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The purine bases are: A. adenine and guanine B. adenine and cytosine C. thymine and cytosine D. uracil, thymine, and cytosine
Four chromatids would be considered a: A. mutation B. non-disjunction C. tetrad D. synapses
Which of the following is NOT in the class insecta: A. bees B. moths C. fireflies D. spiders
Plant cells differ from animal cells in that only plant cells possess: A. a nucleus B. mitochondria C. a cell wall D. lysosomes
Which of the following has the lowest blood pressure: A. aorta B. carotid artery C. femoral artery D. posterior vena cava
Barbara McClintock is famous for discovering which of the following: A. the structure of DNA with Watson and Crick B. introns C. jumping genes D. exons
Which of the following is NOT true of the Calvin-Benson Cycle: A. it is also sometimes called the dark reactions of photosynthesis B. it is also sometimes called the light independent reactions of photosynthesis C. it converts energy trapped in the light reactions into sugar D. it does not require stores of potential energy
Proteins made up of two or more polypeptide chains are said to possess: A. a resistance to denaturation B. a quaternary structure C. a tertiary structure D. an enzymatic refractory period
The cytoskeleton of a cell is made of: A. microtubules, lignin, and microfilaments B. microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments C. microtubules, flagellin, and microfilaments D. pectins, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments
A good light microscope has a resolving power of about: A. 0.5 millimeters B. 0 .5 nanometers C. 0.5 microns D. 5 nanometers
In which of the following areas of the human body is the olecranon process found: A. hip B. wrist C. shoulder D. elbow
Darwin's finches are an example of evolution of a species by the: A. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium B. genetic drift C. founder effect D. macroevolution
Plant tissues are generally divided into four main types: A. dermal, vascular, ground, meristematic B. connective, vascular, ground, meristematic C. vascular, ground, meristematic, mesenchymal D. vascular, ground, meristematic, mesodermal
Commensalism is when: A. both species benefit B. neither species affects the other C. one species benefits while the other is unaffected D. both species are harmed
Which of the following responses do auxins NOT typically produce in plants: A. cell elongation B. fruit maturation C. xylem differentiation D. pollen tube growth
Which of the following is NOT true about toxic shock syndrome: A. it is not known to occur in males B. it is caused by a bacteria C. up to 15% of healthy women harbor the causative germ in their vaginal flora D. it is associated with infrequent changes of super absorbent tampons
What is water loss through the stomata of a plant called: A. condensation B. liquidation C. transpiration D. exchange
Spallanzani, Pasteur, and Reti were: A. Italian scientists B. scientists involved with dispelling the theory of continuous generations C. scientists involved with dispelling the theories of spontaneous generation D. scientists who all began working as lens grinders
Which of the following is NOT one of Koch's Postulates: A. the specific causative agent must be found in every case of the disease B. the disease organism can be isolated in impure culture C. inoculation of a sample of the culture into a healthy susceptible animal must produce the same disease D. diseased organisms must be recovered from the body of the inoculated animal
Which of the following is most accurate about the pasteurization of milk: A. it makes milk taste better B. it kills all bacteria C. it lowers the milk's pH D. it reduces the population of bacteria
Answer: Genus
What does the first word designate in the binomial nomenclature system?
Answer: Fungi
What kingdom of organisms does a professional Mycologist study?
Answer: Transmission Electron Microscopy
What kind of microscopy does the following describe: Samples are treated with an electron-dense material and then cut into thin layers. While inside the microscope's column, electrons that are passed through the sample and differentially scattered to show a silhouetted image on a phosphorescent screen:
Answer: Ectoderm
Which germ layer in mammals is predominantly responsible for forming the nervous system?
Answer: Homeostasis
What is the most common physiological term used to denote how the body maintains a stable internal environment in the face of a constantly changing external environment?
Answer: inside of cells
Where is intracellular fluid normally found?
Answer: Gram Positive And Gram Negative
In 1884, the Danish microbiologist Hans Christian Gram invented the gram stain, which delineates the difference between what two general types of bacteria?
Answer: Antibodies
What are the main products of plasma cells called?
Answer: Medial
This anatomical term means "nearer the midsagittal plane":
Answer: Taste
The gustatory system has to do mostly with what human sense?
Answer: Sympathetic System
When the body is in a time of stress, which of the 2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system is primarily directing the response?
Answer: 12
How many different cranial nerves are there in the human body?
Answer: Sepals, Petals, Stamens, And Carpels
For a flower to be complete, it must possess what four types of floral appendages?
