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Nervous system
maintains internal coordination in the body
Central nervous system (CNS)
consists of the brain and spinal cord, which are enclosed and protected by the cranium and vertebral column, It promotes most of the decision-making function of the nervous system
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
consists of the rest of the nerves and is composed of nerves and ganglia
A bundle of nerve fibers wrapped in fibrous connective tissue
a knot-like swelling in a nerve where the cell bodies of the PNS neurons are concentrated
Two divisions of the PNS
Sensory and Motor
Sensory (afferent) Division
carries signals from various receptors to the CNS. Informs the CNS of stimuli within and around the body
Somatic Sensory Division
carries signals from receptors in the skin, muscles, bones and joints
Parasympathetic division
Part of the ANS, calms the body down, stimulates digestion
Entric Plexus
lines the wall of the digestive tract, is composed of more neurons than the spinal cord, enables different regions of the digestive tract to communicate with each other and coordinate their motility and secretion
Cells and organs that carry out signals from motor neurons
Sensory (Afferent) Neurons
are specialized to detect stimuli such as light and heat and transmit information about them to the CNS
lie entirely within the CNS. They receive signals from many other neurons and carry out the processing and storing information in the nervous system, 90% of neurons are these
Motor(efferent) Neurons
Part of the ANS, arouses the body for action
Cell body a.k.a. neurosoma, soma or perikaryon
the control center of the neuron
Entric Plexus
lines the wall of the digestive tract, is composed of more neurons than the spinal cord, enables different regions of the digestive tract to communicate with each other and coordinate their motility and secretion
Properties of Neurons
Excitability, conductivity, and secretion
Sensory (Afferent) Neurons
are specialized to detect stimuli such as light and heat and transmit information about them to the CNS
lie entirely within the CNS. They receive signals from many other neurons and carry out the processing and storing information in the nervous system, 90% of neurons are these
Motor(efferent) Neurons
send signals mostly to muscle and gland cells away from the CNS
Cell body a.k.a. neurosoma, soma or perikaryon
the control center of the neuron
bundles of actin filaments which compartmentalize the rough ER
Chromatophilic substance
dark staining regions of the rough ER made of neurofibrils
extensions that reach out to other cells
branch-like extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them towards the cell body. They play a crucial role in the process of neural communication and information processing in the brain.
Axon hillock
the part that separates the axon from the dendrites
Axon (Nerve Fiber)
processes that conduct impulses away from the cell body and communicate with other neurons via synapses
Axon collaterals
branches near the cell body
the cytoplasm of the neuron
the cell membrane of the neuron
Terminal Arborization
a term for an extensive complex of fine dendrite branches
Axon Terminal (Terminal Bouton)
forms a synapse within the next cell of a signaling pathway
Multipolar neurons
have one axon and multiple dendrites. This is the most common type and includes most neurons of the brain and spinal cord
Bipolar Neurons
one axon and one dendrite, examples include olfactory nerves
Unipolar neurons
have a single process leading away from the cell body. They carry signals to the spinal cord in sensory neurons such as touch and pain
Anaxonic Nerves
has multiple dendrites but no axons. They communicate locally through dendrites and don’t produce action potentials
Axonal Transport
the two-way passage of proteins, organelles and other materials along an axon
Anterograde transport
Movement away from the cell body
Retrograde Transport
Movement towards the cell body
Neuroglia or Glial Cells
Help protect the neurons and make them function
resembles an octopus, creates the myelin sheath in brain and spinal cord
Ependymal Cells
resembles cuboidal epithelium but exhibit root-like processes. Produces Cerebral spinal fluid
Cerebral Spinal Fluid
a liquid that bathes the CNS and fills its integral cavities
small macrophages that develop from monocytes, probes the tissue for cellular debris or other problems. They become concentrates in areas damaged by infection, trauma, or stroke
covers the entire brain surface and most sympathetic neurons in the gray matter. nourishes neurons, forms BBB, promotes formation of synapses and neural circuitry. Form scar tissue to replace damaged nervous tissue
Schwann Cells
envelop axons of the PNS, makes the myelin sheath, also aid in the regeneration of damaged axons
Satellite Cells
surround the nerve cell bodies in ganglia of the PNS. They provide insulation around the cell body and regulate the chemical environment of neurons
Myelin sheath
Consists of spiral layers of insulation around an axon, is formed by Schwann Cells of the PNS and Oligodendrites of the CNS
Production of the myelin sheath, begins on the 14th week of fetal development and ends in late adolescence
Thick outer shell of the myelin sheath
Node of Ranvier or Myelin sheath Gap
The gap in between the myelin sheath
Mitial segment
the short section of an axon between the axon hillock and the first glial cell
Trigger zone
stimulated by the mitial segment, it initiates a nerve signals
Step 1 of Nerve Regeneration
When an axon is cut, the portion distal to the injury can’t survive because it is incapable of protein synthesis. distal portion of Schwann Cells and axon degenerates. Macrophages clean up tissue debris at the point of injury and beyond
Step 2 of Nerve Regeneration
Cell body exhibits abnormalities. The cell body swells, the ER breaks and the nucleus moves off center. The axon stumps sprouts multiple growth processes while the severed distal ends shows degeneration of its axon. Muscle fibers deprives of their nerve supply exhibits shrinkage
Step 3 of Nerve Regeneration
Near the injury, the Schwann cell neurolemma, endoneurium and basal lamina form a regeneration tube. The Schwann cells produce CAM molecules and nerve growth fibers that enable a neuron to regrow to its original destination
Step 4 of Nerve Regeneration
The regeneration tube guides the growing sprout back to the original target cells, reestablishing synaptic content
Step 5 of Nerve Regeneration
When contact is established, the nerve cell body shrinks and returns to its original appearance, and the reinnervated muscles regrow
Electrical Potential
a difference in the concentration of charged particles between one point and another
A flow of charged particles from one point to another.
