exogenous agents that have adverse effects on living organism
describes environmental chemicals or drug exposures
ex: antibiotics/antidepressants
exogenous agents with adverse effect on biological system
describes animals, plants, minerals, gas poisons
ex: snake venom, poison hemlock, arsenic
endogenous; substances biologically synthesized in living cells/microorganisms
botulinum, fungal toxins
how do exposures happen?
50% suicide attempts
30% accidental (children)
remainder: homicide, industrial, agricultural
what are common routes of exposure?
ingestion, inhalation, transdermal absorption
absorbed via processes meant for nutrients or passive diffusion
factors affecting absorption
pH, rate of dissolution, gastric motility, resistance to GI tract degradation
the dose that produces a toxic response in 50% of the population
the dose that produces an effective response in 50% of the population
LD (50)
the dose the produces a lethal response in 50% of the population
forensic permit
requires a chain of custody and drug confirmation
chain of custody
document sample from time it is drawn to the time the results are released to the clinician
5 panel drug test (NIDA-5)
THC, PCP, cocaine, amphetamine, opiates
12 panel drug test
5 panel plus
methamphetamines, benzos, barbiturates, methadone, propoxyphene, methaqualone, expanded opiates
why is urine the most common sample?
large sample
easy to obtain
contains some of the parent and a lot of the metabolites
random urine
good for low levels of drug in any other fluid (highest in urine)
specimen requirements for blood
whole blood, plasma, serum depending on drug
used to correlate the conc of the drug with effect
decomp tissue for drug testing
used when blood or urine is not possible
blend tissue than extract drug out of it (homogenize)
list some other less common specimens for drug testing
vitreous humor
meconium (for last half of gestational period)
hair (long term exposure) (harder to adulterate)
saliva (harder to adulterate) (ideal for alcohol)
urine specimen requirements
temp 90-100F
pH 4.5-8
SpG 1.003-1.019
creatinine >20
two step procedure
screening (IA)
screening test
rapid, simple, qualitative
intended to detect specific substances
good analyte sensitivity but lacks specificity
confirmatory test
used to confirm pos result from screening test
needed in forensic testing
spot tests
used to ID unknown powder in sample
presumptive answer but less precise
colorimetric change
need confirmatory test
acetaminophen spot test
p aminophenol reacts with ocresol and ammonium hydroxide
salicylate spot test
trinder reagent (iron)
brown = phenothiazines
phenothiazine spot test
ferric, perchloric, nitric
red = violet
tricyclic spot test
oxidation with forrests reagent
ethchlorvynol spot test
Rf = distance solute moved/distance solvent moved
compare Rf to standards
use sprays/stains to compare
enzyme IAs
most common, easy to perform, no pretreatment, sensitive, fast TAT
disadvantage: cross reactivity with similar subs
liquid mobile phase
high pressure to move through column so the time it takes to elute out is retention time = drug ID
non polar drugs
HMW substances
broad spectrum of drugs can be tested
drug interacts with column so time taken to elute out = ID
mobile phase = gas
solid phase = column
can also be screening
most common confirmatory test
quadrupole creates ions that are separated on mass to charge ratio
distinct fingerprint of drug
uses EM
to remove the drug/metabolite of interest from other interfering subs in urine/blood/tissue
to remove non dissolved solids prior to HPLC
after extraction, sample is dried and needs to be reconstituted
CNS stimulant
white, odorless, crystalline
smoked, IV, orally
detect 2-3 days
what are amphetamines used to treat?
narcolepsy, obesity, ADD hyperactivity disorders
symptoms of amphetamine use
inc heart rate/BP (lead to AMI/stroke), insomnia, irritability, restlessness, personality changes
dilated pupils = EMS
how does pH affect amphetamine excretion rate?
low pH = inc
high pH = dec
designer amphetamines
structurally similar to meth/mescaline
synthesized to mimic effects
symptoms of designer amphetamine use
euphoria, enhanced pleasure, sociability, sexual arousal
toxicity of designer amphetamines
hypertension, diaphoresis, seizures, cerebral hemorrhage, hyperthermia
raves = inc mvt = hyperthermia = untreated = rhabdomyolysis
depressant or sedative/hypnotic
detect 2-15 days
short acting more potent than long acting
short to intermediate acting barbiturates
amobarbital, butobarbital, butalbital, pentobarbital, secobarbital
become tolerant so need higher dosage
sedative effects
long acting barbiturates
help with seizures and sleep induction
not usually abused
symptoms of barbiturate use (toxicity)
mild euphoria
slurred speech, slow mental function, resp depression, cardiac insuff
tight, constricted pupils = EMS
how to treat barbiturate overdose
alkalinize urine to increase excretion
depressant = anxiety disorders
sedative, hypnotics
diazepam (valium), alprazolam (xanax), triazolam (halcion)
detect 2-10 days
oral ingestion, fast absorption
tolerance develops
uses of benzodiazepines
insomnia, anxiety, seizures
symptoms of benzodiazepine use
resp depression**, sedation, hypnosis, muscle relaxation, anticonvulsive
inc GABA in CNS to diminish electric transmissions in neurons
stimulant, sedative, tranquilizer, hallucinogen
green/gray mixture of dried shredded flowers/leaves from cannabis sativa plant
detect 3-30 days
very lipophilic drug
what is the major active ingredient in marijuana?