Answer: Scolex
Biologists usually refer to the head of a tapeworm by what name?
Answer: Coccus
What morphological scientific name is given to a spherically shaped bacterium?
Answer: Corpus Luteum
What is the name of a graffian follicle after it releases an egg, turns into a yellow body, and begins to secrete progesterone?
Answer: Neutrophil
Which white blood cell is typically known as the body's first line of defense:
Answer: Rhizomes
What is the botanical name for the horizontal stems that allow a plant to spread underground?
Answer: Pea
Mendel did most of his original experimentation using this type of plant:
Answer: Esophagus, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum
Order the following from the part of the digestive tract nearest to the beginning to the part nearest to the end: jejunum, ileum, esophagus, duodenum
Bacteria are more likely used to produce which of the following: A. gelatin B. wine C. pasteurized milk D. vinegar
Which of the following is NOT a nematode: A. pinworm B. hookworm C. tapeworm D. ascaris
Assuming a male mammal has an x-linked recessive gene which exhibits a certain characteristic phenotypic trait, which of the following is NOT true: A. all of his daughters will be carriers B. all of his sons will exhibit the trait C. there is a 50% chance his daughters will pass the recessive allele to their sons D. none of his sons will pass the recessive allele
Which of the following is MOST accurate for eukaryotic cells: A. introns are spliced out of pre-mRNA B. introns are spliced out of pre-DNA C. exons are spliced out of pre-mRNA D. exons are spliced out of pre-DNA
The tectorial membrane is found in which of the following anatomical structures of a human: A. inner ear B. eye C. testes D. ovaries
Plants gather wavelengths of light NOT absorbed by the main chlorophyll a and b through: A. photosystem I B. photosystem II C. accessory pigments D. carotenoids
Which of the following is not caused by a virus: A. mumps B. yellow fever C. small pox D. leprosy
Answer: Monera
In the classification of organisms, four of the 5 Kingdoms are Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista. What is the fifth?
Answer: Kingdom, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Order the following from the largest taxonomic group to the smallest group: order, genus, kingdom, class, family, species
Answer: Apoptosis
The biological term for programmed cell death is:
Which of the following fins is NOT found on fish: A. pectoral B. lateral C. dorsal D. pelvic
In mammals, the embryos have a physiological connection to the mothers body during development. This is an example of:
The following pathway, CO2 + H2O + energy yields (CH2O)n + O2, represents which of the following: A. cellular respiration B. photosynthesis C. an irreversible reaction D. glycolysis
George Gamow made a contribution to biology by correctly interpreting the: A. X-ray crystallographic structure of DNA B. existence of reverse transcriptase C. minimum number of letters in the code for amino acids D. existence of oncogenes
Which of the following accounts for the largest decline in death rate in the USA between the years 1900 and 1990: A. accidents B. cancer C. cardiovascular disease D. infectious disease
Physicians give patients immuno-suppressing drugs after an organ transplant to prevent: A. infection B. a graft verses host response C. rejection of the transplant D. viral infections
Which of the following does NOT directly function in the cytoskeleton: A. microtubules B. microfilaments C. spectrin D. actin
Stems grow longer by creating new cells at their tips, in a region known as the: A. terminal division section B. terminal mitotic C. shoot apical meristem D. apical terminus
In a typical cell, cytokinesis overlaps with: A. S phase B. metaphase C. anaphase D. telophase
Francesco Redi is known for an experiment that refuted which of the following theories: A. the theory of spontaneous generation B. phlogiston theory C. the theory of bad humors D. the theory that disease was caused by astrological events
The exchange of gases between blood and the tissue occurs normally in: A. venules B. arterioles C. veins D. capillaries
The exchange of gases between blood and the tissue occurs normally in: A. venules B. arterioles C. veins D. capillaries
Growth and development are synonymous, respectively, with which of the following: A. division and multiplication B. multiplication and division C. multiplication and differentiation D. zygote and embryo
DNA is produced from RNA: A. by reverse transcriptase B. by an oligoside C. by DNA polymerase D. in yeast as a protective measure
Which of the following does NOT belong to the Class Arachnida: A. spider B. tick C. mite D. shrimp
Transfer RNA with an amino acid attached to it is called: A. a charged tRNA B. an amino acyl tRNA C. a tRNA with an amino acid attached D. t-primed RNA
Which of the following is true about a brain cell from a 'normal' individual human: A. some DNA sequences are present in multiple copies B. most of the DNA codes for protein C. most genes are transcribed D. most genes are arranged in operon-like clusters
An example of negative feedback control is when: A. the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an earlier reaction B. the initial enzyme of a metabolic pathway inhibits a later reaction C. the end product of a metabolic pathway stimulates an earlier reaction D. the initial product of a metabolic pathway inhibits the next reaction
Which of the following is the term for when a segment of a chromosome rotates 180 degrees and rejoins the same chromosome: A. deletion B. inversion C. translocation D. duplication
A newborn baby's immunity, which is acquired from the mother, is often referred to as: A. active immunity B. passive immunity C. bistander immunity D. physical immunity
Answer: Endocardium
What is the name of the inner surface of the myocardium that is lined with a layer of endothelial cells?
