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The liquid portion of blood
Lymph fluid
The liquid portion of the lymphatic system
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Pluripotential stem cells
Cells that are able to self-renew by dividing and developing into the three primary groups of cells that make up a human body
TB gốc vạn năng
Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
What is the role of RBCs?
120 days and then phagocytized by cells in the spleen and liver
How long does an average RBC live?
Granular leukocytes
Non-granular leukocytes
What are the 2 types of WBCs according to how they appear when stained and viewed under a microscope?
Start the clotting process and provide hemostasis
What is the role of platelets?
Bone marrow
Where is the pluripotential stem cells located?
A process where pluripotential stem cells develop into immune systems and blood vessel
B-cells (mature in the bone marrow)
T-cells (mature in the thymus)
What are the 2 types of lymphocytes?
What is the difference between them?
Lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, spleen)
Through what organs are B-cells and T-cells distributed?
Cells that engulf and digest microorganism and cellular debris
T-cell education
A process in the thymus in which T-cells are trained to recognize other cells from the same body and distinguish them from all other cells
A process in which erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to produce RBCs
Lymph nodes
The small, kidney-shaped nodes contain lymphatic tissue, located along a network of lymphatic channels
Release lymphocytes
Help remove and destroy antigens in the blood and lymphatic vessels
What are the roles of lymph nodes?
Filtrate the lymph fluid when it enters the node to remove bacteria and other foreign bodies (including malignant cells)
The site of final maturation for lymphocytes
What are the roles of lymphatic tissue?
What are the location of the lymph nodes?
Underarm and upper chest
Groin area
Behind the knee
Floor of the mouth and lower jaw
Lymphatic fluid
A transparent, slightly yellow liquid found in the lymphatic vessels which is collected from all parts of body and returned to the blood after filtration in the lymph nodes
Lymphatic vessels
Vessels that intertwine with blodo vessels and distribute lymphatic fluid throughout the body
Move proteins and water from interstitial spaces and return them to the bloodstream
What is the role of lymphatic vessels?
Lymphatic vessels that located in the small intestines
Absorb fat and other nutrients
Produce a milkyl lymph fluid called chyle
What is the role of lacteals?
A lymphoid organ located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen beneath the diaphragm
Initiate an immune response
Filter and remove bacteria, and other foreign substances from the bloodstream
Destroys worn-out blood cells (hemolysis)
Blood reservoir
What are the roles of the spleen?
Tonsils (amiđan)
Adenoids (amiđan họng)
Appendix (ruột thừa)
Thymus (tuyến ức)
Peyer’s patches (mảng Peyer trong ruột non)
What are the other lymphoid organs and tissues in food and air passages?
Humoral immunity (Miễn dịch thể dịch)
A process in which an invading antigen causes B cells to divide and differentiate into plasma cells.
Each plasma cell produces and secretes large amounts of antibodies into the bloodstream to destroy bacteria and viruses
The immunoglobulin that:
Make up 80% plasma antibodies
Appears in all body fluid, the major antibacterial and antiviral antibody
An immunoglobulin that
1st immunoglobulin produced during immune response
Too large to cross membrane barriers
Present only in vascular system
The immunoglobulin that
Found in body secretions (saliva, sweat, tears, etc)
Defends against pathogens on body surfaces (respiratory and GI tracts)
The immunoglobulin that
Present in plasma, easily broken down
Predominant on the surface of B-cells
Mainly an antigen receptor
The immunoglobulin that
Involve in immediate hypersensitivity reaction (allergic reaction)
Stimulate release of mast cell granules, which contain histamin and heparin
Complement system
A major mediator of inflammatory response
Consist 20 proteins circulating as functionally inactive molecules
Activated by an antigen-antibody reaction
T-cells responds directly to antigens → destruction of target cells through the secretion of lymphokines
What is the mechanism of cell-mediated immunity (miễn dịch TB)?