When a neuron has voltage to it
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)
The charge difference across the plasma membrane
Any such case in which the voltage shifts to a less negative value
Local Potential
A short range change in voltage
Potentials that vary in magnitude according to the strength of the stimulus
makes the cell membrane more negative
Action Potential
a more dramatic change produced by voltage-gated ions channels in the plasma membrane and only occur where there is a high enough density of voltage-gated channels
the minimum voltage needed to open voltage-gated channels
Refractory Period
The period of resistance to restimulation of an action potential
Absolute refractory Period
Lasts from the start of the actional potential until the membrane until the membrane returns to the resting potential
Continuous Conduction
Uninterrupted wave of electrical excitation along the axon
Nerve Signal
a traveling wave of excitation produced by self propagating action potentials
Step 1 of action potential
When the local current arrives at the axon hillock, it’s a polarizes the membrane at that point, and has a steadily rising local potential
Step 2 of action potential
The local potential must rise to a critical voltage of -55 mV which is the minimum needed to open the voltage gated channels.
Step 3 of action potential
The neuron fires, an action, potential, sodium channels, quickly open potassium channels, close more slowly. A positive feedback loop causes the membrane voltage to rise up more rapidly
Step 4 of action potential
As the rising potential pasa, 0 mV, sodium channels become closed in the voltage peaks automatically
Step 5 of action potential
By the time voltage peaks, potassium channels are fully open. Potassium. I am Snow exit the cell. The outflow repolarize the membrane.
Step 6 of Action Potential
Hyperpolarization can occur
Step 7 of Action Potential
Sodium and potassium channels, switch places across the membrane during an action potential. During hyper polarization, the membrane voltage gradually returns to the resting membrane potential because of the sodium diffusion into the cell.
The point where an axon terminal meets the next cell in the line
Presynaptic neuron
The place where the signal arrives and releases neurotransmitters
Postsynaptic Neuron
Where the neuron responds to the signals and neurotransmitters of the presynaptic neuron
Electrical Synapses
Where adjacent cells are joined by gap, junctions, and ions, diffuse, directly from one cell into the next. They have quick transmission and synchronizes the activity of local suites of neurons.
Chemical Synapses
Integrate information and make decisions to the communication of neurotransmitters. There are also the site of learning and memory.
Synaptic Cleft
The gap or one neuron meets another
Synaptic Vessicles
The place where neurotransmitters are stored
Active Zone
Places where they are ready to release neurotransmitters on demand
Postsynaptic Density
Receive Neuro transmitters through ion channels and receptors
It is in a class by itself. Is form from acetic acid and choline
Amino acids
Nero transmitters, which includes pricing, glutamate, asked, and y-aminobutyric acid
Synthesized from amino acids by the removal of the -COOH group, they retain the -NH2
It’s a group of mono means, consist of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine
Serving as Nero transmitters include adenosine and ATP
Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide, they are synthesized as needed, rather than being stored in the synaptic vesicles and diffuse out of the axon terminal
chains of 2 to 40 amino acids like cholecystokinin and endorphins. They are stored in secretory granules and can function as hormones
Cholinergenic synapse
Employs acetylcholine as its neurotransmitter
GABA-ergic synapses
Employs GABA as their neurotransmitters
Adrenrgic synapses
Employees transmitters like epinephrine
Synaptic delay
This is the time from the arrival of a single signal at the axon terminal of a parasympathetic cell to the beginning of an action potential in the postsynaptic cell
Excitatory postsynaptic potential
Any voltage that makes some neuron more likely to fire