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receptive field
area of skin surface over which stimulation results in a significant change in firing rate of action potentials
spatial accuracy
ability to discern the presence of 2 tactile stimuli separated by a small distance
smaller receptive fields = higher spatial accuracy
pseudounipolar neurons
have soma and axon but no dendrites
axon is split in 2 directions: one towards SC, one towards skin/muscle
somatosensory system afferents
why do pseudounipolar neurons not have dendrites
no need to sense chemical stimuli from environment
respond to mechanical stimulation
stretch activated channels
channels open with deformation or stretch of skin or muscle
allows influx of Na or Ca that depolarize afferents and cause action potentials
receptor potential
change in membrane potential of receptor afferent by cation influx (na and ca)
graded potentials w/ strength of stimulus (more stretch = higher potential)
slow adapting receptors
continue to respond throughout entire duration of stimulus
fast adapting receptors
quickly stops responding to stimulus
merkel receptors
slow adapting, valleys of fingerprints, 25% of mechanoreceptors in hand, high spatial resolution and accuracy, smallest receptive field, sensitive
meissner corpuscle
fast adapting, peaks of fingerprints, 40% of mechanoreceptors in hand, high sensitivity, larger receptive field, and lower spacial resolution than Merkel cells
pacinian corpuscle
fast adapting, deep in tissue, 10% of mechanoreceptors in hand, high sensitivity, huge receptive field, low spatial resolution
ruffini afferents
slow adapting, deep in tissue, 20% of mechanoreceptors in hand, sensitive to stretching during movement, large receptive field, low spatial accuracy
how do we detect stimuli of different intensities?
frequency of action potential firing
number of sensory neurons recruited
sensory input from muscles to spinal cord
class of mechanoreceptors
muscle spindles
AP firing rate provides info on muscle length
stretching muscle fibers activate mechanoreceptors on sensory afferents
golgi tendon organs
AP firing rate provides info about force of muscle contraction
contracting muscle fibers activate mechanoreceptors on sensory afferents
both fire APs during passive stretch
during muscle contractions muscle spindles decrease AP firing rate and golgi tendons increase AP firing rate
map of little man that is proportional to apatial acuity across the body
the encoding and processing of noxious stimuli by CNS and PNS
(only sensory processing)
an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage
(sensory and higher brain processing)
noxious stimuli
stimuli that are actually or potentially damaging to tissue
relief from pain
pain receptors
have free nerve endings
2 categories: A-delta and C fibers
express channels and receptors to transduce mechanical, thermal and chemical stimuli
A-delta fibers
lightly myelinated; only mechanical and thermal pain stimuli (not chemical); fast, intense; first pain
C fibers
not myelinated; mechanical, thermal, and chemical pain stimuli; throbbing, chronic pain; second pain
thermal/mechanical pain stimuli
detected through TRPs; influx of Ca++ an/or Na+ when activated, causing depolarization, triggering APs
chemical pain stimuli
detected by TRP channels and GPCRs
somatic nociceptive pain
dense innervation (supply of nerves), localized pain; can determine where it comes from
thermal, chemical, and mechanical nociceptors
protective; positive process
visceral nociceptive pain
sparser innervation (supply of nerves), diffuse, referred pain; don’t know exactly where the pain is
mostly mechanical nociceptors
protective; positive process
increased response to pain; inflammation
inflammation pain
causes release of prostaglandins which interact with pain receptors to decrease depolarization and AP firing threshold (causes more AP to fire and more pain to be felt)
neuropathic pain
due to direct damage of receptors or spinal cord and brain regions that process pain
not protective; not helpful/ serves no purpose
nociceptive pain vs neuropathic pain
nociceptors send signals signaling pain vs damage to actual nerves
referred pain
first order neurons: sensory neurons
second order neurons: neurons in spinal cord that first order neurons synapse on
second order neurons not specific to somatic or visceral inputs which results in confusion of the interpretation of source of pain
gate control theory of pain
rubbing a painful area to make it feel better
interneurons(inhibit second order neurons from transmitting pain) are usually inhibited by C fibers but touch fibers stimulate interneurons to keep them working
opiate receptors
pre and postsynaptic, metabatropic
opiates on presynaptic neuron
reduced NT release, reduced excitation of postsynaptic neuron
opiates on postsynaptic neuron
cause hyperpolarization of postsynaptic neuron, making it less likely to respond to pain afferent
transparent tissue
aqueous humor
produced by vascular part of ciliary body
poor drainage can cause glaucoma
where focusing of vision happens
transparent tissue
protein build up on lens causes cataracts
vitreous humor
gelatinous substance, contains phagocytes that clean up debris
cornea function
majority of light refraction, not adjustable
lens function
adjustable light refraction to focus at various distances
zonal fibers hold lens in place
ciliary muscles shape lens
pupil function
narrows light path
controlled by iris muscle
retina regions
optic disc, macula, fovea
optic disc function
in/out point
retinal axons leave
no photoreceptors/ blind spot
high acuity
yellowish pigment, filters UV light
site of macular degeneration
center of macula
exactly where you’re looking (highest visual acuity)
mostly cone photoreceptors
nearsightedness (can’t see far)
light converges too soon, in front of lens
farsightedness (can’t see close)
