The Special Senses Include:
smell (olfaction), taste (gustation), vision, hearing, and equilibrium (balance)
Sense of smell
Called olfaction, is a chemical sense
Smell is linked to the...
cerebral cortex and limbic system
Olfactory epithelium
has 10-100 million receptors per square inch located in the superior part of the nasal cavity
chemicals that can stimulate the olfactory apparatus
Olfactory epithelium is made up of:
olfactory receptors
supporting cells
basal (stem) cells
Olfactory receptors
receive stimulation, live about one month are bipolar (axon and dendrite) have olfactory hairs projecting from a dendrite into the air path
Supporting (olfactory) cells
columnar epithelial cells provide support, nourishment, electrical insulation, and detox
Basal (stem) cells
located between supporting cells produce new olfactory receptors (replaced monthly)
Olfactory (Bowman's) glands
throughout olfactory epithelium produce mucous which dissolves odor-ants so that transduction can occur and maintains a moist surface
Facial Nerve (cranial nerve VII)
when stimulated can set off olfactory glands and cause a runny nose or watery eyes
ANY special sense has to transduce
Olfactory Transduction
occurs at or on the olfactory hair
Basic Olfactory Pathway
1)Odorant causes chemical reaction 2)sodium enters cytosol 3)depolarization of olfactory receptor cell membrane occurs 4)nerve impulse is triggered 5)axons carry impulse through the cribiform plate 6)then terminate in the brain and synapse with dendrites of the olfactory bulb 7)olfactory bulb axons form the olfactory tract and go to the primary olfactory area of the cerebral cortex 8) some also go to the limbic system and hypthalamus
Primary Olfactory area of the Cerebral Cortex
where the conscious awareness of smell begins
Frontal Lobe
odor identification area
Olfactory Adaptation
Low threshold- we can detect odors down to the 1/25 billionth of a milligram per milliliter of air.
Olfactory adaptation is RAPID- 50% after one second/ complete after one minute
reduced ability to smell affects about half of those over 65 and 75% over 80 caused by neurological changes, drugs, and smoking
Sense of Taste and is a Chemical sense
Five Primary Tastes
sour, sweet, bitter, salty, and umami (meaty/savory)
reported by Japanese scientist arises from monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Taste Bud Anatomy
10,000 in the oral area Location: tongue, soft palate, pharynx, and epiglottis
Taste bud Structure
oval body located mainly on the dorsal side of the tongue
Taste bud: Has 3 kinds of epithelial cells
Supporting cells, gustatory receptor cells, and basal cells
Supporting (gustatory) cells
surround and support about 50 gustatory receptor cells per taste bud
Gustatory receptor cells
the working cell of the taste bud Lifespan: 10 days have gustatory hairs the extend through the taste pore to contact food particles
Gustatory hairs
One hair for each receptor cells
Basal cells: (gustatory)
produce supporting cells which become receptor cells
Taste bud papillae
elevated areas on the tongue
Papillae with taste buds
vallate, fungiform, and foliate
Papillae without taste buds
Vallate Papillae
Wall-like, form inverted V-shaped row at the back of the tongue, consists of 12 papillae each with 100-300 taste buds
Fungiform Papillae
mushroom-like, contain 5 taste buds each, scatted over entire surface of tongue
Foliate Papillae
leaf-like, located in small trenches on the lateral edge of tongue, most of their taste buds degenerate after childhood
Filiform Papillae
thread-like, lack taste buds, have tactile receptors, increase friction during chewing
Gustatory Adaptation
occurs in 1-5 minutes depending on the taste Most sensitive- bitterness Least sensitive- sweet and salty
important to human survival cerebral cortex processes visual information
The Eye
over half of the sensory receptors in the human body are in the eye
is electromagnetic radiation which is an energy in the form of waves that radiate from the sun
Visible Light
Range: 400-700 nanometers (wavelength) The eye can only detect visible light
Reflected VS. Absorbed
Our eyes see reflected light from an object not absorbed light
Accessory structures of the Eye
eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, lacrimal apparatus, and extrinsic eye muscles
Eyelids (Palpebrae) Functions
shade, protection, and lubrication
Eyelid Structure
Upper and Lower Composed of: epidermis, dermis, subcut layer, orbicularis oculi muscle, tarsal glands, tarsal plate, palpebral fissure, and conjunctiva
Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
Part of the eyelid (palpebrae) used for opening and closing (blinking)
Tarsal glands and Plate
Tarsal glands (meibomian)- lubricant between lids; keeps them from sticking together Tarsal Plate- gives form and support to the eyelids
Palpebral Fissure
gap between the eyelids
thin mucous membrane that lines and protects the inner aspect of the eyelids and passes onto the anterior surface of the eyeball
Eyelashes and Eyebrows Functions
Protection from foreign objects, perspiration, and rays of sunlight
Lacrimal Apparatus Components in Order:
lacrimal gland
lacrimal duct 3)lacrimal canal-- into the superior or inferior lacrimal puncta
lacrimal sac
nasal cavity
Lacrimal gland
produce and drain lacrimal fluid (tears)
Lacrimal Apparatus Pathway
Lacrimal gland drain through lacrimal ducts, then through the lacrimal canals into the lacrimal puncta and then into the lacrimal sac of the nasal cavity
Lacrimal fluid consists of:
water, salts, mucus, and lysozyme(protective bacteriocidal enzyme)
Extrinsic Eye Muscles other name
also called "extraocular muscles " meaning=(outside the eyeball)
Extrinsic eye muscles
