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purpose of biosafety levels
are used to identify the protective measures needed in a laboratory setting to protect workers, the environment, and the public.
Purpose and technique of quadrant streak plate
to obtain isolated colonies from a specimen
Which medium was most difficult for you to transfer from? Which medium was most difficult for you to inoculate? Why? (1.4)
Most people don't like working with slants (solid)
If you got growth on sterile NA and NB slant rubes, why? (1.4)
Possible contamination include not heating the loop to orange-hot, not holding the open tubes on an angle, and/or placing the cap on the table surface during the process.
Did you notice a difference in density (turbidity) of growth in NB tubes inoculated from NB and NA slants? Possible reasons?( 1.4)
Generally, more cells are transferred from growth on a solid medium than from a broth culture. Therefore, broth cultures made from growth on a solid medium will show greater turbidity than those inoculated from a broth culture.
Did you notice a difference in density of growth on NA slants inoculated from NA slants and NB? (1.4)
Generally there will be denser growth on the slant inoculated from the NA slant, because more cells are transferred from solid medium than broth.
Pure culture (1.4)
When a culture ( a medium that contains living microbes) contains a single species.
Broths (1.4)
A medium used to grow microbes when fresh cultures or large numbers of cells are required. Used for ID.
Agar Slant (1.4)
A type of medium used to grow stock cultures that can be refrigerated after incubation and maintained for several weeks.
Plated Media (1.4)
A type of medium used for obtaining isolation of species, differential testing, and quantifying bacterial densities.
Inoculating loops (1.4)
An instrument used to inoculate a medium.
Inoculation (1.4)
To introduce (cells or organisms) into a culture medium.
Using a pencil, draw a quadrant streak (1.5)
Should look like this. You should also rotate a little less than 90 Degrees each streak, and heat the loop so you can get good results. Also, let the loop cool!!
Mixed Culture (1.5)
A microbial culture consisting of two or more species.
What is generally the first step in identifying a microbial organism? (1.5)
Obtaining isolations of Individual colonies. The technique we used in class was the isolation technique- the streak plate. Cells that have been sufficiently isolated will grow into colonies, consisting only of the original cell type.
Colonies (1.5)
Individual microbial cell type. They can also form from a pair, chain, or cluster of cells.
Colony Forming Unit (CFU) (1.5)
A more correct description of the colony origin
Zigzag Inoculation (1.5)
A type of inoculation pattern used to when the sample does not have a high enough cell density.
Quadrant streak technique: (1.5)
how much space should you try to use?
describe what each of the quadrants should look like
describe order
maximize the space used
Q1: confluent growth (colonies overlapping), max growth
Q2: less growth, some separation
Q3: even less growth
Q4: isolated colonies
flame, only go to culture once at the beginning, Q1, flame, Q2, flame, Q3, flame, Q4, flame
Quadrant plate questions: (1.5)
What if no overlap?
too much overlap?
plate with white and yellow colonies is what type of plate?
no overlap --> no isolation
too much overlap --> too much confluent growth
white colonies & yellow colonies --> mixed plate
Confluent Growth (1.5)
When you have confluent growth, the parental bacteria are too close together in space, and so as they reproduce and their progeny reproduce, you see a mass of cells that cover the surface of the agar - and in this case, it isn't possible to separate out which bacteria are the descendants from a single original cell.
Most colonies on streak plates grow from isolated colony-forming units. On rare occasions, however, a colony can be a mixture of two different organisms. If a culture is started from this colony (thinking it's pure), correct identification will be next to impossible because the extra organism could confound the identifying test results. How could you verify the purity of a colony? If you found the colony to be a mixture of organisms, what could you do to purify it? (1.5)
If you had a mixture of two different organisms, you would have to re-do the quadrant streak
you could verify the purity of your colony by attempting/conducting a zigzag or quadrant streak and determining if the colonies are identical
if you do have a mixture, you may also do more quadrant streaks until it's pure
You could also perform a Gram stain on the isolated culture. If the cells are all the same size, shape, arrangement and gram reaction, then you can be fairly certain the colony is "pure." If you found a mixture of cells, then you should perform a streak plate or a serial dilution pour plate to attempt to isolate a single species of organism. If you are trying for a specific bacterial species such as Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli, you could streak on a selective and differential medium.
