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functions of the nervous system
allows communication between brain and body, stores information, coordinates all activities
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord; receives and interprets info from PNS and send out a response
peripheral nervous system
gathers info from inside and outside body
function of a neuron
transmit messages to and from brain and spinal cord
3 main parts of a neuron
cell body; dendrites; axon
cell body
contain nucleus which regulates protein production (DNA)
branched structures; extend from cell body; receive info and transmit toward cell body
transmit impulses away from cell body toward neuron, muscle cell, or gland
what is the function of the myelin sheath?
insulate the neuron so impulses can travel quickly
sensory neuron
gather info about internal and external environment through sense organs
motor neurons
send nerve impulses to muscles and glands
only in brain and spinal cord; pass impulses between neurons
frontal lobe
decision-making; judgement; language; intellect; personality
parietal lobe
sensory info (temp, pain, touch, body position in space)
occipital lobe
sense of sight
temporal lobe
hearing, smell, and memory
thinking and movement
movement of the skeletal muscles; posture
brain stem
connect brain to spinal cord; responsible for involuntary actions
regulates body temp, appetite, sleep and secretions for pituitary glands
pituitary gland
“master gland” controls all hormone production and secretion
corpus callosum
communication between left and right brain
3 ways to take care of nervous system
adequate sleep, stress reduction, regular physical activity
“turns off” neurons over time; causes trouble with remembering, thinking, and daily activities
damages neurotransmitters producing dopamine which leads to trouble with movement
“seizure disorder”; clusters of neurons send wrong or abnormal signals causing seizures
blood flow to the brain stops and cells start to die
ischemic stroke
caused by blood clot obstructing a blood vessel in the brain
broken blood vessel that bleeds into the brain
what is stress
the reaction of the body and the mind to every day challenges and demands
what is a stressor
anything that causes stress
explain 3 differences between the teen and adult brain
teens: respond emotionally first with amygdala, great fluctuation in neurotransmitters, immature prefrontal cortex
what are the 3 stages of the stress response?
alarm, resistance, and fatigue
“fight or flight” mind and body on high alert; body prepares to defend itself or flee
adapting and reacting stage; body goes on over drive and performance and endurance increase
if stressor remains too long, the body tires and can’t manage other stressors
how do body systems respond to stress?
heart rate and breathing rate increase; metabolism speeds up; pupils dilate
describe 3 stress management techniques
relaxation: breathing, stretching, etc.
redirect energy: exercise or work on a creative activity
seek support: talk it out
ways to prevent stress from occurring?
get sleep, regular physical activity, eat a nutritious diet
how much sleep is a teen supposed to get each night?
9.25 hours
what occurs during REM?
muscles relax, heart and breathing rate increase, better concentration and mood regulation, neurons repaired, cells/tissues/organs restored, proteins made, growth hormone released
negative consequences of not getting enough sleep?
memory lapses, mood problems, time needed to process information