light converges too late, behind lens
normal vision
light converges right on the lens
retinal pigment epithelium
contains melanin that prevents backscatter of light
remove and recycle photoreceptor discs
photoreceptor maintenance
discs removed and recycled by retinal pigmented epithelium
discs at tip phagocytosed by epithelial cells
recycled discs reenter at the base
rods and cones
changes to light current
graded potentials (no AP)
only make connections in retina
light “on” or “off” signals
horizontals, bipolar, and amacrine cells
grade potentials (no AP)
projection neurons
generate action potentials to send info to brain
only cell w AP bc only cell that leaves retina
ganglion cells
do not fire APs - graded potentials
depolarize when light decreases
hyperpolarize when light increases
photoreceptor role
transduce light to graded potential receptors and release glutamate to bipolar cells
bipolar cells role
sign conserving or sign inverting operation
produce graded potentials and release glutamate to ganglion cells
ganglion cells role
generate APs to bring info to CNS
horizontal cells role
mediate interactions between cell groups
outer segment of photoreceptors
contain cGMP Na+/Ca++ channels that depolarize the cell; channels open/close in response to cGMP levels
inner segment of photoreceptors
contain potassium leak channels that hyperpolarize the cell
synapse of photoreceptors
graded glutamate release based on net change in potential between inner and outer segments
the more depolarized the synapse, the more Ca++ comes in to release NT
dark vs light glutamate release
in the dark, guanylyl cyclase makes cGMP that depolarizes the cell and continues the release of glutamate normally
light causes change in r(something) which releases G proteins, turning on phosphodiesterase enzymes that turn cGMP into GMP, less cGMP means less activation of Na/Ca channels to release glutamate
ON/OFF cells
on cells depolarize with more light
off cells depolarize with less light
more sensitive to dim light
more numerous than cones in the retina
specialized for color and high visual acuity
high concentration in fovea
sensitive to bright light
distribution of rods and cones
rods more in periphery of retina, cones more in center of retina
ospins of cones
respond better to some photon wavelengths of colors than others (optimal but not exclusive)
cones express 1 of 3 ospins
pathway from eye to brain
visual field → retina → optic nerve → optic chiasm → optic tract → thalamus → optic radiations → visual cortex in occipital lobe
optic nerve vs chiasm vs tract
optic nerves has axons from ONE eye; chiasm and tract have axons from BOTH eyes
high spatial acuity means…
most area in the visual cortex
“what” pathway
object identification and recognition
“where/how” pathway
object location
can identify objects but have hard time interacting with them
visual-form: inability to recognize objects
color: inability to recognize colors
face: inability to recognize faces
outer ear
boost sound pressure with vibrations
middle ear
sound amplification by bones
inner ear
sensory transduction
inner ear
contains organ of corti
where main transduction happensa
auditory pathway
sound waves → tympanic membrane/ eardrum → malleus → incus → stapes → oval window → vestibular canal → basilar membrane → stereocilia → K+ ions → Ca++ ions → NTs → APs
frequency map
vibration of basilar membrane is maximal at sound frequency
membrane goes from high to low pitch
activation of hair cells
movement of tectorial membrane from basilar membrane vibration causes force that bends stereocilia of the hair cell
sensory transduction in hair cells
movement of hair bundles by tectorial membrane opens stretch activated K+ channels that depolarize hair cell
surrounds stereocilia of the hair cell
high in K+ concentration
cochlear duct
surrounds cell body of hair cell
low in K+ concentration
found in tympanic canal
conductive vs sensorineural hearing loss
middle ear; ex, ruptured eardrum vs inner ear and trouble transducing signal; ex, tinnitus
vestibular system functions
processes sensory information
static position
velocity, acceleration, and direction of movement
mediates rapid automatic behaviors
multisensory integration
vestibular hair cells
similar to auditory cells
difference is they release NT at rest, movement of hair bundle can increase or decrease NT release, have kinocilium (taller, thinner stereocilia)
kinocilium movement
movement of bundle towards kinocilium depolarizes the cell
movement of bundle away from kinocilium hyperpolarizes the cell
depolarization activates Ca2++ channels that trigger high levels of glutamate release
vestibular hair cells at rest
low tension that holds stretch channels slightly open allowing low depolarization, triggering low levels of glutamate release
tilt vs acceleration
response lasts the duration of the tilt (either inc or dec firing rate whole time) vs transient response that lasts until inertia is overcome (inc firing rate until otolithic membrane catches up then firing rate drops)
vestibular pathway
semicircular canal detects motion → otoconia and gel layer move → vestibular hair cells move → K+ ions → Ca++ ions → NTs → APs
semicircular canals
rotational acceleration only
chemosensory systems
detects chemicals in the environment
olfactory, gustatory, and trigeminal systems
olfactory system
processes info about odorants
strong connection w limbic system; reason for strong connections between smell, emotion, and memories
olfactory epithelium
site of sensory transduction
odors held by mucus produced by Bowman’s gland
ORNs bind odors on their cilia and produce APs
expresses 1 type of odor receptor protein; 1 receptor 1 odorant
G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs)
can be degraded by exposure to things in enviro but are regenerated by basal cells (stem cells found in epithelium) every 6-10 weeks