Where is Antarctica?
It lies in the south pole of the world
What are the countries surrounding Antarctica
South Africa, Madagascar, Tazmania, Austrailia, Chile, Argentina, and New Zealand
Antartica is a _______ continent
Which species have to adapt to the weather in Antarctica?
lichen, peenguines, and whales
Who owns Antarctica?
Trick questions- No-one!
What is the Antarctic Treaty?
Signed in 1959, it is a set of agreements that help regulate international regulations with respect to Antarctica.
How many countries have signed the Treaty?
More than 50 countries have signed the Treaty.
What are the three rules of signing the Treaty?
a) Antarctica must be used for peaceful purposes only. b) There cannot be any nuclear explosions or waste. c) Scientists from any country can conduct an experiment, but all information must be shared.
What countries own the Antarctic?
Argentina, Austrailia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom
What do many countries want to take from Antarctica and why?
Many countries want to take oil as this will make them rich.