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Why do we conduct MLF?
de-acidification - especially in cool climates as malic acid levels are higher in cool regions, and especially in varieties that are naturally high malic producers
reduce risk of bacterial growth in bottle - removal of nutrients
sensory effects - change in pH
What are the sensory effects of conducting MLF?
change in perception of varietal aromas (reduction of vegetative/herbaceous notes)
increased mouthfeel (contribute to fullness & softness, related to pH/acid changes)
production of flavour compounds (buttery, butterscotch, malty characters - diacetyl (0-5 mg/L - any more and becomes too much)
increase in overall complexity/integration
decrease in colour intensity
What varieties are naturally high in malic acid?
Pinot Noir, Malbec, Chenin Blanc
Why is MLF generally not done in white wines?
As we like the acid, pH is generally too low for bacteria, whites generally not fermented on skins so not a lot of nutrients available for bacteria to use
What is the main bacteria used for MLF called?
Oenococcus oeni
What culture options do you have for MLF (uninoculated)?
uninoculated/indigenous LAB
10² - 10^4 cpu/mL at crushing, from vineyard & winery equipment
high pH favours pediococcus and lactobacillus (>3.7)
low pH favours ornococcus oeni (<3.6)
What culture options do you have for MLF (inoculated)?
Inoculated/selected LAB
agar slant, liquid & freeze dried (concentrates) of cultures of lactiplantibacillus plantatum or oenococcus oeni that require propagation prior to inoculation
highly concentrated freeze dried, or frozen pre-adapted lactiplantibacillus plantatum or oenococcus oeni for direct inoculation
What are strain selections based on?
previous experience
timing of inoculation
chemistry of wine
financial constrains (between $100-120 for 25 hL pack)
a large number of strains are commercially available from different manufacturers
What other factors can be used in strain selection?
direct inoculation, no or limited reactivation
strains selected on basis of physiochemical tolerance
preparation of cultures via progressive adaptation
What are chemical limits in terms of MLF options?
Chemistry of wine critical
energy sources
growth factors
SO2 (total)
In terms of energy sources for LAB, how are organic substances (hexoses & pentoses) oxidised to produce ATP?
Hexoses (flu & fru) and pentoses (ribose, xylose) are metabolised by LAB in two main pathways:
These pathways ensure that LAB have a steady supply of ATP and maintain the redox balance by regenerating NAD+ through locate production
What is involved in the homofermentative pathway and what is an example of a LAB that is characterised as homofermentative?
producing only lactic acid
converts glucose -> pyruvate -> lactate
Produces 2 ATP per glucose
NADH is re-oxidised to NAD+ by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), converting pyruvate into lactic acid
Pediococcus is an example of homofermentative LAB
What is involved in the heterofermentative pathway and what is an example of a LAB that is characterised as heterofermentative?
producing lactic acid, acetic acid and CO2
This type of metabolism is characterised by gas production from glucose
Generates 1 ATP per glucose
Re-oxidation of NADH occurs through various fermentation steps
Leuconostoc is an example of heterofermmentative LAB
In terms of energy sources for LAB, how are organic substances (citrate) oxidised to produce ATP?
Some LAB can metabolise citrate into diacetyl (butter character), acetoin (butter character) and CO2
In terms of energy sources for LAB, how are organic substances (arginine) oxidised to produce ATP?
Some LAB can break down arginine into ornithine, ammonia and ATP
This provides an additional energy source in environments with limited sugar, I.e., MLF after alcoholic fermentation where the wine is RS dry
How does the use of proton motive force work to generate ATP?
The PMF drives the proton back into the cell through F0F1-ATPase synthase converting ADP + pyruvate to ATP
This allows LAB to generate additional ATP even in energy limited conditions like wine
List the steps in the generation of a proton motive force (ATPase)
influx of negatively charged malate
efflux of neutral lactate + 2 protons
alkalisation of cytoplasm and increased pH gradient
What happens in the generation of a proton motive force (ATPase)?
LAB use a PMF to generate ATP through membrane bound F0F1-ATPase. PMF is created by pH and electrochemical gradients across the cell membrane.
Outline what occurs during the influx of negatively charged malate in the generation of PMF
malate (negatively charged) enters the cell - often bringing a proton
this reduces intracellular acidity, helping LAB survive in wine’s low pH
Outline what occurs during the efflux of neutral lactate + 2 protons in the generation of PMF
once inside, malate is decarboxylated into lactate + CO2
lactate exits the cell along with 2 protons
this further increases the pH difference strengthening the PMF
Outline what occurs during the alkalisation of cytoplasm and increased pH gradient in the generation of PMF
since malate uptake brings in protons but lactate removes it, inside the cell becomes less acidic
this reinforces the pH gradient, making the PMF stronger
What are the growth factors required by LAB?
carbon: sugars & organic acids
nitrogen: amino acids, peptides, purines & pyrimidines
vitamins: B-group required by LAB
minerals: enzyme co-factors
What carbon sources are required by LAB (growth factors)?
Glucose, fructose (preferred by oenococcus oeni), arabinose, xylose, ribose (trace)
What nitrogen sources are required by LAB (growth factors)?
strain dependent - possibly Ile, leu, val essential for oenococcus
deficiency typically not occur, yeast breakdown and release
nucleic acids act as growth activators
What vitamins are required by LAB (growth factors)?
Nicotinic, thiamin, biotin & pantothenic acid
What minerals are required by LAB (growth factors)?
Mg2+, Mn2+, K+, Na+, phosphorus
What four parameters directly determine the growth rate of LAB in wine?
alcohol concentration
sulphur dioxide concentration
factors are not indecent of each other
a favourable level of one can compensate an unfavourable value of another (i.e., cells able to tolerate higher alcohol content&/or SO2 concentrations in wines with more favourable pH)
difficult to give exact limits
What do these colours represent in this diagram?
The different conditions and levels of physiochemical factors and their relationship together
What is not good for LAB?
Free SO2
Why is it difficult to get sparkling wines through MLF?
Due to super low pH - is possible, need to be careful & use proper adaptation methods
What are the two implications of pH on LAB growth?
influences growth rate
influences malolactic activity
In terms of pH, how does it influence growth rate?
related to intracellular pH limit
growth stops below this limit
oenococcus oeni can maintain a higher pH (hence greater PMF) at low extracellular pH, relative to other LAB
In terms of pH, how does it influence malolactic activity?
optimum pH
relates to growth, therefore typically faster at higher pH
threshold pH for malic vs sugar breakdown could be important in relation to acetic acid production
What is the impact of SO2 on MLF?
molecular SO2 is antimicrobial
concentration of molecular SO2 is pH dependent
inhibits both growth and& malolactic enzyme
bound SO2 is toxic
LAB can metabolise acetaldehyde bound to SO2
bound is 5-10x less active than free