike or composed of similar elements.
Some countries exhibit a lack of ethnic diversity, being primarily composed of similar groups of people.
Individuals who support a specific party, person, or ideology.
Those who emigrate often learn a new language but may continue to follow the traditions of their ancestors.
ethnic religions
Belief systems that strongly emphasize cultural traits among their followers, typically by birth or adoption.
universal religion
A faith that actively seeks followers from various backgrounds, regardless of ethnicity.
A major religious and cultural ideology originating from South Asia, viewing the entire universe as interconnected with the divine.
The practice or belief in multiple deities.
The practice or belief in a singular deity.
The principle that actions have repercussions in either the present or future existences.
caste system
A rigid societal framework that categorizes individuals within Indian society.
A widespread philosophical or religious system founded in the 5th century BC by an individual known as Siddartha Gautama.
A relatively recent universalizing faith that originated in the Punjab area during the 16th century.
The place where followers of Sikhism gather for worship.
One of the earliest monotheistic belief systems, characterized by the conviction that sacred texts like the Torah convey divine instruction.
A faith that emerged from the teachings of a Jewish teacher named Jesus, who is believed to be the divine son and savior.
The faith followed by Muslims, centered around the revelations received by Allah through various prophets, the last being Muhammad.
A spiritual journey undertaken to a sacred site within one's faith.
The process that makes different cultures more similar.
The adaptation of an ethnic or immigrant group to a new environment while maintaining elements of their original culture.
The process in which an ethnic group becomes indistinguishable from the broader society.
The blending of distinct cultural elements into a novel combination.
A subset of syncretism involving the adaptation of global products or services to local cultural contexts.
The existence of multiple cultures within a society, encouraging the appreciation and study of diverse cultural backgrounds.
Attitudes against immigrants that may sometimes lead to conflict or discriminatory actions.