who was the first owner of pitti palace
luca pitti (florentine merchant who had it built as his private home in middle of 15th century)
who purchased pitti palace from luca pitti and when
eleonora of toledo 1549
how long did it take for all of pitti palace to be created
over a course of three centuries
whats inside pitti palace
treasury of the grand dukes, palantine gallery, royal and imperial apartments, gallery of modern art, museum of costume and fashion
who are the three artists who made publication, sketches, and sonnets of I Modi
Marcantonio Raimondi, Giulio Romano, Pietro Aretino
who was the engraver of I Modi (publisher)
Marcantonio Raimondi
who was the artist of I Modi (sketches)
Giulio Romano
who was the writer of I Modi (sonnets)
Pietro Aretino
what is I Modi about
displayed several images of different positions
public reaction to I Modi
scandalized as it depicted sex for pleasure and not conception and had no reference to christianity challenged gender roles revolutionized ertoicism in the renaissance
what is was the political situation in florence when david was built
Florence had just gotten rid of two tyrants: piero medici and savonarola David saves his people from the goliath (tyrant) - florence people identified with him
artistic analysis of david
david is readying himself for the fight (immediate anticipation of action), just caught first glance of enemy, face shows uncertainty for the future, pose is relaxed, sense david as a human being it was too beautiful to be placed on the cathedral (religious context) and was placed in front of the piazza signoria as a political context of the newly reconstituted republic
what does david symbolize
independence, strength, perfect image of youthful beauty
what are the prigioni/michelangelo's non finito
the prisons, michelangelo's not finished. Philosophy that michelangelo had that the art work is trapped inside the marble already and he just has to carve it out
what was considered sodomy
sexual intercourse not aimed at procreation anal sex, masturbation, zooerasty
punishments for sodomy
burnt at the stake, galleys (doing the oars on ships), imprisonment for life, exile
what is dante alighieri's punishment for sodomites in inferno
third circle so walking on scorching sand in the rain of fire
what is the ufficiali di notte
in 1432, judicial magistracy in florence that only pursued and prosecuted sodomy.
what was la rivolta dei compagnacci of 1512
"revolt of the comrades" 30 young aristocrats broke into palazzo vecchio and asked to repeal the rules that caused exile and loss of all goods for the convicted sodomites When the medici returned in september (the next month) the demands were accepted and rules abolished
main openly homosexual artists
michelangelo, leonardo da vinci, botticelli, pietro aretino
greek myth of ganymede
ganymede was abducted by zeus to be his cupbearer and lover - important step in history of homosexuality
why did homosexuals in renaissance lean towards neoplatonism
neoplatonism concept of love allowed explanation of justification of sodomy
what is the neoplatonist concept of love for homosexuals
"heavenly love" was more properly directed towards other men because male intellect was deemed superior to female Close male bonds provided a better route to unity with god through love
what happened to artemisia gentileschi
she was raped in 1611 but her master, she married a florentine painter and moved in 1612 to avoid the backlash, she was the first woman accepted into the accademia del disegno.
difference between artemisia's portrayal of judith and holofernes and the others before it
much more dynamic, gorey. handmaid has a more influential part in the murder - showing women sticking together
when was artemisia gentileschi alive
what was artemisia gentileschi's influence of the baroque period
she was a female painter at this time who made amazingly dynamic paintings
what was so different about the baroque period
it focused on perspective, striking the imagination, and dynamic pieces
who was artemisia's rapist
agostino tassi
when was artemisia raped
why was artemisia seen as a feminist icon
she is a symbol of resilience and inspiration, she established herself in a predominantly male world, success among baroque painters, took her rapist to court and won
what is the function of the ospedale degli innocenti
so that parents who could not care for or do not want their children could leave them here
where were the children left
in the wheel outside of the hospital
how would the children left behind be recognized
by a token or something else left with them
who was michelangelos lover
tommaso de cavalieri
who was leonardos lover
salai (gian giacomo caprotti) - inspiration for st john the baptist and angel incarnate
what were the symptoms of syphilis
painful ulcers, tumors, miscarriages, fatal transmission to infants, face and nose defects, disfiguring, flesh rotting, exposed bone, limbs fall off
what were the remedies for syphilis
bloodletting, laxative use, baths in wine,herbs,olive oil, mercury exposure (no treatment)
what was syphilis a symbol of
sexual deviance
what were some crimes against sex workers
abuse, rape, murder
how did jealousy impact fatal attractions
francesco medici and bianca cappello were murdered by the duke's brother out of jealousy Caravaggio would often duel for his lovers
what happened to caravaggio
he would often duel for his lovers which led to him dying from a staph infection from a cut during a duel
honor killing
if a man found his wife cheating he could kill her and not face punishment
what did people think was the correlation between sodomy and the plague
sodomy is a sin so many believed god was punishing the world with the plague because of it There was a declining population because of the plague so people looked down on sodomy as it doesn't help with reproduction
what was the correlation between incest and the plague
incestual relationships increased because marrying outside the family would increase the chances of getting sick
what is the correlation between prostitutes and the plague
general lack of work due to low demand, demand increased after plague ended
who wrote la cazzaria
antonio vignale
how is la cazzaria written
what is personified in la cazzaria
cazzi (dick), potte (pussy), coglioni (balls), and culi (asshole)
who are most powerful in la cazzaria
cazzi (larger cazzi have more power than small) and coglioni (balls) are the gentlemanly class
who has the least power in la cazzaria
potte and culi - represent common, lesser people, showing the difference in gender roles (pussys don't have power)
what is the political implications of la cazzaria
the characters reflect respective political groups in sienna
what political group does the potte and culi represent
monte del popolo and riformatori
la cazzaria implications towards the ideal man
bigger cazzi are seen as more masculine, confident, stronger, better leadership, and take more risks and smaller cazzi are seen as weaker, less assertive, less powerful represents what an ideal man should embody
homoeroticism in la cazzaria
