“First gospel” that explains the consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience and can be interpreted as God’s first promise to send a Savior to free humanity from the effects of the Fall.
Salvation History
Adam > Noah > Abraham > Moses > David > Jesus the Messiah
New Adam and New Eve
Jesus Christ and Mother Mary will restore humanity’s original holiness and justice that was lost by Adam and Eve.
Promises that God makes with Israel communicate the love God has for humanity and his desire to restore our communion with him; point us to the Paschal Mystery.\
Paschal Mystery
the redemption of all humanity (the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly) through Christ’s Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension
Messiah (Christ)
“Annointed one”
14 Stations of the Cross: How many times does Jesus fall?
14 Stations of the Cross: How many people did Jesus meet?
Before Jesus’s Death: Who betrays Jesus?
Before Jesus’s Death: Who denies Jesus?
Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Salvation from sin and death for every person in every age comes through the _________________________.
The ________ of Jesus Christ is the ultimate sign of love of God.
Jesus’s Resurrection
The single most important event in all of history; the promise of our bodily resurrection after death.
The “going up” into Heaven pf the Risen Jesus Christ 40 days after his Resurrection.
Deals with goodness or evil of human acts, attitudes, and values; involves matter such as right judgement, decision-making skills, personal freedom, and responsibility.
Scripture and Tradition
The foundation of morality is found in ____________ and ____________.
Our source of happiness and ultimate destiny
To be eternally happy with God in Heaven
Soul, intellect, and free will
God gave us a _______, _______, and _______.
Free will
The freedom to accept or reject God’s will and that we are responsible for the choices we make.
Because of Original Sin, we are inclined toward sin.
The ability to use reason to distinguish between right and wrong; the interior voice that helps us know right from wrong and then act on that knowledge.
3 elements determine the morality of any human action:
Whether the action itself (the object) is inherently good or evil
The intention of the person doing the action
The circumstances of the action
Any word that we speak, action that we perform, or desire that we have that is contrary to God’s Law; any deliberate offense, in thought, word, or deed, against the will of God.
Venial Sin
A less serious offense against the will of God that diminishes one’s personal character and weakens but does not rupture one’s relationship with God.
Mortal Sin
An action so contrary to the will of God that it results in a complete separation from Him and His grace.
3 Conditions of Mortal Sin:
Grave matter
Full knowledge of the evil act
Deliberate consent in committing the act
A practice or a habit that leads a person to sin. When we keep repeating venial sins, we are in danger of forming these habits which may lead to mortal sins.
Sins of Commission
Sins we directly commit. Direct result of our deliberate thoughts. words, or deeds.
Sins of Omission
When we fail to do something that is required by God’s moral law.
A good habit, one that creates within us a kind of inner readiness or attraction to move toward or accomplish moral good.
Christian morality
Being the person God created you to be - a person who chooses to be good.
Natural Law (The Law of Moses)
The natural ability and moral law we are born with to tell right from wrong that is part of our human nature; enables us to participate in God’s wisdom and goodness; can often be mistaken or in error due to outside influences, which is why God also provided us Scripture and Tradition.
Love the Lord your God with your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Commandments 1-3
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Commandments 4-10
The New Law (The Law of the Gospel)
The perfection of God’s moral law, both natural and revealed.
8 Beatitudes
Jesus modeled the New Law and taught the core of it in His Sermon on the Mount.
Church’s responsibility
Being a light to the world and a model of his New Law of love; does this through her moral teaching and the witness of her members.
The Precepts of the Church (The Church Law/Commandments of the Church)
Direct us to participate in the sacramental life of the Church s that we might be nourished for living moral lives.
5 Precepts of the Church
Attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor.
Confess your sins at least once a year.
Receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season.
Observe the days of fasting and abstinence by the Church.
Help to provide for the needs of the Church.
Forming our conscience is…
Essential to stay connected to the Church and the opportunities it provides for dialogue, reading, and reflection.
Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
Actions we can do to extend God’s compassion and mercy to those in need; help to make life better for those who are suffering.
Our responsibility
Help those in need of food, water, shelter, and clothing.
Doing the work of Christ
Ordinary deeds done every day in response to the needs of others are works of mercy because our hands.
Acts of Mercy
Taking care of one another, teaching others, and helping the elderly or sick
Corporal Works of Mercy
Kind acts by which we help others with their physical and material needs.
Spiritual Works of Mercy
Kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their emotional and spiritual needs.
7 Corporal Works of Mercy
Feed the hungry
Give drink the thirsty
Clothe the naked
Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick
Visit the imprisoned
Bury the dead
7 Spiritual Works of Mercy
Counsel the doubtful
Instruct the ignorant
Admonish the sinner
Comfort the sorrowful
Forgive injuries
Bear wrongs patiently
Pray for the living and the dead
Commemorates the 40 days before the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus; based on the 40 years in which the Israelites wandered the desert and the 40 days in which Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert; begins on Ash Wednesday when we remember our morality and need for repentance.
The 3 Pillars of Lent
A limit of one regular meal and two smaller meals that do not together equal the regular meal in size; no snacking in between each meal, including drinks/beverages other than water; obligated at age 18-59 years old on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
No meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday of Lent for those who are 14 years and older.
