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spontaneous mutations
-occur at low rate 2-12 per every million
mutations that arise by mistake
-called microsatellites
-most common repeating units are one two or three base sequences
-account for 3% of the total DNA in the genome
-arise from rare, random events
-expanded by slipped mispairing/ stuttering
Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR)
Deletion Insertion Polymorphisms (DIP)
short insertions or deletions of genetic material
chemical mutagenesis
-used for genetic screens
mutations that arise from chemical agents that alter DNA
germ line mutations
occur in gametes or in gamete precursor cells
-transmitted to the next generation
-provide raw material for natural selection
Qualities of germ line mutations
-continuous introduction of new mutations
-loss of deleterious mutations due to selective disadvantage
-increase in the frequency of a few mutations with selective advantage
Genetic variation is due to a balance between
-male germ cells undergo continuous mitosis
-there are more mutations in sperm from older fathers
why is the mutation rate in sperm about 2-4 times higher than in eggs
S. Luria and M. Delbruck
Fluctuation Test infected wild type bacteria with phage
examined the origin of bacterial resistance to phage infection
-bactericide becomes a selective agent
-kills nonresistant cells
-allows survival of cells with pre existing resistance
Evidence of bacterial resistance arising from mutations that occurred before exposure to bactericide
-Bacterial resistance arises from mutations that occurred before exposure to bactericide
-mutations occur as the result of random processes
Interpretations of the Fluctuation test and replica plating
-transition and transversion
replacement of a base by another base
purine replaced by another purine, or pyrimidine replaced by another pyrimidine
purine replaced by a pyrimidine or pyrimidine replaced by a purine
block of 1 or more base pairs lost from DNA
block of 1 or more base pairs added to DNA
-C changed to U
-Normal C-G--> A-T after replication
deamination of C
break the sugar phosphate backbone of DNA
Ultraviolet (UV) Light
causes adjacent thymines to from abnormal covalent bonds (thymine dimers)
8-oxodG mispairs with A
-Normal G-C--> mutant T-A after replication
Oxidative damage
exceedingly rare
Incorporation of incorrect bases by DNA polymerase is
function of DNA polymerase that recognizes and excises mismatches
base tautomerization
results in replication mistakes
-base analogs
-hydroxylating agents
-alkylating agents
-deaminating agents
-intercalating agents
How mutagens alter DNA: chemical actions of mutagens
replace a base
-almost identical to normal base
How base analogs alter DNA
alter base structure and properties
-add an -OH group
How hydroxylating agents alter DNA
alter base structure and properties
-add ethyl or methyl groups
How do alkylating agents alter DNA
alter base structure and properties
-remove amine (-NH2) groups
How do deaminating agents alter DNA
insert between bases
How do intercalating agents alter DNA
-occur in non-germ cells
-not transmitted to the next generation of individuals
-can affect survival
-can lead to cancer
-FDA screens
Properties of somatic mutations
-chemical repair
-end joining
-repairing a single/stretch of bases
Major mechanisms of DNA repair
-reversal of DNA base alterations
-homology-dependent repair of damaged bases/nucleotides
-double strand break repair
-mismatch repair of DNA replication errors
Accurate repair systems
-base extension repair
-nucleotide excision repair
examples of homology-dependent repair of damaged bases or nucleotides
homologous recombination
nonhomologous end-joining
examples of double strand break repair
DNA glycosylases
remove altered nitrogenous base
-DNA glycosylase removes nitrogenous base
-nucleotides are removed
-new DNA fills gap
-removes uracil from DNA
base excision repair
UvrA-UvrB complex
scans for distortions to double helix
UvrB-UvrC Complex
nicks the damaged DNA
DNA polymerase
Fills the gap from damaged DNA
deletions and chromosome rearrangements
unrepaired double strand breaks can lead to
Central dogma of molecular biology
RNA to Protein
-Ribose instead of deoxyribose
-nitrogenous base uracil instead of thymine
-most RNA are single stranded
Three major chemical differences between RNA and DNA
base pairs within other parts of the same molecule
Most RNAs are single stranded but can form
-many RNAs can be made from one gene
-many proteins can be made from one RNA
Describe how information stored in genes can be amplified
triplet codons of nucleotides
represent individual amino acids
3 nucleotides
How many nucleotides make up 1 amino acid
-a gene's nucleotide sequence is colinear with the amino acid sequence of the encoded polypeptide
-each nucleotide is only part of 1 codon (NO overlapping)
-codons consist of 3 bases
Properties of genetic code
reading frame
the beginning of a gene establishes a
-frame shift-scrambled protein sequence (mutant)
-normal protein-reading frame restored
Adding or deleting 1/2 bases vs adding/deleting 3 bases
-triplet codons
-codons are nonoverlapping
-3 stop codons dont encode an amino acid (UAA,UAG,UGA)
Key concepts of the genetic code
start codon for translation initiation
degenerate (more than 1 codon can specify an amino acid), yet unambiguous
Genetic code is
mutations can be created in three ways:
Is genetic code universal?
