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how do bile ducts run?
follow & parallel the portal venous system
bile ducts flow into ____ major ducts
2 right & left
right & left bile ducts join to make ...
common hepatic duct CHD
right & left bile ducts emerge from ___________ at ______________
from liver at porta hepatis
what is the porta hepatis?
central area where -Main Portal Vein (MPV) -Common Hepatic Artery (CHA) -Common Hepatic Duct (CHD) leave the liver
what is the portal triad?
-Main Portal Vein (MPV) -Common Hepatic Artery (CHA) -Common Bile Duct (CBD)
-portal triad is inferior to portahepatis -mickey mouse sign on US
porta hepatis is aka
transverse fissure
posterior to porta hepatis
anterior to porta hepatis
-medial left lobe -gallbladder
lateral borders of porta hepatis
-right & left lobe
common hepatic duct is _____ in diameter
4 mm
common hepatic duct descends within ...
the edge of lesser omentum
common hepatic duct is joined by _________________ from the ___________ to form ___________
cystic duct; gallbladder; CBD
CBD is _____ in diameter
6 mm
CBD has how many portions?
which portion of CBD descends in edge of lesser omentum?
second portion CBD lies ______________
posterior to first portion of DUODENUM
third portion CBD lies where?
in a groove on posterior surface of pancreatic head
anterior to MPV is ______
CBD (CBD is posterior to MPV)
distal CBD is by ...
pancreas (lies in groove on posterior surface of pancreatic head)
CBD pierces which portion of duodenum?
what joins CBD & both open into duodenum?
CBD + pancreatic duct (aka duct of wirsung) open into duodenum thru AMPULLA OF VATER
ampulla of vater is surrounded by ...
muscle fibers creating the sphincter of oddi
(ampulla of vater is aka sphincter of oddi)
proximal portion of CBD is ______________ to hepatic artery & __________ to portal vein
lateral anterior
CBD runs _____________ to first portion of duodenum as it enters _____________
mostly posterior; pancreas
what is the mickey mouse sign
portal triad
portal triad is made up by
-hepatic artery -portal vein -common bile duct
at porta hepatis: hepatic artery is _____________ to portal vein
anterior & medial***
at porta hepatis: portal vein is ___________
at porta hepatis: CBD is _______________ to portal vein
lateral & anterior
all 3 parts of porta hepatis travel in ...
the edge of lesser omentum
what structure serves as a collection & storage place for bile?
how does the gallbladder connect to the common hepatic duct?
via the cystic duct
cystic duct is approx ____ long
4 cm
cystic duct shape
somewhat S-shaped
cystic duct descends in ...
the free edge of lesser omentum
what are the valves at the neck of gallbladder extending into cystic duct?
spiral valves of heister
what does the spiral valves of heister do?
prevents overdistension, collapse, & kinking of duct
(variant of cystic duct) ____% insert mid 1/3 of extrahepatic duct
(variant of cystic duct) ___% insert n distal 1/3
some type of anatomic variant of cystic duct occurs in ______% of cases
what is mirizzi syndrome?
stones in cystic duct, but CBD is normal in caliber
gallbladder shape & location
pear shape located anteriorly & close to visceral surface of liver
parts of gallbladder
-fundus -body -neck
what is the most inferior & lateral part of gallbladder?
gallbladder body lies where? how is it directed?
lies in contact w/ liver directed upward, posterior, & to left
gallbladder neck is connected to ...
cystic duct
gallbladder neck is oriented ...
posterior & medial toward the porta hepatis
gallbladder size
gallbladder diameter
3-4 cm
gallbladder length
7-10 cm
gallbladder wall thickness
less than 3 mm thick ***** (GB wall measurement is important!)
gallbladder variations
-folds back on itself -hartman's pouch -may lie intrahepatic -may have internal septations (bilobed) -phrygian cap -duplication of GB is very rare
patient prep gallbladder scan
NPO 8-12 hours prior to exam
what makes the gallbladder contract the most?
fatty foods
gallbladder is anterior to
-right kidney -IVC
gallbladder is lateral to
-head of pancreas -duodenum
word for spleen
spleen is part of what system
reticulo-endothelial system (aka RE system)
spleen is intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal?
what covers the spleen?
covered w/ visceral peritoneum -protective capsule (aka splenic capsule)
spleen is good window to ...
left hemidiaphragm
spleen is held in place by ...
peritoneal ligaments -gastrosplenic -leinorenal -phrenicoleinal
spleen has a convex or concave outer surface?
convex outer surface
spleen has convex or concave inner surface?
concave inner surface
spleen's inner surface contains ...
hilum: central portion where arteries & veins go in & out
spleen size & shape
spleen length in adults
should be less than 13 cm
spleen length in children
5.7 + 0.31(age in yrs)
what region is the spleen in?
left hypochondrium
spleen axis is along ...
10th rib
spleen lies between _____________ & ______________
stomach & diaphragm
superior to spleen
posterior & lateral to spleen
left lung & ribs
medial to spleen
-stomach -tail of pancreas -left kidney
inferior to spleen
splenic flexure of colon
types of spleen anatomic variations
-lobulations -position -accessorry splenic tissue -splenic absence -atrophy
variations in spleen position is due to
-embryologic development -ligaments that support it
accessory splenic tissue is seen where?
-adjacent to the hilum -gastrolieneal ligament -greater omentum
accessory splenic tissue size?
can vary in size from pea size to plum size
what is asplenia
absence of a spleen -is rare
asplenia can be associated w/
-asplenic syndrome -complex cardiac malformations -bronchopulmonary abnormalities -situs inversus (malrotation) -interrupted IVC w/ azygous continuation
condition where there is more than one spleen -more rare than asplenia
spleen atrophy can occur in ...
-older patients -can be sign of disease
pancreas has _________ & ____________ glands
exocrine and endocrine
directly into bloodstream
secretions into ducts
pancreas lies where?
anterior to 1st & 2nd lumbar
pancreas is located in what regions?
deep in left hypochondrium & epigastrium
pancreas is behind the ...
lesser omental sac
pancreas lies in what kind of position?
pancreas extends from _____________ to ____________
2nd portion of duodenum to hilum of spleen
is pancreas intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal?
most of pancreas is retroperitoneal
what portion of pancreas is surrounded by peritoneum?
small portion of head
parts of pancreas
-head -neck -body -tail
pancreas head is anterior to
pancreas head is inferior to
pancreas head is medial to
second portion of duodenum
pancreas head is posterior to
SMV lies anterior to ...
uncinate process of pancreas