Why was the zigzag streak method appropriate to the cell density in the environmental sample? (1.5)
because it was low-density
Difference between colony and CFU 1.5
CFU is theoretical, colony is what you actually see
Light Microscope: 1.Name four lenses & list their magnification
2.What is the magnification of the ocular lens
What is the total magnification? 3.1
scanning: 4x
low-power: 10x
high-power/high-dry: 40x
oil immersion: 100x
ocular lens magnification = 10x
total magnification
scanning: 40x
low-power: 100x
high-power/high-dry: 400x
oil-immersion: 1000x
Why aren't the magnifications of BOTH ocular lenses of a binocular microscope used to calculate total magnification? 3.1
the additional lens does not magnify the image more, instead, both lenses allow both eyes to see the image at the same magnification
What is the total magnification for each lens setting on a microscope with 15x oculars and 4x, 10x, 45x, and 97x objective lenses? 3.1
MT = 15 * 4 = 60x MT = 15 * 10 = 150x MT = 15 * 45 = 675x MT = 15 * 97 = 1455x
Assuming that all other variables remain constant, explain why light of shorter wavelengths will produce a clearer image than light of longer wavelengths? 3.1
Limit of resolution (D) = wavelength / (NA condenser + NA objective)
A small wavelength will allow for a smaller D value. Limit of Resolution is defined as the distance apart two objects must be for the microscope to distinguish them as separate objects. A small D value means better resolution, thus better clarity.
Why is wavelength the main limiting factor on limit of resolution in light microscopy? 3.1
we cannot see light at a wavelength lower than 380 nm
On a given microscope, the numerical apertures of the condenser and low power objective lens are 1.25 and 0.25 respectively. You are supplied with a filter that selects a wavelength of 520 nm.
A) find D B) will you be able to distinguish two points that are 300 nm apart as being separate or will they blur into one image? 3.1
D = wavelength / (NA c + NA o) D = 520 nm/(1.25 + 0.25) = 346.7 nm
B) No, the two objects must be at least 346.7 nm (D) apart for you to distinguish them as separate objects
On the same microscope as the previous question, the high dry objective lens has a NA = 0.85
A) find D B) Will you be able to distinguish two points that are 300 nm apart as being separate, or will they blur into one image? 3.1
D = wavelength / (NA c + NA ob) D = 520 nm/(1.25 + 0.85) = 247.6 nm
B) Yes, you will be able to distinguish the two points because they are more than 247.6 nm apart
Find D for the oil lens of your microscope. Assume an average wavelength of 500 nm: 3.1
D = wavelength/(NA c + NA ob) D = 500/ (1.25 + 1.25) = 200 nm
Note: you don't have to memorize NA values, will be given BUT know that there is a different NA value for oil immersion
Name parts of the condenser:
What does the filter do?
Which one is the fine adjustment knob?
Which one is the course adjustment knob?
Which one is the mechanical stage adjustment knob?
where is nosepiece?
Where is the condenser?
Describe the relative locations of the iris diaphragm and the filter
iris diaphragm & lens
the filter is a colored filter, changes color of light used
FA is smaller knob on the side
CA is bigger knob on the side
mechanical stage adjustment knob is hanging down from back corner of stage
nosepiece is above objective lenses; it is a rotating nose piece - rotates the lenses used
condenser: locate middle of stage, its under there
iris diaphragm is between stage and filter; filter is below iris diaphragm
What is the formula for calculating total magnification? 3.1
Mt = Mocular * M objective
Define resolution:
Define limit of resolution (D): 3.1
resolution: resolving power, it is detail (not magnification)
limit of resolution (D) is the distance apart two objects must be for the microscope to distinguish them as separate objects; is inverse of D; a smaller distance would be a sharper image
the closer they can be at which you can distinguish them (low value of D) --> the better
Formula for D:
What does a smaller D mean?
What is the role of wavelength? 3.1
D = wavelength / (NA condenser + NA objective)
A smaller D means better resolution (think: smaller limit of resolution --> better resolution)
Role of wavelength is color
How can wavelength be manipulated to have a lower D value?
What color has the smallest wavelength? 3.1
select a color with a lower wavelength to have a lower D (limit of resolution) thus better resolution
violet has smallest wavelength
Define Numerical Aperture (NA):
What are the two light capturing lenses in microscope?
What is the purpose of the condenser? 3.1
NA is the measure of a len's ability to capture light
objective lens & condenser are the two light capturing lenses in a microscope
purpose of condenser is not to magnify, but to focus light on specimen
Assume D = 496 nm. What distance apart must two points be in order to be distinguishable? 3.1
More than 496 nm apart to be distinguishable More than D
Why do we have a different NA for oil immersion? 3.1
With use of oil, lens is enabled to capture more light
oil fills the space between the specimen and lens, so light cannot escape (bend/refract), as a result - more light rays enter lens
Lets say you want to make your resolution better, how could you? 3.1
use a blue-violet filter --> reduces the wavelength
Define working distance:
Describe relationship between objective lens and iris diaphragm
Describe relationship between objective lens and working distance: 3.1
distance between lens and specimen
with scanning, you need minimal iris diaphragm opening (minimal light needed) with oil, you need maximum iris diaphragm opening (most light needed)
this is because with scanning, you have a high WD -> a lot of space for external light to enter
with oil, WD is so small, there is barely any space for external light to enter
scanning objective has highest working distance, oil has lowest
Define Parfocal: 3.1
when one lens is in focus, other lenses will also have same focal length and can be rotated into position without further major adjustment
Define visual field: 3.1
the circular area viewed at a given time - visual field
Oil imersion's effect on
NA 3.1
lowers refractions
lowers D
increases NA
What is the point of the wax pencil mark? 3.1
helps you focus on the TOP of the slide
Which objective lens has the smallest visual field? Which one has the highest visual field? 3.1
smallest visual field - OiI largest visual field - scanning
Supergroup Excavata
Supergroup containing unicellular organisms
Excavated feeding groove on one side of the cell
Four subgroups, parabasalids, diplomonads, kinetoplastids, and euglenozoans
Subgroup of Supergroup Excavata
Four anterior flagella
Hydrogenosomes that make ATP with H2 as an end product instead of O2
Undulating membrane (fin-like extension of the plasma membrane)
Picture of Trichomonas vaginalis
Subgroup of Supergroup Excavata
Two large nuclei
Mitosomes (degenerated mitochondria that lack the electron transport chain)
Use cytoplasmic methods to generate ATP
The parabasalid, Trichomonas vaginalis is under this group (identify the nucleus and flagella)
Subgroup of Supergroup Excavata
Green, photosynthetic autotrophs
Can be heterotrophs as well, so officially they are mixotrophic
Generally have two flagella
Red eyespot
Subgroup of Supergroup Excavata
Mass of DNA called a kinetoplast
Supergroup Archaeplastida
Supergroup containing organisms believed to be descended from a cell than engulfed a cyanobacterium (primary endosymbiosis)
Most have cell walls of cellulose
Subgroup of Archaeplastida
Green algae
May be unicellular, filamentous, of colonial
Flagella for motility
Subgroup of Archaeplastida
More closely related to plants than chlorophytes
Supergroup Chromalveolata
Supergroup containing organisms believed to be descended from a cell that engulfed a red algae (secondary endosymbiosis, since the red algae already contained chloroplasts), forming a plastid
Two subgroups, alveolates and stramenopiles
Subgroup of Chromalveolata
May be heterotrophic or autotrophic
Membrane-bounded sacs beneath the plasma membrane, called alveoli
Contains ciliates and apicomplexans
Subgroup of Chromalveolata
Special flagellum with hairs on it
Contains diatoms (even though they lack the special flagellum)
Supergroup Unikonta
Supergroup containing heterotrophs
Includes amoebas, animals, fungi, and others
Type of organism in Supergroup Unikonta
Two main groups, classical, or free-living, and entamoeba, or parasites
Move using pseudopods
Type of organism in Supergroup Unikonta
Cell walls of chitin
Absorptive heterotrophs, that secrete enzymes then absorb the nutrients
May be unicellular or filamentous
Undulating Membrane
A sinuous extension of the cytoplasmic membrane performing a vigorous, wavelike, and reversible movements
Simple Stains
Contain a solvent and a colored molecule, or chromogen
The chromogen contains the chromophore, or portion that gives it its color, and the autochrome, which is charged
The charged portion allows the dye to interact with the cell
In this type of stain, the autochrome is positively charged (basic, so picks up proton), and interacts with the negative charges on bacterial cells
Applied to bacteria that have been heat-fixed to kill the bacteria and make them stick to the slide, but the process may distort the cells and cause them to shrink
Bacteria show up as colored against a light background
What is the consequence of leaving a stain on the bacterial smear too long (overstaining?)
this can make the cell appear larger than it really is, with a simple stain it might be okay but with gram staining it would ruin it
What is the consequence of not leaving a stain on the bacterial smear long enough (understaining?)
