when we talk about violence today what comes to mind
violence, behavior involving physical force intended to injure harm or kill someone as well as aggression, hostile or violent behavior or attitude toward another, is spreading like a disease
Pinker told the stories in the hebrew bible becasue
they offer a window into the lives and values of old civilizations
dead sea scrolls
hebrew bible, life and faith in ancient times, now in philly
otzi the ice man and kennewick are examples of
victims of violence
pinker uses the word a foreign country to refer to?
the past 8000 BCE- 1970s
started by fbi, 1929, shows offenses known to police- rape, homicide, robbery, aggravated assault
FBI crimes reported- homicide
5 murders per 100,000
FBI crimes reported- rapes
25 rapes per 100,000
FBI reported crimes- robbery
109 per 100,000
FBI crimes reported- aggravated assault
229 per 100,000
Problems with police data
not reported more than 50 percent, bias/error in reports, misconduct, racial profiling, not all police departments submit and definition of crimes
National Crime Victim Survey
report unreported crimes, violent victimizations, sexual assault, robbery aggravated assault
NCVS reports
16.4 per 1,000
college students have ____ victimization rates than nonstudents
Pros of victim surveys
long data series, 1973, same definitions of crimes across, uncovering crimes not reported, information on victims
cons of victim surveys
difficulties in conducting surveys but NCVS has a high response rate, bias in reporting
3 main sources of crime data
police, offender self report, victim surveys
types of violence not well measured
terrorism and racial ethnic violence
how to reduce crime- pinker
examine the declines from the past in order to identify hypothesized reasons for those declines
annual rate of murders in UK
annual rate of murders in US
there was a homicide ___ rate in 90s
why do some cities have higher rates of homicides
poverty, social disorganization, straing, crime opportunity, population structure, urbanism
what is lynching
person was killed illegally by a group of 3 plus under pretext of prejudices, race, tradition
which of the following is not necessary component needed for examining crime trend
modern statistical software
Pinkers trends
prehistoric , pacification process, civilizing process, humanitarian process, long peace
the levianthan
disinterested 3rd party has monopoly on violence (law)
Gentle Commerce
positive sum trade, incentives
more female decision makers, margery thatch, women less violent
expanding circle
empathy- seeing things from another perspective and criminology- interpersonal contract theory effective
social control theory
people commit crimes because of ties between family friends bonds lack
social learning theory
people commit crimes because those around them are
when it comes to violence the US is not a country its ____ countries
the a-hole study was conducted in?
in the us, the annual homicide rate got stuck in the
5-15 per 100,000
the herding hypothesis is often used to explain violence associated with
south culture of honors
why is south more violent
culture of honor, legacy of slavery, poverty/inequality, temperature
Pinker's argument on race
related, but not a race issue
richard Nisbett and Dov Cohen argued
honor culture increase southern crime
west, collective actions, common good
easat, marketplace, individual interest
south, status quo, government by elites
empirical tests show southern culture of honor but
there is patchy evidence
According to Pinker, the economy is a good predictor that explains the drop in the 1990s
false, inequality
Researchers use Gini index to measure
income inequality
what caused crime in the 1980s
rise in urban minority, crack epidemic, youth violence
cause of crime drop in 1990s
no unified theory, popular one is tough on crime and better policing
reasons for crime drop dismissed by 1990s Pinker
aging, economy and mood
Civilizing offensive
attempts of certain people to influence and change the behavior and attitudes of others through ideological means (NORBERT)
Cesare Beccaria
believed that punishment should fit the crime, in speedy and public trials, and that capital punishment should be done away with completely
Condition of civilization- NORBERT ELIAS
state formation, government control and upper class influence lower
Why is the age of reason important
undermined monarchy, church, science
which of the following wa written by cesare bacaria
on crimes and punishments
according to pinker, which of the following is a better candidate for explaining humanitarian revolution
book production
In europe, the abolition of capital punishment snowballed after
How was crime viewed before Caesar beccaria
devil, supernatlism, tempation
principles of cesare beccaria
proportion, muster deter, public, certainty, promptness more than severity
How did cesare beccaria feel about the death penalty
against it
English materialist and political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings (1588-1679)
Pinkers idea on humantiarian
science, reason, empathy
The Rights revolution refers to
growth of rights movement in US, Britain, Canada,
the author of pilgrimage to nonviolence is
martin luther king jr
according to pinker, which of the following will not help reduce violence against women
women in collectivist society
hate crime statistics from FBI have been available since
implicit bias
attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner
Convert racism
form of racism discrimination that is disguised and subtle
moralization gap
when conflict present, we overestimate our own good intentions and underestimate intentions of others
Big mistake hypothesis
propose that contemporary human cooperation results from psychological predispositions that were made when we lived in small groups
manipulation hypothesis
that people are either tricked or coerced into cooperating in the interests of others
heart on your sleeve hypothesis
humans are cooperative because they can truly signal cooperative intentions
Moralistic reciprocacy hypothesis
language and cognitive allow us to engage and manage more people
cultural group selection hypothesis
extensive human cooperation is a side effect of rapid cultural adaptation
stragtic situtations
anything where what i do effects your outcomes
Prisoner's Dilemma
a particular "game" between two captured prisoners that illustrates why cooperation is difficult to maintain even when it is mutually beneficial b better
How to avoid prisoners dilemma
communication, copperatio, regulations
what is rational
behavior guided by conscious reasonnign not excperince
rational choice theory
individuals act in their own best interest, carefully weighing the costs and benefits of possible alternatives.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization
Maryland Justice Reinvestment act
prisons for violence and serious offenders
reauthorization of violence against women act
was in 1991, started an up roar of women speaking out
US v. Morrison
Struck down part of the Violence Against Women Act; limitation of application of Commerce Clause- cannot sue them for money only state
In Reiss and roth the panels main interest is in
interpersonal violence
Xie et 2012 used ___ data to study violence against women
Collective violence
use of violence by members of a group to another for a politici, economic oro their objectives
Interpersonal violence
behavior by persons against person that intentionally threatened or attempt to inflict harm
The UN Declaration of the elimination of violence against women define
any act of gender based violence that results or likely to in physical, sedual or psychological harm or suffering to women
women in labor force
increase stronger violence from acquiance, decrease in intimate
systematic data on school violence available in
Under agnews strain theory
it includes negative experiences and events in social relationships at school and work effect crime
the use of profiles is problematic because
false postive, bias, stimatize students
ignorance by design
since 90s, congress has prevented federal agencies from gathering data on gun violence
school shootings are____
rare usually at homes
is gun violence increasing
barely, not really
DC v. Heller
Struck down a Washington DC ordinance that banned handguns
according to pinker, predatory violence is not
always dont by a psychopath
according to pinker, intermale aggression is related to
domiance violence
according to pinker, the psychology of predatory violence includes all but
self handicapping
when do children begin to experience and express different emotions
newborn, 9 months all
primary basic emotions number
what inhibits physical aggression
temperment and attachments