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bill of sale
personal property
one owner
more than 2 owners
system of ownership (real property)
change the will
Joint Tenancy
equal shares, TTIP, don't need permission to sale, cant will it, at death it goes to the other owner
tenance in common
two or more owners, unequal shares, separate titles ,at death goes to the heirs /estate
community property/entities
husband and wife - undivided shares- death, divorce, agreement will terminate
possession not ownership
coinsurance clause
Homeowners' insurance policy requires fire insurance to 80% replacement cost of the dwelling (excludes the land).
Suit to partition
court order to sell or divide ownership
Less than Freehold Estate
a limited period of time
estate of years
possession for a limited time (summer rentals) no need to notice to terminate
estate at will
ends at any moment
periodic tenancy
month to month; week-to-weeek
estate of sufference
stays after their rights expired
4 government powers
P.E.T.E: Police power, eminent domain, taxation, escheat
police power
state power to enact laws promoting health, safety, and morals
goes to the government without no heirs
emient domain
take property for public use
involuntary liens
taxes, assessments, mech leins, mortages
voluntary liens
judgement, property tax, income tax
Easement Appurtenant
An easement created to benefit adjacent land.
tenancy of years
ends at a period of time
common elements
common areas /condo
real property
land and immovable land
personal property
movable items (chattle)
real to personal
attaching an item to property
easement in gross
utilities (personal and corp.); doesnt transfer at sell
Easement by Prescription
OCEAN- 20 years
estate of inheritance
indefinite duration
life estate
own for someones life
freehold estate
fee estate, fee simple defeasible, life estate
fee simple
The greatest possible interest a person can have in real estate.
fee simple defeasible
owe but their is a restrictions
equitable title
presented right of possession
Crops. Fructus industriales/personal property
consumer price index
commercial leases
zoning ordiance
is to promote safety, public health, morals, and general welfare
gross lease
flat rate
percentage lease
based on income
net lease
pay insurance, taxes
sale and lease back
lease it back to seller at the time of title passes
graduated rental lease
starts an agreed upon payment, increases at set intervals as the lease terms
proprietary lease
co-ops- personal property interest
Scarcity, Transferability, Utility, Demand
expressed contracts
written or verbal agreements
implied contract
A contract that comes about simply from actions of the parties.
1 party; listing agreement
2 promises/party
valid and enforceable
A contract containing all the essential elements, including being in writing
Essentials of a valid contract
Mutual consent, lawful object, consideration, capable parties
void contract
missing an element
voidable contract
A contract that may be legally avoided at the option of one or both of the parties.
Unenforceable Contract
a contract for the breach of which the law provides no remedy
breach in contract
Liquidated Damages
Anticipated damages agreed upon prior to contract being signed. (earnest money)
Punitive Damages
punished by the court
compensatory damages
economic loss/court
Suit of Performance
court order to perform
termination of contract
mother-nature, death of principals, death of broker, mutual agreement, bankruptcy/foreclosure
time of the essence
bind one party to perform at a time limit
something has to happened before purchasing
change with mutual agreeemnt
Additions to terms of the contract
Net Listing
broker keeps everything above a certain figure
Open Listing
pay broker who brought the buyer, seller sells = no commission, multiple brokers
exclusive agency listing
pay broker (1) that finds buyer; owner sells= no commsion, prove that you brought the buyer
exclusive right to sell
broker gets paid no matter who sells it, one firm brough the buyer
offers can be ... (seller point of view)
accepted, rejected, do nothing, counteroffer
withdrawal of offer
until time of acceptance by seller
executory period
have tasks to complete
executed period
all promises have been fulfilled
procurring cause
person who brings about a sale
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)
price fixing, boycotting
legal document used to transfer ownership of real property (receipt)
option contract
unilateral, seller is obligated to sell; buyer has the option to buy
land contract
agreement under which buyer pays in installments and waits for deed; seller holds title and buyer gets equitable title
Non-Exclusive Buyer Agency Agreement
A type of buyer agency in which the buyer is free to utilize other buyer agents and is not obligated to just one agent. This is the type of buyer agency that would exist if the agency agreement is not reduced to writing.
Exclusive buyer agency agreement
buyer must compensate no matter what.
due dilligence objective
detect problems; money goes to the seller
earnest money
trust account within 3 days
cancel contract before due diligence date
seller keeps dd, earnest money goes to the buyer
cancel contract after due diligence date
seller keeps both dd and earnest money
signs documnets
settlement date
when everything was signed
bundle of rights
(DEEPC) Disposition Exclusion Enjoyment Possession Control
deed must be
delivered and accpeted
metes and bounds
point of beginning, always clockwise
Recorded plat of subdivision
lot and block
rectangular survey system
Also called the Public Land Survey, the system was used by the US Land Office Survey to parcel land west of the Appalachian Mountains. The system divides land into a series of rectangular parcels.
Words of Conveyance
type of deed, how they plan to take title
recording of deed
gives constructive notice of the ownership of real property
actual notice
direct knowledge
can't transfer ownership with clouds until you...
quiet title claim