Ap enviornmental
What are the economic advantages of clearcutting?
Clearcutting can provide immediate economic benefits by allowing for the quick harvesting of timber.
What is a major direct effect of clearcutting on soil?
Soil erosion due to the loss of stabilizing root structures.
Fill in the Blank: Clearcutting removes soil organic matter and nutrients, leading to __________ in local streams.
Deposits of sediments.
Fill in the Blank: The loss of tree shade increases __________ temperatures.
Soil and stream.
What effect does clearcutting have on river temperatures?
It warms them due to loss of tree shade and sediment erosion.
What happens to soil due to the compaction by logging machinery?
It decreases the water holding capacity, leading to flooding and landslides.
Define Tree Plantations.
Areas where the same tree species are repeatedly planted, grown, and harvested.
What impact does tree plantation have on biodiversity?
It lowers biodiversity by replacing diverse, mature forests with single-species forests.
Fill in the Blank: All trees in plantations are __________, leading to less habitat diversity.
The same age.
What are two benefits of forests related to air quality?
Filtering of air pollutants and removal & storage of CO2 from the atmosphere.
How do trees help with carbon storage?
Trees take in CO2, store it as sugar, wood, and other tissues, and release O2.
What is the consequence of deforestation on air filtering services?
It reduces air filtering and carbon-storing capabilities.
What is the effect of Slash & Burn agriculture on greenhouse gases?
It releases CO2, N2O, and water vapor into the atmosphere.