John Tyler
elected Vice President and became the 10th President of the United States when Harrison died 1841-1845, President responsible for annexation of Mexico after receiving mandate from Polk, opposed many parts of the Whig program for economic recovery
James Polk
11th President of the United States, Election of 1844, believed in "Manifest Destiny", invited Texas to be 28th State, called "Young Hickory"
Caroline and Creole Incidents
Caroline was a ship that was raided By British on the St. Lawrence When Americans rallied support to send weapons to instigate a Revolt. Creole was a slvae ship that was raided in the Bahamas by Slave, brought worry from the Slave Nations.
Aroostook War
"Lumber Jack War" that occurred over the disputed area of Maine/Canada.
Webster Ashburton Treaty
treaty after Arastook war that settled US-Britian boundary disputes incl. Maine border
Abraham Lincoln
16th president of the united states president during the civil war and gave the emancipation proclamation and the gettysburg address assasinated by john wilkes booth.
Nicholas Trist
U.S. diplomat who negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
got land from mexico, ended mexican american war, negotiated by trist
James Slidell
diplomat Polk sent to try to buy california for 20mill. ignored. (before mex-american war)
spot resolutions
Lincoln asked Polk to say the precise spot in which American Blood shed, because american blood was not shed in America but in disputed territory.
Harriet Tubman
United States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North (1820-1913)
Zachary Taylor
Whig president who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (mexican-american war). won the 1848 election. surprisingly did not address the issue of slavery at all on his platform. he died during his term and his vice president was millard fillmore.
Webster's 7th of March Speech
Speech that called upon American Citizens to join together. It adressed one issue for disunion which was the allowed slavery into New Mexican Territory.
Compromise of 1850
Includes California admitted as a free state, the Fugitive Slave Act, Made popular sovereignty in most other states from Mexican- American War, no slave trade in DC
Millard Fillmore
., Successor of President Zachary Taylor after his death on July 9th 1850. He helped pass the Compromise of 1850 by gaining the support of Northern Whigs for the compromise.
Franklin Pierce
an American politician and the fourteenth President of the United States. his popularity in the North declined sharply after he came out in favor of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, repealing the Missouri Compromise and reopening the question of the expansion of slavery in the West.
Ostend Manifesto
America wanted to gain Cuba as part of manifest destiny
Gadsden Purchase
1853 purchase of more land from mexico for purpose of building intercontinental railroad
Stephen Douglas
Senator from Illinois, expansionist, author of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Freeport Doctrine, argues in favor of popular sovereignty. debated Lincoln prior to 1860 election - advocated annexation of Mexico and strong supporter for Compromise of 1850
Kansas Nebraska Act
1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.
Wilmot Proviso
Bill that would ban slavery in the territories acquired after the War with Mexico (1846). never passed
Panic of 1857
Economic downturn caused by overspeculation of western lands, railroads, gold in California, grain. Mostly affected northerners, who called for higher tariffs and free homesteads
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Author of the antislavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. hugely popular book in US and Europe
John Brown
Abolitionist. Pottawatomie Massacre (killed 5 in kansas) . was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. seen as martyr by north.
Brooks vs. Sumner
massatuchets senator blamed south for bleeding kansas and degrading congressmen, other senator south carolina beat him with a cane
John C. Fremont
Presidential nominee for Republicans in election of 1856, founded and explored california in preceding decades.
Dred Scott
., American slave who sued his master for keeping him enslaved in a territory where slavery was banned under the missouri Compromise. denied freedom: slaves private property and government cannot regulate them.
Lincoln Douglas Debates
., During the race to become Senator Lincoln asked to have multiple debates with Douglas. Certain topics of these debates were slavery, how to deal with slavery, and where slavery should be allowed. Although Lincoln lost the election to Douglas, he emerged as the leader of ther republican party
Lecompton Constitution
in kansas, could vote for slavery or without, but protected rights of slaveholders. It was rejected by Kansas, making Kansas an eventual free state.
Crittenden Compromise
compromise to prevent war. Lincoln rejected it because he had run on a platform against the extention of slavery.
Harpers Ferry
1859 John Brown's scheme to invade the South with armed slaves, backed by sponsoring, northern abolitionists; seized the federal arsenal; Brown and remnants were caught by Robert E. Lee and the US Marines; Brown was hanged
Morrill Act
(1862) Federal law that gave land to western states to build agricultural and engineering colleges.passed by lincoln
Trent Affair
., In 1861 the Confederacy sent emissaries James Mason to Britain and John Slidell to France to lobby for recognition. A Union ship captured both men and took them to Boston as prisonners. The British were angry and Lincoln ordered their release. slow communications prevented war.
Jefferson Davis
president of Confederate states of America, characterized with a lack of popular appeal and disagreements with state governors, was banned from voting after losing the war, Congress posthumously lifted the restriction 89 years after his death.
William Seward
Senator from New York.antislavery, religious,no compromise. Later became the rival of Lincoln for the presidential candidate.became the secretary of state for lincoln. called "Higher Law". purchase of alaska
Stonewall Jackson
general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War whose troops at the first Battle of Bull Run stood like a stone wall (1824-1863)
Robert E. Lee
renowned confederate general, for south.