Cell will be clear, difficult to see
Basic Stains
methylene blue, crystal violet, safranin
Steps for simple stain
add drop of water to slide
add bacteria to water on slide and smear
heat fix (put over flame 3 times, 10 secs in between)
add stain for 1 min
Consider a coccus and a rod of equal volume, which is more likely to survive in a dry environment?
Cocci, with their low surface to volume ratio are less efficient at exchange with the environment than rods, but are at an advantage in a dry environment where they lose water dehydrate more slowly than rods.
Consider a coccus and rod of equal volume, which is more likely to survive in a moist environment?
Organisms with high surface to volume ratio (rods,spirilla) often survive better in moist environments where their ability to exchange materials with their surroundings is an asset for nutrient acquisition of water loss is not a concern.
Negative Staining
In this stain, the chromogen has a negative charge (acidic, so loses proton)
As a result, it is repelled by the negative charges on the bacteria
Bacteria show up as light against a dark background
Bacteria are not heat fixed, so shrinkage is minimal, and is helpful when it is important to be able to determine the size of the cells
Negative stains
negrosin, eosin
Negative Staining Steps
add drop of negrosin to slide
add bacteria to negrosin and smear
drag second slide over stain
air dry and observe
why doesn't a negative stain colorize cells?
The negative charge of the stain is repelled by the negative charge of the cell wall.
Eosin is red stain and methylene is blue. what should the reult be of staing bacterial smear with mixutre of methylene blue and eosin?
Eosin--is acidic and acts as a negative stain Methylene blue--is basic The smears background would turn out red while the cells would turn out blue.
Compare the diameter of M. luteus cells as measured using a basic stain and an acidic stain what might account for any difference?
Basic (simple stain) heat fixing--shrinks cells/smaller negative--cells are their actual size HOWEVER--there is very little difference!!
Gram Stain
Differential stain that tells the difference between two types of bacteria, in this case Gram negative and Gram positive
Cells are stained first with crystal violet, then with iodine, which helps enhance the crystal violet
Afterwards the cells are decolorized with alcohol solution (the thick cell wall of Gram positive bacteria is not penetrated by the alcohol, so the dye is not washed out, while the dye is washed out of the Gram negative bacteria because the alcohol extracts the cell wall lipids and makes it more porous)
The cells that were decolorized are retained with safranin
Issues include over decolorizing, which makes Gram positive cells dye red
Issues also include under decolorizing, which makes Gram negative cells dye purple
Older samples may also not stain as well
cell wall types
Gram Positive: thick layer of peptidoglycan. Techoic acid strands. Lipotechoid acid. Only a cell wall.
Gram Negative: outer layer of phosopholipids inner thin layer of paptidoglycan. Outer membrane, inner membrane, and periplasm. LPS on the outside.
Gram Staining Steps
Primary stain: crystal violet (basic stain), 1 min rinse
mordant: gram iodine 1 min
decolorizer: alcohol or acetone
counterstaining: safranin (pink)
substance that enhances the ability of stain to adhere to cell wall
after decolorizer...
Gram pos- stained blue gram negative- clear -easily removes phospholipid layer
after counter staining....
Gram positive: appears blue
gram negative: appears pink
False results occurs from
overdecolorizing (gram + can appear red)
underdecolorizing (gram - appear purple)
too much material used
old culture (bacteria start to lose cell wall)
In Lab we used...
used escherichia coli- gram neg rod, appeared pink
used micrococcus luteus- gram positive cocci, appear purple
Mistakes in Gram Staining
Failure to apply iodine--everything will appear gram negative
Failure to apply the decolorizer--everything will appear gram positive
Failure to apply the safranin--gram (+) will be purple, gram (-) will be colorless
Reversal of crystal violet and safranin--wouldn't be able to read and would have to toss it.