one of the two strands of the DNA double helix
what serves as a template for a single-stranded RNA transcript
complementary base pairing
RNA strand is formed through
-RNA polymerase
Transcription process in prokaryotes
DNA sequences that provide the signal to RNA polymerase for starting transcription
RNA Polymerase
catalyzes transcription and adds nucleotides in 5'-3' direction
ribonucleotide triphosphates (ATP CTP GTP UTP)
How are phosphodiester bonds formed?
hydrolysis of bonds in NTPs
what provides energy for transcription
RNA sequences that provide the signal to RNA polymerase for stopping transcription
RNA polymerase binds to promoter sequence
-DNA unwound to form open promoter complex
-phosphodiester bonds formed between 1st two nucelotides
Initiation of transcription
-Core RNA polymerase loses affinity for promoter and moves in 3'-5' direction on template strand
elongation of transcription
-form from harpin loops
RNA sequences that signal the end of transcription
processed to make an mRNA
-5' methylated cap
-3'poly-A tail
-introns removed by RNA splicing
In eukaryotes, the primary transcript is
capping enzyme
adds a "backward" G to the 1st nucleotide of a primary transcript
adds a tail to the 3' end of eukaryotic mRNAs
RNA splicing
what removes introns
exons (expressed sequences)
sequences found in a gene's DNA and mature mRNA
Introns (intervening sequences)
-some eukaryotic genes have many
sequences found in DNA but not in mRNA
alternative splicing
produces different mRNAs from the same primary transcript
-coordinate movement of tRNAs carrying specific amino acids
Translation takes place on
-have complementary anticodons
-covalently coupled to a specific amino acid (charged tRNA)
short single-stranded RNAs of 74-95 nt
directs amino acid incorporation into a growing polypeptide
Base pairing between an mRNA codon and an anticodon of a charged tRNA
amino acid attached to the tRNA
will be attached to the growing polypeptide chain in translation
-why genetic code is degenerate
some tRNAs recognize more than one codon
-begin with Methionine
-ribosomal subunit binds to 5' cap and migrates to AUG codon
-initiator tRNA carries Met
Initiation of Translation
-addition of amino acids to C-terminus of polypeptide
-charged tRNAs ushered into A site by elongation factors
Elongation of Translation
-no normal tRNAs carry anticodons for stop codons
-release factors bind to stop codons
-release of ribosomal subunits, mRNA, and polypeptide
Termination of Translation
missense mutations
replace one amino acid with another
nonsense mutations
change codon that encodes an amino acid to a stop codon
frameshift mutations
-not if multiples of 3 are inserted/deleted
result from insertion or deletion of nucleotides with the coding region
silent mutations
-degenerate genetic code-most amino acids have > 1 codon
do not alter the amino acid sequence
null mutations
ex. deletion of an entire gene
completely block function of a gene product
hypomorphic mutations
gene product has weak, but detectable activity
Hypermorphic mutations
ex. Achondroplasia
generate more gene product or the same amount of a more efficient gene product
Neomorphic Mutations
ex. ectopic expression
generate gene product with new function or that is expressed at inappropriate time or place
an accurate sequence of the human genome that was completed in 2003
Human genome project
-fragmenting the genome
-cloning DNA fragments
-sequencing DNA fragments
-reconstructing genome sequence from fragments
General ideas behind genome sequencing
-restriction enzymes
-mechanical shearing
methods of fragmenting DNA
-recognizes a specific sequence of bases
-cuts sugar-phosphate backbones of both strands
-restriction fragments are generated
-makes hundreds of restriction enzymes available
Process of restriction enzymes
digestion of DNA with restriction enzymes
How are restriction fragments generated
4-8 bp of double strand DNA
-palindromic (identical when read)
-each cuts at same place relative to its recognition sequence
Recognition sites for restriction enzymes are usually
mechanical forces break phosphodiester bonds
-pass DNA through a thin needle at high pressure
-sonication (ultrasound energy)
-ends can be blunt or have protruding single stranded regions
mechanical shearing process
Gel electrophoresis
-place gel in buffered aqueous solution, remove comb, load DNA samples into walls, apply electric current
DNA has negative charge and moves towards positive charge
process that distinguishes DNA fragments according to size
staining gel with dye and photographing the gel under UV light
-migration distance depends on size
-determine size by comparing to DNA markers of known size
How to visualize DNA fragments after gel electrophoresis