THC (delta 9 THC)
uses of cannabinoids
treats anorexia, nausea (cancer pts), asthma, glaucoma
symptoms of cannabinoid use
euphoria, sense of well being, relaxation
short term memory loss, mild physical dependence
legalized marijuana
20 states (medicinal), 20 (rec/med), 10 (illegal)
police use oral fluid testing
5 = fatal crashes
detect 2-10 days
inhaled, smoked, injected
parent metabolized very fast
cocaine metabolites
benzoylecgonine, ecgonine, methyl ester, cocaethylene
uses of cocaine
topical anesthetic in nasal surgery
cocaine HCl
white to light brown crystalline powder, shiny
cocaine base
white to beige, waxy/soapy to flaky solid chunks
symptoms of cocaine use
euphoria, inc heart rate, seizures, coma, sudden death
narcotic, analgesic
detect 1-3 days
natural opiates
opium, morphine, codeine
from c pod of opium poppy
semisynthetic opiates
oxycodone (percodan)
oxymorphone (dilaudid)
synthetic opiates
propoxyphene (darvon)
meperidine (demerol)
uses of opiates
relieve moderate/severe pain (acute/chronic management)
sedate pts pre-op
facilitate induction of anesthesia
symptoms of opiate use
euphoria, sedation, resp depression, hypotension, nausea, vomiting
coma, pinpoint pupils, resp depression = overdose symptoms
treatment for opiate overdose
naloxone (comp antagonist reverse overdose)
metabolites seen after heroin use
6MAM, morphine > codeine
oxymorphone, norcodeine
metabolites seen after morphine use
metabolites seen after codeine use
metabolites seen after hydrocodone use
hydrocodone, hydromorphone
metabolites seen after hydromorphone use
metabolites seen after oxycodone use
oxycodone, oxymorphone
metabolites seen after poppy seed ingestion
codeine, morphine
phencyclidine PCP
white crystalline powder (contam = tan/brown); clear yellowish liquid
detect 10 days
smoked, IV, snorted, eye drops, oral, transdermal absorption
can be mixed with other drugs
uses of PCP
formerly surgical anesthetic
vet anesthetic or tranquilizer
recreational as psychedelic, hallucinogen
symptoms of PCP use
hallucination, euphoria, tachy, delusions of grandeur, paranoia, stupor, resp depression, death
overdose: superhuman strength = death
test for PCP in urine
see parent drug (unchanged)
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
white powder/colorless liquid
detect <1 day
blotter paper (under tongue to absorb)
symptoms of LSD use
hallucinations, inc color perceptions, altered mental state, thought disorders, temporary psychosis, delusions, dysmorphia, impaired depth, time, space perceptions
tachy, hypertension, dilated pupils, sweating, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, dry mouth, tremors, speech difficulties, piloerection, rhabdomyolysis
anti-tussive, cough suppressant, CNS depressant
white powder
use of dextromethorphan
anti-tussive for temp relief of coughs caused by minor throat and bronchial irritation
symptoms of dextromethorphan
acute euphoria, elevated mood, dissociation of mind from body, creative dream like experiences
toxicity: disorientation, confusion, pupillary dilation, altered time perception, visual and auditory hallucinations, dec sexual functioning
alcohol metabolism
ADH converts it to aldehyde
ALDH converts it to acid
alcohol testing sample
tightly capped
alcohol free disinfectant
sodium fluoride additive
how to test for alcohol
osmolal gap inc
GC preferred; volatize sample and measure headspace
n-propanol used to quantitate
retention time
CNS depressant
metabolized by ADH to acetaldehyde then to acetic acid
depends on individual tolerances
stages: euphoria, disorientation, coma/death
DWI = 0.08 (80)
wood alcohol, solvent
metabolized by ADH to formaldehyde then formic acid = formate (highly toxic)
symptoms: acidosis, optic neuropathy = blindness
treat: ethanol and 4-methylprazole; hemodialysis
ethylene glycol
metabolized to oxalic acid and glycolic acid
crystals form in renal tubules (needles)
ethylene glycol symptoms
CNS depression, coma, convulsions, acute renal failure, met acidosis, cardiac toxicity
how to treat ethylene glycol overdose
ethanol, 4 methylprazole (comp to prevent metabolites)
sodium bicarb for acidosis
metabolized by ADH to acetone
fruity odor
induces dizziness, mitotic pupils, stupor, coma, death, GI bleed
treat with hemodialysis
specimen collection for alcohol testing
clean venipuncture site with alcohol free disinfectant (use iodine)
keep sample sealed (will evaporate out)
preserve with sodium fluoride
analgesic and antipyretic
tylenol, datril, tempra
rumack-matthew nomogram to determine toxicity
hepatic toxicity from acetaminophen
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
from toxic metabolism in overdoses (glutathione depleted = free radicals)
liver transplant is the only option after extensive overdose
how to treat acetaminophen overdose
gastric lavage and activated charcoal
extreme: mucomyst over several days
how to test for acetaminophen
clinically: IA
forensically: HPLC, GC-MS
analgesic, antipyretic, anti inflammatory, anticoag
aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid
test via GC or spec (trinder)
how does salicylate work
inhibits cyclooxygenase = dec thromboxane and prostaglandin synthesis