Both crystal violet and safranin are basic stains and may be used to do simple stains on Gram-positive and Gram-negative cells. This being the case, explain how they stain different cell types in the Gram stain
Gram (+) can hold on to the crystal violet although it's decolorized. Gram negative bonds to safranin after phospholipid layer is removed
Acid Fast Staining
Stain that takes advantage of mycolic acids in the cell walls of some organisms
Mycolic acid gives the cells greater affinity for the primary stain and resistant to decolorizing
Because the mycolic acid is waxy, a lipid-soluble stain must be used
Two methods of staining: the Ziehl-Neelsen method and the Kinyoun method
Carbolfuchsin is used as the primary stain
Cells are steam-heated before staining to melt the wax and allow the stain to penetrate more easily
Acid alcohol is used to decolorize (acid-fast cells are not decolorized)
A counterstain is applied, like methylene blue (shows non acid-fast cells)
Kinyoun Method
Uses more concentrated and lipid-soluble carbolfuchsin as the primary stain
Doesn't use heat, so is a bit less sensitive than the Ziehl-Neelsen method
Acid alcohol is used to decolorize
A counterstain is applied
Basic Steps for Emulsion Smear
Prepare Bacterial Smear Emulsion
Drop water
Aeseptically Add bacteria
Air dry smear
Pass the smear over outercone flame
cool the slide
How does heating the bacterial smear during a ZN stain promote entry of carbolfuchsin into the acid-fast cell wall?
Heating melts the mycolic acid and allows the stain to penetrate the cell walls.
Are acid-fast negative cells stained by carbolfuchsin? If so, how can this be a differential stain?
It uses acid alcohol as a decolorizing agent which extracts the carbolfuchsin from the nonacid-fast cells while ineffective on the acid-fast positive cells. The nonacid-cells are then counterstained with brilliant green to show the difference.
Why do you suppose the acid-fast stain is not as widely used as the Gram stain? When is it more useful than the Gram stain?
Acid fastness is a characteristic that is shared by just a few organisms. Many bacterial cells are easily stained with simple stains or using the Gram stain. -acid fast is useful when acid fast positive bacteria are suspected
Capsule Stain
Stains around and inside the cells, so the capsule, which resists stains, appears as a white halo between the cells and the background
An acidic stain is applied to stain the background
A basic stain is applied to stain the cells
Instead of heat-fixing, which can result in artificial halos when the cells shrink, the bacteria may be emulsified in a serum to help them stick to the slide
-differential stain (bacteria with or withou capsules) -reveal the presence of the bacterial capsule -both gram-positive and gram-negative, may be surrounded by an outer polysaccharide-containing layer termed the glycocalyx
2 types: capsule: this layer is tightly bound and remains attached to cells slime layers : More loosely bound layers, more easily removed
-Glycolax can not be easily stain but can be penetrated by basic stain to stain bacteria within -Allows bacteria to stick to surfaces and each other -Determines of virulent (pathogenic) bacteria is
def. virulence- degree of pathogenicity, severeity of disease
Can be composed of glycoproteins, mucoid polysaccharides, or polypeptides -protective structures, protect cells from phagocytosis -some bacteria always have a capsule ex. Klebsiella pneumonia (can be used as a positive control for capsule staining)
CapsuleStaining Uses 2 Staining Techniques
negative stain (acidic): congo red, stains background
simple stain (basic +): maneval stain, stains bacteria
no heat fixing: heat shrink cells which can leave a white halo which might look like a capsule
Basic Capsule Staining Steps
mix bacteria into smear onto slide
add congo red
drag another slide across and allow to dry
add maneval stain for 1 min
Results: the capsule is revealed as a clear halo between the colored background and the stained cell.
Capsules are neutrally charged. This being the case, what is the purpose of emulsifying the sample in serum in this staining procedure?
Serum acts as glue to hold it to the slides.
Some oral bacteria produce an extracellular "capsule" of what benefit is a capsule to these cells?
Capsules help bacteria stick to teeth. Internally capsules help prevent phagocytosis.
endospores serve as a protective structure for survival of the organisms in response to unfavoravle conditions -produced within vegetative cell -can be seen within the vegetative cell or outside of cell (free spore) -coating made of keratin (heat is used to penetrate) -increases virulence
only rod bacteria produce endospores -not all rods produce endospores -two genus that do: Bacilli, Clostridia