Answer: Hypothalamus
Germs that cause fever usually act on this section of the brain, which is sometimes referred to as the body's thermostat:
Answer: Dopamine
Parkinson's disease is caused by a lack of this neurotransmitter in the brain:
Answer: Babinski
What reflex causes the extension of the big toe and fanning of the other toes when the bottom of the foot is stroked?
Answer: indole acetic acid
In plants, this naturally occurring auxin has the abbreviation IAA:
Answer: The Tick
What is the vector for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
Answer: Stigma, Style, And Ovary
What three main parts make up the carpel of a plant?
Answer: Swimbladder
What accessory organ allows bony fish to remain at a certain depth in the water without swimming?
Answer: Head, Thorax, And Abdomen
In many arthropods, the segments of the body are grouped into 3 distinct parts. Name all three parts:
Answer: Tympanic Membrane
Vibration of this membrane moves 3 small bones that span the cavity of the middle ear:
Which of the following describes the major difference between bryophytes (pron: bry-oh-fites) and tracheophytes (pron: tray-key-o-fites)? A. tracheophytes can survive on land B. tracheophytes have seeds inside fruits C. tracheophytes can make their own food D. tracheophytes have vessels to transport materials
Complete the sentence. The alternative forms of gene at the same locus on homologous chromosomes are called what?
The human pelvic girdle is composed of 3 fused bones on each side for a total of 6 bones. Name the 3 fused bones.
What are rings of muscle which CLOSE body openings such as the lips called?
The myofilaments of muscles consist primarily of two proteins. These two proteins are called: A. actin and myosin B. progesterone and testosterone C. progesterone and estrogen
In studies of the human body, what is used to describe a blood-filled sac formed by an outpouching in an arterial or venous wall?
What French scientist is considered the father of paleontology? Was it: A. George Cuvier B. Marquis de Condorcet C. Jacque Tonnies D. Auguste Compte
What Roman physician's studies of human anatomy based on lower animals served as the only text on the subject for nearly 10 centuries? Was it: A. Cartrum B. Polonius C. Galen D. Monterius
What percentage of the atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide? Is it approximately: A. .03% (read: three-hundredths of a percent) B. 1% C. 5% D. 7%
What process in all living things releases carbon dioxide as a waste product?
For convenience, living things are placed into various groups. The taxonomic breakdown of living things consists of the following categories: Family, Class, Genus, Phylum, Order, Kingdom and Species. Give the order of these terms from least specific to most specific.
In biology, what is the word used to describe the appearance of an individual without regard to its hereditary constitution?
The chromosomes responsible for characteristics other than sex are known by which of the following terms? A. ribosomes B. lysosomes C. autosomes D. spermatocytes
What genetic term describes the situation when a part of a chromosome is broken off and lost?
Each of the following is a cell organelle except one. Which one of these is NOT a cell organelle? Is it A. mitochondrion B. lysosome C. cytoplasm D. endoplasmic reticulum
When a color blind man marries a woman pure for normal color vision, it is probable that one of the following situations may result. Is it probable that A. all the children will be color blind B. all the grandchildren will be color blind C. only the sons will be colorblind D. half the grandsons will be color blind
Which of the following are skin receptors in humans that are sensitive to heat? Are they: A. end organs of Krause B. Meissner's corpuscles C. end organs of Ruffini D. Pacinian corpuscles
Into which of the following acids is glucose broken down in the first stage of carbohydrate metabolism? Is it: A. pyruvic acid (pie-rue-vick acid) B. lactic acid C. hydrochloric acid D. citric acid
Hormones are composed from many classes of molecules. As far as our present knowledge extends, hormones are NOT found in which of the following categories of substances: A. proteins B. peptides C. nucleic acids D. steroids
What is the term given to a fatty acid that has more than one set of double bonds between carbons