Elizabeth Blackwell
Northern woman who was the first woman to become a licensed doctor in the U.S. and helped run the US Sanitiary Commission
a group of northern Democrats who opposed abolition and sympathized with the South during the Civil War
George McClellan
He was a Union general that was in charge during the beginning of the war. He defeated Lee, at Antietam, securing a much needed Union victory.but overcautious so lincoln fired him
the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with almost 23,000 casualties. After this "win" for the North, Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation and France and Great Britian no longer willing to aide south
Emancipation Proclamation
issued by Abraham Lincoln in 1862, after antietum. it declared that all slaves in the rebellious Confederate states would be free
William T. Sherman
general in the Union Army ."scorched earth" policies that he implemented in conducting total war against the Confederate States
Andrew Johnson
A Southerner form Tennessee, as V.P. when Lincoln was killed, he became president. He opposed radical Republicans who passed Reconstruction Acts over his veto. The first U.S. president to be impeached, he survived the Senate removal by only one vote. He was a very weak president.
Black Codes
Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves
Thaddeus Stevens
Leader of the Radical Republicans in Congress who was devoted to a stringent and punitive Reconstruction effort. Worked towards equality for Southern blacks.
Stands for Ku Klux Klan and started right after the Civil War. Terrorist group of White Supremacists in south, also nicknamed "The Invisible Empire of the South"
Seward's Folly
many criticized William Seward's purchase of Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars, calling it his folly.
Ex Parte Milligan
origionally there were military tribunals established in the south, but after this case they were outlawed in places where there were civilian courts
Tenure of Office Act
1866 - enacted by radical congress - forbade president from removing civil officers without senatorial consent - was to prevent Johnson from removing a radical republican from his cabinet, and led to his impeachment
Freedman's Bureau
The bureau's focus was to provide food, medical care, administer justice, manage abandoned and confiscated property, regulate labor, and establish schools.
Wade-Davis Bill
congresses reconstruction plan, would have called for 50% majority in states for re-enterancen into the union. vetoed
carpetbaggers & scalawags
northerners who went to the South immediately after the Civil War; especially one who tried to gain political advantage or other advantages from the disorganized situation in southern states;
Alexander Stevens
vice president of Confederate states of america
Hinton Helper
wrote the impending crisis of the south
James Buchanan
15th president of the united states
John Wilkes Booth
assainated abraham lincoln
Know nothing party
formed by nativists and nominated willard fillmore in the election of 1856
Freeport Doctrine
no matter how the supreme court ruled slavery would stay down if the people voted it down
Fort Sumter
attacked by the confederacy while trying to restock the supplies. start of the civil war
Ulysses S. Grant
commanded the union army at the end of the war became the 18th president of the united states.
The Alabama
was chased by several british ships and was blown up.
Battle of Bull Run
Stonewall Jackson holds off union forces attempting to take richmond in one fell swoop union learned that it would be in for a long war.
split the south in half after capture of the mississippi river
John Pope
Lead the second battle of bull run and was crushed by Robert E. Lee's forces.
Massachusetts 54th Regiment
made up of african american soldiers.
Fort Pillow
the site of an african american massacre and became a rallying cry for union troops.
A. E. Burnside
lead his troops to fredricksburg and lost 10,000 troops.
Fighting Joe Hooker
Lead troops into Chancecellorsville and lost to a flank plan of Robert E. Lee same battle as the one were Stonewall Jackson died.
George G. Meade
Commanded troops in the battle of Gettysburg and was successful in holding off confederate forces.
Salmon Chase
Lincoln's treasury secretary and secretly rallied against him.
Clement L. Vallandigham
Congressman from Ohio. Leader of the copperheads. Sent to the south after noting opposition to Lincoln. He came back up and started protesting once again. "Man Without a Country"
Economy in 1850s
Good in Northwest, Chicago became terminus of railroad lines, economic expansion greater than population growth, income gap widening
Panic of 1857
Crimean war makes Europe demand US grain, banks made too many risky loans, land prices to high, railroad debt
David R. Atchison
Missouri Senator, led border ruffians to Kansas to vote illegally for pro-slaver territorial legislature
Southern Exported Crops
Cotton, exported 3/4 US exports
Four leading industries
Cotton textiles, lumber products, boots, flourmilling
Impending Crisis
Book by Helper, slavery holding south from developing, banned in south,
Immigrants not accepted
Drank, pro-slavery
Interchangable parts resaulted in
Cheaper production costs, more available, Britain took interest, known as American System
Most immigrants who entered after 1845
Romain Catholics
Labor conditions in North
Per capita 40% higher, worked 60-70 hours a week, seasonal unemployment common, immigrants flooded free states.
Effects of Panic of 1857
Specie payment suspended, railroads bankrupt, factories shut down, worked laid off, and mob attacked US customs house
John Brown trial
Tried in Virginia, viewed as hero in north
First truly sectional party
Candidacy for speaker of house derailed?
John Sherman
Kansas was a mixture of
Hungry settlers, entrepreneurs who wanted to build national roads.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Over slavery, competing for control of Illinois legislature, seven of them
Convictions on slavery? Lincoln Douglas Atchison Calhoun
Lincoln - Evil
Atchison and Calhoun
Pro slavery
Lecompton Constitution
Slavery in Kansas legal, two referendums, President Buchanan, ultimatly rejected.
Election of 1856
Three parties, Republican Fremont, Democrat Buchanan, and Fillmore American Party. Buchanan won
Dred Scott
Missouri compromise unconstitutional, not a citizen but property, Justce Taney
Top industrial producer?
Most political power of immigrants belonged to
Democratic Party
Dred Scott
Slave kept at Illinois and Missouri, back to Missouri
Know Nothings
Tornado, Hurricane, or freak of political insanity
Most casualties were from
Economic problem for South was
Inflation, southerns hid livestock so they wouldn't be taxed
After Fort Sumter, these states joined Confederacy
Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina