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Little Big Horn
General Custer and his men were wiped out by a coalition of Sioux and Cheyenne Natives led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse
Wounded Knee
In 1890, after killing Sitting Bull, the 7th Cavalry rounded up Sioux at this place in South Dakota and 300 Natives were murdered and only a baby survived.
Dawes Act
1887 law that distributed reservation land to individual Native American owners
Homestead Act
1862 law that gave 160 acres of land to citizens willing to live on and cultivate it for five years
Grant Peace Policy
to end the Plains Native wars by creating reservations
Transcontinental Railroad
Railroad connecting the west and east coasts of the continental US
Cattle handlers who drove large herds across the southern Great Plains. The era of this group lasted from 1870 to the late 1880s.
lived in South Plains; fierce fighters; learned to ride horses and hunted buffalo
Texas Rangers
White law enforcement group that targeted Native populations in Texas
Traders from New Mexico who encouraged Native American raids by accepting cattle, horses and property taken from settlers, and trading for guns and ammunition.
Bosque Redondo
A reservation in central New Mexico where the majority of the Navajos and Mescalero Apaches were confined during the Civil War.
Californian tribe that left their reservation and attacked government negotiators - they were eventually killed off.
Nez Pierce
Native American Tribe that was divided between "progressives" who wanted to move to ID reservations and "non-progressives" who wanted to say on land
Black Hills
the area promised to the Sioux in the Dakota territory but this promise was broken when gold was discovered
Great Sioux War
Conflict between Sioux + Cheyenne Natives and federal troops over lands in the Dakotas in the mid-1870s.
Indian Peace Commission
a commission formed by Congress in 1867, which created two reservations on the Great Plains to try to maintain peace between tribes
Pullman Sleeping Car
a luxury railway car with seats that converted into beds for overnight journeys.
Texas Longhorn Cattle
Descendants of the first cattle brought to the New World; natural resistance to many diseases and parasites
Great Dakota Land Boom
Between 1881 and 1885, 67,000 new white settlers claimed homesteads in North and South Dakota
Golden Belt
Area around Kansas where wheat became the staple crop
Lincoln County War
This was a struggle between two rival groups of businessmen and ranchers. Murders and attacks between the two groups ended in a three-day battle in the county of Lincoln, New Mexico
State that was invited to join Union after publicly stopping endorsements polygamy as previously endorsed by Brigham Young
Brigham Young
United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith; proponent of polygamy
Medicine Lodge Treaty
Created the Reservation Policy and settled hunting rights
US Peace Commissioners
Met with local tribes in Great Plains to negotiate reservation dealings
Fort Laramie Treaty
Restricted the Plains Natives to specific areas and permitted the building of government forts
Ghost Dance
a religious dance of native Americans looking for communication with the dead; hoped to bring back life before colonization; used to scare white people from settling
Carlisle Indian School
Pennsylvania school for Natives funded by the government; children were separated from their tribe and were taught English and white values/customs.
a family home and its surrounding lands
Butte, Montana
Discovery of large copper deposit
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
A show made by William Frederick Cody which reenacted famous frontier events and life in the west; justified American cause to take territory; depicted racist, stereotypical images of Native people
Before becoming a state, allowed white women the right to vote in territory