Jesus’s mission
Begins after his Baptism and temptation in the desert; proclaim the Kingdom of God and to be a sign of the Kingdom.
Stories that Jesus told often had a surprising twist, to shock the people who were hearing them into a new way of seeing things.
Examples of parables
The Prodigal Son, the Ten Virgins, the Good Samaritan, the Work in the Vineyard, The Two Sons
A special manifestation, or sign, of the presence and power of God active in human history.
Examples of Miracles
Turning Water to Wine, Feeding the 5000, The Raising of Lazarus, Healing of sick, deaf, mute, lame. casting out demons
A follower, pupil, and student of Jesus Christ
“One who is sent,” missionary of the Church during the New Testament period; Jesus’s original 12 __________ were his inner circle who were special witnesses of Jesus on whose ministry the early Church was built and whose successors are the bishops.
Holy Spirit
The Third Person in the Holy Trinity
Hebrew word for wind meaning “breath” or “spirit.”
At the last Supper…
Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to guide the disciples after he leaves them.
Primary role of the Holy Spirit
To be our Advocate, the one who stands by our side to help us defend and live out our belief in Jesus Christ in word, deed, and holiness.
Paraclete = “helper” or “comforter”
The Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of Pentecost approximately 50 days after Easter; the Birthday of the Catholic Church
Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Water, fire, a cloud and light, a dove, anointing, and the laying on of hands
When do we receive the Holy Spirit?
On the day of our Baptism
Where are we anointed/strengthened?
In the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation
7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom, understanding, counsel (right judgment), fortitude (courage), knowledge, piety (reverence), fear of the lord (wonder and awe)
12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Love (charity), joy, peace, patience (longanimity), kindness (benignity), goodness, faithfulness, gentleness (mildness), self-control (continence), generosity, modesty, chastity
Jesus Christ
________ ________ Himself laid the spiritual foundation of the Church.
Mission of the Church
To proclaim the Good News that through Jesus Christ, sin and death have been overcome and humanity’s broken relationship with God has been restored.
Mystery of the Church
The Church is at once both visual and spiritual, human and divine.
The official teaching authority of the Church revealed in both the Scriptures and Tradition.
Why did God put us on Earth?
To know, to love, and to serve Him and so to come to paradise.
A divine call from God to all members of the Church to embrace a life of holiness. Specifically, it is a call to live the holy life as an ordained minister, as a vowed religious (sister or brother), in a Christian marriage, or in single life.
Sacraments of Initiation
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
Sacraments of Healing
Reconciliation (Confession) and Anointing of the Sick
Sacraments of Service
Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony (Marriage)
Holy Orders: Bishop
A successor to the original Apostles and must lead the entire Church in union with the Pope; uniquely responsible for the diocese that has been designated to lead as chief shepherd; the ordinary minister to the 3 different Ordination Rites (rituals) by laying his hands on the ordained.
Holy Orders: Priest
Under the authority of and a coworker with the bishop of the diocese.
All priests of a diocese, united with the bishop; responsible for the spiritual life of the diocese.
Ordained for works of service and liturgical ministry, as directed by the bishops.
Holy Matrimony
Marriage signifies the union of Christ and the Church; permanent nature of the marriage union symbolizes God’s unending love for all humanity; Sacrament gives a husband and wife the grace to love each other as Christ loves the Church.
God’s love for us is…
Free, total, faithful and fruitful (life-giving), and the couple’s love for each other should be all these things as well.
Meanings of a sacramental marriage
Intended to bring unity between the spouses.
Meant to be indissoluble, that is, the spouses are to commit to each other until death.
Intended to be open to having children.
In a Catholic wedding…
The spouses are the ministers of the Sacrament; essential sacramental sign is the exchange of vows; priest or deacon and two other people witness the marriage as representatives of the Church.
A declaration by the Church that a marriage is null, void, and never existed due to specific circumstances. Catholics who divorce must also have the marriage annulled by the Church to free to marry again in the Church.
Our faith
Helps us to understand that death is not the final ending but a new glorious beginning.
Immortality (eternal life)
Our bodily death is the result of Original Sin, but God will not let death be our final end, since every person has the opportunity for ______________.
Resurrection of the dead
At death, our souls will be separated from our bodies. When God raises us from the dead, our souls will be reunited with new, incorruptible bodies.
Four Last Things
Final Judgement
“The Last Day” when all the dead will be raised and all of humanity will be generally judged at the end of the world
Second Coming
Final Judgement is signaled by the _____________________, Christ’s Parousia.
Greek for “arrival.”
Particular Judgement
Divine judgement that a departed person undergoes immediately after death and the eternal destiny of each soul (Heaven or Hell) is decided by the just judgement of God.
A person who voluntarily suffers death because of his or her beliefs; the Church has canonized many _________ as saints.
Book of Revelation
Teaches that at this time all creation will be transformed, there will be “a new heaven and a new earth.”
Traditionally, the dwelling place of God and the saints, meaning all who are saved; more accurately, not a place, but a state of eternal life and union with God, in which one experiences full happiness and the satisfaction of the deepest human longings.
A state of final purification or cleansing, which one may need to enter following death and before entry into Heaven.