Media Studies- Kiss of the Vampire

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Representation of woman on the left

  • Floppy body language + closed eyes makes her seem weak, vulnerable + victimised

  • Skin-tight, silky dress, bare neck + exposed upper chest area represent her in sexualised way

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1960s- time of new divorce laws, contraceptive pill, new abortion laws etc.

Meant women were less resticted to simply being wives + mothers, were increasingly more sexualised in media- Van Zoonen

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Women represented traditionally as being “damsels in distress”

  • In 1960s, many feminist women were demanding to change the way they were treated in society + the way they were seen in the media

  • It can be said KOTV represents women in fairly old-fashioned, objectified + victimised manner (if looking at women on the left)

    • Might’ve been seen to appeal to male target audience

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KOTV was produced by a maonstream horror company- Hammer Studios

Therefore might have been more liekly to present womebn in more mainstream way due to views at the time (feminism still seen as alternative)

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Man on left represented as powerful + dangerous

  • Seen carrying the woman on left

  • Teeth make him seem dangerous/aggressive, due to black + red colours

    • Reflects patriarchal ideas men are more powerful + dominant- Van Zoonen

  • Wide eyes + defensive body language connote he may also be a victim, make him seem scared/vulnerable in some ways

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Man on right’s body language/positioning makes him seem submissive + vulnerable

Representations of men being victimised/weaker, might reflect shift in gender roles happening in 1960s

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Other female character represented as aggressive + powerful due to her body postioning above man kneeling + her bare teeth + raised arm

  • Representing women as an aggressor + potential killer would’ve been unconventional prior to 1960s

  • 1960s reflects shift in society in regard to second wave of feminism

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Balance of characters + roles suggests new trend for equality

  • Gender not simply presented in old fashioned binary way in KOTV

  • Howveer, credit block suggests due to there only being one female name, women were seen as less important behind the scenes