A type of acquired immunity that occurs when immune system responds to a harmful agent and develops long-term immunity
Longest lasting and the most effective
Natural, active immunity
A type of acquired immunity that is the transfer of antibodies from a mother to a fetus through a placenta or a breastfed infant
Temporary, partial immunity
Natural, passive immunity
A type of acquired immunity that is obtained by vaccination with weakened or dead infectious agents to the body to alert the immune system
Artificial, active immunity
A type of acquired immunity that is provided by substances that offer immediate but temporary immunity (antibiotics, gamma globulin, interferon)
Artificial, passive immunity
A subcutaneous, dermal eruption that produces deep, large, raised sections of skins and diffuse swelling of the subcutaneous tissue
Phù mạch
Butterfly rash
A classic sign of systemic lupus erythematosus
Lesions appear on the cheeks and bridge of the nose in a butterfly-shaped pattern
Ban cánh bướm
Chills (rigors)
Extreme, involuntary muscle contractions with characteristic paroxysm of violent shivering and tooth chattering
Blue to purple color of the skin, nail bed and lips
A profuse nosebleed
Passing of bloody stools
Bleeding from the lungs or bronchial tubes (coughing with blood)
Uncontrolled bleeding
Enlarged lymph nodes
Benign tumor caused by congenital malformation of the lymphatic system
Enlarged spleen
Formation of blood clot inside a blood vessel
ABO blood typing
Classifies blood according to the presence of major antigens A, B on RBC surfaces and to serum antibodies anti-A and anti-B
Complete blood count (CBC)
Measures the number of blood elements in a blood sample
An antibody detection test that establishes the compatibilty of a donor’s and recipient’s blood
Direct antiglobulin test (direct Coombs’ test)
A test which demonstrates the presence of antibodies or complement on circulating RBCs
Ex: Rh factor
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
An assay which identifies antibodies to bacteria, viruses, deoxyribonucleic acid, allergens and immunoglobulins
Kháng nguyên - antigen (KN) hoặc Kháng thể - antibody (KT) đã biết được gắn trên một giá thể rắn, sau đó cho mẫu có chứa kháng thể - antibody (KT) hoặc kháng nguyên (KN) cần tìm vào giếng và cuối cùng là thêm cơ chất vào để enzyme phân giải và phát ra tín hiệu, tín hiệu phổ biến nhất là sự đổi màu của các chất hóa học.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
The degree of erythrocyte settling in a blood sample during a specified period
Measures the percentage of RBCs in a blood sample
Measure of the amount of Hb in a volume of blood
HLA test (human leukocyte antigen test)
A group of antigens that are present on the surfaces of all nucleated cells (but most easily detected on lymphocytes)
Essential to immunity and determine the degree of histocompatibility between transplant recipients and donors
A test which identifies immunoglobulins in a serum sample
Used to evaluate the effectiveness of radiation therapy or chemotherapy and detects hypogammaglobulinemias
Platelet count
The number of platelets in a microliter of blood
A test which is commonly used to evaluate clotting in patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy
Rh typing
A test that classifies blood by the presence or absence of Rho (D) antigen on the surface of RBCs
Shilling test
A test which determines a patient’s ability to absorb vitamin B12
If less than 10% radiolabeled vitamin B12 is detected, there is an impaired absorption
WBC count (leukocyte count)
The number of WBCs in a microliter of whole blood
WBC differential
A test that evaluates type, number and condition of WBC present in the blood (including NEU, EOS, BASO, LYM, MONO)
Western blot test
A test which detects the presence of specific viral proteins
Patch testing
A dilute solution of each allergen is placed directly on the skin and covered with gauze
Positive reaction: appearance of redness, vesicles or itching, swelling
Scratch test
A test introduce allergens into a scratched area on the patient’s skin with a special tool or needle
Positive reactions: redness, itching, swelling
Intradermal skin tests
Inject recall antigens into superficial skin layer with a needle
To evaluate the patient’s immune system
Bone marrow aspiration
A small amount of bone marrow is removed and the blood elements and their precursors are evaluated
Also used for checking for the presence of abnormal or malignant cells
Aplastic anemia
Injury to the stem cells in the bone marrow → decreased production of RBC, WBC and platelets
Thiếu máu bất sản
Pernicious anemia
Anemia that is caused by deficiency in absorption of vitB12 due to a lack of HCl in the stomach
Thiếu máu ác tính
Myeloproliferative disorders
The bone marrow produces too many cells
Rối loạn sản tủy
Erythroblastosis fetalis (Rh factor incompatibility)
When the antibodies in the mother’s blood destroy the fetus’s RBCs → fetal anemia
Bệnh tán huyết ở thai nhi
Posthemorrhagic anemia
Anemia as a result of acute or chronic blood loss
Thiếu máu sau chảy máu
Sickle cell anemia
A hereditary disease in which RBC a
Bệnh hồng cầu hình liềm
A hereditary type of anemia in which Hb isn’t produced properly
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Occur when other conditions cause the circulating clotting factors and platelets to deplete → severe hemorrhage
Đông máu rải rác nội mạch
Factor V Leiden mutation
Inherited mutation in the factor V gene → development of inappropriate blood clots and increased risk of stroke (in young people)
Đột biến yếu tố V Leiden
A hereditary bleeding disorder where there are deficiencies in the clotting factors necessary for coagulation
Bệnh máu khó đông
Inherited thrombophilias
Diseases where abnormal clotting factor traits are inherited → clots forming in the blood vessels inappropriately
Hội chứng tăng đông
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Abnormal immune response that destroys platelets that follow a viral infection. Recover without treatment
Bệnh giảm tiểu cầu miễn dịch nguyên phát
Deficiencies in the number of circulating platelets → blood-clotting disorders
Giảm tiểu cầu
A chronic, reactive airway disorder → episodes of airway obstruction with bronchospasm, mucus secretion and mucosal swelling
Hen suyễn
Acute asthma
A type of asthma where an attack can begin either dramatically with severe symptoms or slowly with gradual symptoms
Extrinsic asthma
A type of asthma that results from sensitivity to pollen, animal dander, mold or other sensitizing substance
Intrinsic asthma
A type of asthma which is diagnosed when no extrinsic allergen can be identified
Status asthmaticus
A persistent, intractable asthma attack that can lead to acute respiratory failure
Cơn hen
Allergic rhinitis
A reaction to inhaled allergens → runny nose, itching, nasal obstruction
Viêm mũi dị ứng
A dramatic, acute reaction marked by sudden onset of rapidly progressive hives and respiratory distress
Phản ứng sốc phản vệ
Atopic dermatitis
A chronic skin disorder characterized by superficial skin inflammation and intense itching
Viêm da cơ địa (chàm)
Latex allergy
A hypersensitivity reaction to products that contain latex
Hemolytic reaction
A transfusion reaction due to mismatched blood
When this occurs, RBCs clump together and break down causing kidney damage
Phản ứng tan máu