define political science
the systematic study of government and politics
explain the role of politics in government
to bring people together, to develop policies favorable to their interest and persuade voters to elect their candidates
define democracy
a government in which power is vested in the people and exercised through representation
define capitalism
an economic system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners
define Constitutionalism
government according to constitutional principles
explain the relationship b/t political culture and public opinion
the public opinion affects the political party that gets elected
define political justice and individual rights
political justice is the use of judicial process for the purpose of political power. individual rights are rights that exist when a person is born
define the components of Gross Domestic Product
consumption, fixed investment, change in inventories, government purchases and net exports
explain the difference b/t countries, nations, states and governments
countries and States are internationally recognized boundaries and its own government. nations are groups of people who share culture. government is a group of people who govern a country
describe the history of political parties
political parties evolved around major issues and have led to two parties after George Washington's presidency
explain the difference b/t the two-party and multi-party government systems
two-party systems are b/t two candidates of two major political parties. multi-part systems are set up to allow multiple political parties to have the opportunity to gain control
define current political parties
two major political parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. the Democratic Party has become more liberal while the republicans are more conservative and pro-business
explain the role of minor political parties
they force major parties to address new issues and can take away votes from the major political party
describe the relationship b/t political parties and special interest groups
special interest groups try to influence elections and can try to get certain parties or politicians elected depending on the group's issue
define special interest groups
organizations dedicated to particular political goals
explain the difference b/t private and public special interest groups
public interest groups promote the issues of general public concern. private interest groups can represent certain occupations
explain how special interest groups have influenced American politics
interest groups can meet with officials and persuade them to support their positions, can testify before Congress, provide financial support and influence voters
outline the history of civil liberties in the united states
the civil liberties were written into federal government in the Bill of Rights and later became enforced by all states on a case by case basis
explain the importance and limitations of freedom of speech
allows the free exchange of ideas and is limited when it threatens the public. the limits on free speech must address severe threats to the nation
explain the importance and limitations of freedom of press
allows the press to inform the public of any issues. press can be limited when the security concerns outweigh the need to be informed
explain the importance and limitations of freedom of religion
allows all individuals to practice their faiths however extreme examples are not allowed. the Court weighs individual rights against society's needs
explain the importance and limitations of freedom of assembly
protects the right to gather and discuss issues. this can be limited when the assembly is violent and unnecessarily disrupt daily life
define procedural rights for the accused
rights for the accused prevent the government from imprisoning people without trial
explain the right to privacy and the right to bear arms
the right to privacy restrain governmental and private actions that threaten the privacy of individuals. the right to bear arms is the militia's right to possess arms for defense
describe the role of courts in deciding civil liberty cases
explain the history of civil rights
civil rights are protections from discrimination based on race, gender, etc. started with rights for African-Americans, then voting rights for women
explain equal protection under the 14th amendment
equal protection under the law ensured new freed blacks had all rights
explain civil rights for women and americans with disabilities
civil rights for women include those to vote, an equal chance for jobs and maternity leave. americans with disabilities requires businesses to make their property accessible to the disabled
explain the characteristics of a democracy
individual liberty, majority rule, power and civic responsibilities and free elections
describe autocracy
government in which one person has unlimited authority over others
describe totalitarianism
a political system in which all authority is in the hands of the state
describe authoritarianism
a way of governing that values order and control over personal freedom
define transitional governments
explain the powers and functions of legislatures
legislature proposes bills, can impeach and confirm appointments, declare war
differentiate b/t congress and parliament
explain the purpose of legislative committees
to purpose and evaluate bills, divide the work in Congress to specialize in certain subject matters
explain the U.S. electoral college system
differentiate direct and indirect elections
describe individual representation and the U.S. electoral systems
define primary elections
explain election runoffs and recalls
explain the electoral evolution of Congress
explain the rationale for reapportionment and redistributing congressional districts
explain party nomination
describe national forces that influence Congress
explain the difference b/t Presidential and Congressional campaigns
presidential campaigns reach the whole country and congressional campaigns reach a state or district
describe factors that influence election outcomes
describe the difference b/t the state and U.S. court systems
describe the power of the federal judiciary
define the federal court system of the U.S.
explain the judicial decision-making
explain the checks and balance system on the power of the U.S. Supreme Court
explain the difference b/t original and appellate jurisdiction
original jurisdiction is the first time a case is tried and appellate jurisdiction is when the original decision is appealed
explain the selection of Supreme Court Justices process
the president appoints a Justice and the Senate must confirm the Justice
describe how special interest groups use litigation strategies to influence government policy
define bureaucracy
explain the history, impact and problems associated with federal bureaucracy
explain the relationship b/t the President, Cabinet and Congress when determining legislation
explain how elections are related to public perception of government
define the bureaucratic accountability process
explain how mass media and journalism have impacted the political system
describe the difference b/t private and state controlled media
explain media's influence on the public
media and journalism can influence what news the public sees and can spin stories towards one side
define media bias and the reason for public criticism of media
explain the role of media in elections and other government activities
explain rules that govern media
define yellow media
define public opinion and public culture
explain how to measure public opinion
explain how public opinion leaders are selected and recognized
describe the difference b/t random and quota sampling used to collect public opinion
explain the bias associated with opinion polls and surveys
explain how voter turnout is impacted by polls and surveys
list alternative forms of political participation
explain the difference b/t laws and customs
define American law
law created by the U.S. constitution
define code law
explain the difference b/t criminal law and civil law
define statutory law
describe administration, regulatory and religious law
explain the steps of the public policy process
list types of policy
give examples of Republican and Democrat policy beliefs
define social insurance progrmas
describe public assistance programs
explain the difference b/t market and state controlled economies
define and give examples of regulatory policy
explain governmental policies to protect the U.S. economy
describe business cycles influenced by governmental decisions
explain how government promotes economic interests
define fiscal policy
explain how monetary policy is determined by the federal reserve
describe types of U.S. foreign policy
explain which government entities are responsible for foreign policy
describe situations that for U.S. military power
explain how government protects the ideals, interests, and needs of America
explain the economic rationale for a national security policy
list the tools of foreign policy
list important veteran organizations
explain the difference b/t globalization and nationalism