Extend from the bony orbit of the eye onto the exterior surface of the eyeball at the sclera Six move each eye 4 rectus, 2 oblique innervated by cranial nerves III, IV, or VI
Extrinsic Eye Muscle Types
4 rectus: superior, inferior, lateral, and medial 2 oblique: inferior and superior
Adult eyeball diameter
1 inch (2.5 cm) 1/6 exposed, 5/6 protected by orbit
Eyeball wall's 3 layers
Called Tunics
fibrous tunic
vascular tunic
nervous tunic (retina)
Fibrous Tunic:
superfical (outer) layer consists of: the cornea and the sclera
Part of the fibrous tunic the transparent coat over the iris which HELPS focus light onto the retina Composed of: non-keratinized stratified sq. epithelium, collagen fibers, fibroblasts, and simple sq. epithelium
Sclera= hard
the hard layer of dense connective tissue covering the eye the "white" of the eye covers entire eye (except the cornea) gives rigidity, shape, support and attachment points for extrinsic muscles to the eye posteriorly pierced by the optic nerve (cranial nerve II)
Sclera Vinous Sinus
Also called the canal of Schlemm opening at the junction of the cornea and sclera aqeuous humor drains into from the eye to the bloodstream
Vascular Tunic
middle layer Composed of: choroid, ciliary body, iris, and pupil
highly vascular posterior part of vascular tunic lines internal surface of sclera it's blood vessels nourish the posterior retina contains melanocytes which produce melanin the melanin absorbs light rays and prevents the scattering of light throughout the eyeball
Ciliary body
anterior part of vascular tunic, contains melanin Contains: ciliary processes and ciliary muscles
Ciliary processes
folds on the internal surface of the ciliary body which secrete aqueous humor
Ciliary muscles
circular band of smooth muscle which contracts or relaxes to adjust tightness of suspensory ligaments which are attached to the lens
Suspensory ligaments
attached to the lens focus the lens for you
the refractive medium of the eye transparent and avascular Function: focus light rays onto the retina made of layers of proteins called crystallins
lens loses elasticity and thus it's ability to focus
Iris= means rainbow
colored portion of the eye Main function: regulate the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil lays between the cornea and the lens contains circular and radial muscle fibers attached to the ciliary processes for constriction and dilation contains melanin- gives eyecolor
hole in the center of the eye appears black because you're actually seeing the choroid and retina in the back of the eye
Pupil diameter
regulated by the response of autonomic reflexes determined by constrictor pupillae and dilator pupillae
Constrictor Pupillae
circular muscle fibers contract in bright light to SHRINK the pupil innervated by the parasympathetic fibers
Dilator Pupillae
radial muscle fibers contract in dim light to dilate the pupil (enlarge) innervated by the sympathetic fibers
Nervous Tunic (Retina)
the starting point of the visual pathway
the inner layer of the posterior 2/3 of the eyeball
Pigmented epithelium
part of the retina, no vision, absorbs stray light to help keep the image clear
Retinal layers include
Neural layer--- 1) photoreceptor layer 2) bipolar cell layer 3) the ganglion cell layer
Neural layer
a multilayered outgrowth of the brain
Photoreceptor layer
with rods and cones: transduces light into action potentials which travel through the outer synaptic layer to the bipolar cell layer
Bipolar cell layer
contains horizontal and amacrine cells which modify nerve impulses receives impulses from the photoreceptor layer and sends them through the INNER synaptic layer to the ganglion cell layer
Ganglion cell layer
it's axons form the optic nerve leaving the eyeball at the optic disc(blind spot)-- impulses travel from here to the thalamus and primary visual cortex
Optic disc
the blind spot, where there is no vision since no images can be formed there(no rods or cones)
Central retinal artery and vein
nourish and drain blood from the retina exit through the optic disc
Macula lutea
the exact center of the posterior portion of the retina corresponding to the visual axis of the eye-- fovea is located in the middle
fovea centralis is a small depression in the center of the macula latea sharpest vision occurs here Contains ONLY cones for color vision area of highest visual acuity or resolution
Rods & Cones specialized cells that begin the process by which light is converted to a nerve impulse and sent to the brain
rod-shaped/ over 120 million per retina allow us to see in dim light & discriminate between dark and light permit us to see shapes and movement (motions) absent from fovea and macula lutea dense at periphery of retina
6 million per retina allow us to see color in brighter light for color vision and sharpness (acuity) concentrated in the fovea
used to examine the retina
Detached retina
caused by head trauma fluid accumulates between layers of the retina causes distorted vision or blindness
Age-Related Macular Disease
macular degeneration degeneration of the retina and macula lutea in older people Effects: keep peripheral vision but lose ability to look straight ahead
Lens divides the interior of the eye into
the anterior cavity &
the vitreous chamber
Anterior cavity
the space anterior to the lens has two chambers: anterior and posterior
Anterior Cavity/ Anterior Chamber
the space between the cornea and the iris
Anterior Cavity/ Posterior Chamber
between the iris and the lens
Aqueous humor
fills both the anterior and posterior chambers of the anterior cavity nourishes the lens and cornea produced by the ciliary body replaced every 90 minutes
Flow of aqueous humor
flows from posterior chamber into the anterior chamber through the pupil
Vitreous chamber
large space between the lens and the retina contains the vitreous body