the two narrators are both men that are having an intimate discussion and the book ends with them having bedtime sex talk extreme cazzi descriptions and the use of cazzi symbolism as dominant and powerful because arsiccio is sodo's teacher, some think this topic was an effort for him to seduce sodo
what was fabliaux
a medieval literary genre of short stories that describe sexual obscenities
what were the primary subjects of criticism in fabliax
women and the clergy
what was the decameron
collection of stories that focus on the individual over nobles or other important figures characters make their own destiny and find fortune on their own without god many stories involve sex
how does the decameron use sex in its contents
many of the stories have casual references to sex in ways that are nonchalant and similar to our modern sense of humor
how does the decameron appeal to women
boccaccio (author) has an introduction where he states sympathy for women and it is believed that they are his target audience though men are still protagonists in the stories
who wrote facetiae
what is facetiae
the first renaissance joke book
what was the contents of facetiae
joke book of short stories often involving pornagraphic/vulgar subjects pokes fun at church, political parties, wealthy households, women, and the stupid
facatiae: getting up late from bed
listening to the dispute of two litigants its a waste of time if the day is spent in bed but it is cold outside and the bed is warm so why work everyday when people need their rest
facetiae: curator that buried a dog
priest buried his beloved dog in a cemetery but this is illegal so the priest says that the dog was very wealthy and had great integrity and that the dog left money for the cop
facetiae: fool that thought his wife had two things
peasant in bed with his wife who turns and she has two things he says one was enough for him then the wife says they should donate the second to the church, the following night a man from the church joins them in bed
why is venice in a good position
allowed for hub of trade by sea as it was middleman between the middle east and destinations in europe the city was distinct from other city states due to location which isolated the city politically, economically, and culturally, allowing the city to pursue the pleasures of art
venetian architecture
conservatism (retaining the overall form top the buildings) arched or round tops in windows
when is the venetian carnival
10 days leading up to lent
why does venice have the carnival
republic of venice was a major financial and maritime power during middle ages and renaissance
role of masks in the carnival
allowed people to do things that werent openly possible
what was the caccie dei tori
bull hunts tiratori steered the bulls through the alleys, people made the bulls as angry as possible, aggressive dogs let loose hunt ended with beheading the bull
flight of the angel
an unknown venetian citizen dresses in carnival costume and flys over st mark's square, once over the middle the angel offers homage to the doge
one of the most popular and oldest venetian character, seen as the servant and the clown
venetian character from the south of italy, his mask depicts him as a cockerell
venetian character mischievous maid, wears maid costume and only an eye mask
venetian character that is an old merchant, wealthy and esteemed
la compagnia delle calza
theatrical group that was present during the carnival to honor venice's history and provide entertainment wore trousers with a recognizable symbol
la venexiana
comedy of 5 acts about venice and the women of the city a love triangle between a man, a widow, and a married woman insight into venetian society and its customs
how did the renaissance revive nudity
humanism movement in the 14th century put man at the center of the universe and renewed traditional greek and roman culture and values
how did the greek view eroticism
naked body was a sign of elite status, athleticism, and racial supremacy
what are the pornographic coins
who is gaspara stampa
feminist, italian poet, musician and singer
gaspara campa background
porn in padua, moved to venice, admired for her lyrical verses she was rejected by collaltino di collalto and then dedicated all her poetry towards her heartbreak - about 311 poems had emotional traumas and health problems that contributed to tone of her poetry tormented love
vittoria colonna
born in marino, italian noblewoman and poet, very educated, first woman to publish book of poems in italy she was 3 years old when she was assigned a marriage her husband and father were taken prisoner and she used these emotions to write her poetry wrote 2 books of sonnets
vittoria colonna impact
first woman to receive high literary status, allowed a pathway for other women writers to publish their works, known as an inspiration for women writers in italy, her work published all different types of genres
what are the wooden chests that the father of the bride would give to the couple called
what are wedding parades called
wedding celebration for peasants
townspeople would gather then after the husband would buy everyone drinks
some of the most expensive wedding gifts
cassoni, portrait of couple, kitchenware
bride wedding garments
tailored gown was colorful (not plain white), lace silk and gold embroidery, jewelry, gold and silver thread headpiece
groom wedding garments
silver and gold vest, jacket with metal buttons, hat, shirt with collar, pleated pants
what is the ring day called (marking couple as officially married) and where can it be seen
anellamento illustrations of the ring ceremonies are portrayed on cassoni, paintings, and other objects
querelle des femmes
the woman question debate centered on the nature and status of women negative and positive attitudes towards women were juxtaposed in text
moderata fonte
venetian writer and poet not in a convent or courtesan but a respectable married mother who produced literature centered on women's issues most famous was the worth of women
the worth of women by modesta fonte
focuses on women's value in society and men's injustive for failing to recognize it discussion of gender inequality and responsibility of husbands and fathers men constantly let women down and disappoint them women question what they have been told and taught their whole lives
what is the banquet of chestnuts
a decadent feast even better than the romans held by the borgia. Orgy party!
what were the baccanale
painting consisting mostly of children, except for two adults attending a feast dedicated to dionysus woman is giving her breast milk to a child carnal pleasures
what was the camerini d'alabastro (alabaster dressing room)
in ferrara, private studies/relaxation rooms of the duke alfonso I d'este duke chose to commission 5 paintings representing bacchanals (drunk party and orgy scenes involving bacchus - greek god of free love) to decorate the room dried to convey personification of god bacchus
what food was served at the nobles banquets
sugar, sweet dishes like fruit tarts, meats like veal, there would be several dishes