What section's job is it to introduce the Constitution, explain what the Constitution is meant to do, and describe the purpose of the new government
Article 1
What does legislative mean?
What are the 2 parts that the legislature is separated into?
Senate and the House of Representatives
at least 30 years old
been a U.S. citizen for 9 years
must live in the state you represent
qualifications for senate
At least 25 years old
must be a U.S. citizen for 7 years
must live in the state you represents
Qualifications for House of Representatives
What is the rule for the amount of people in the Senate?
2 senators per state (100 total)
What is the rule for the amount of people in the House of Representatives?
Depends on population (435 total)
What does the Senate represent?
The interest of the citizens in the entire state for 6 years per term
What does the House of Representatives represent?
The interests of the citizens who live in the district they represent within the state for 2 years per term.
What are the Senate's special duties?
The senate acts as a court during impeachment
What are the House of Representatives special duties?
All bills that raise money must start in the House of Representatives
What is the rule for law making?
All bills must be approved by both houses of Congress before it can go to the president to become the law
What article describes the job of the executive branch?
Article 2
The President, Vice President, etc, is head of what branch of government?
Executive Branch
What article creates the Judicial branch which interprets laws to decide what they mean and whether they have been followed in specific cases.
Article 3
What article has the power to creat and enforce laws and decides how states should interact with each other?
Article 4
What article describes how the Constitution can be changed or added to with amendments?
Article 5
What article states that the laws and treaties of the US government are the supreme law of the land, and that if a state law disagrees with the federal law, federal laws wins.
Article 6
What article says the rules for ratification and says that the constitution could not take effect until at least 9 out of 13 states approved it?
Article 7
What were the first 10 amendments on the Constitution called?
Bill of Rights
How many times has the Constitution been amended?
27 times
What are the two step of getting the Constitution amended?
Approval of the U.S. Congress 2 Approval by the states