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Used for artificial respiration.
Anesthetic machines
Used to deliver an inhaled anesthetic to keep the animal unconscious through surgery.
apparatus for sterilizing by steam under pressure
Autoclave tape indicator
Used to show that the instruments have been properly steralized by changing colors.
Backhaus towel clamps
Function: To secure the drapes to a patient's skin by means of a small puncture. Can also be used to grasp tough tissues and reduce small bone fractures
Balling gun
a metal device with a long handle that has a plunger at the base, used to hold medicines to administer to large animals
Bandaging material — Elasticon
Bandaging material — roll gauze
Bandaging material — vet wrap
Bands (castration or docking)
Cat bag
A restraint device designed to enclose a cat's body while providing access to treatment sites
Catch pole (dog snare)
Catheter — butterfly
Catheter — IV
Catheter — Tomcat urinary
device to separate substances by spinning them at high speed
Chemical indicator strips
How would you know the conditions for sterilization have probably been met on a pack fresh out of the autoclave?
Cold sterile tray
Dehorner — Barnes
Dehorner — electric
Dental floats
Used to file equine teeth
Dental scaler
It is a dental instrument used for removal of plaque, bacteria, endotoxins and calculus.
Drench gun — small ruminant
Ear notcher
Used to notch the ears if sheep and swine
A device used in bloodless castration and in the docking of tails of livestock, accomplished by applying a strong rubber band.
Elizabethan collar
A circular plastic shield, resembling a lampshade, that encircles the neck and extends to the end of the muzzle. It prevents the animal from chewing at it's bandages
Removes testicles and cuts spermatic cord
an instrument used for visual examination of internal structures
Endotracheal tubes
Artificial Airway most commonly inserted in pts who have had general anesthetics or in emergency situations when mechanical ventilation is required
Fecal loop
a plastic loop with slotted ends used for quick and easy fecal samples
Feeding tube for small animals
Fetal extractor — calf
Forceps — Alligator
Forceps — Allis tissue
Forceps — Babcock tissue
Forceps — Brown-Adson thumb
Forceps — Crile
Forceps — Kelly
Forceps — Halstead mosquito
Forceps — Rat tooth thumb
J tube
Squeeze chute / Head gate
Hog snare
Restraint for swine, goes over the upper jaw, prevents them from backing up
Hoof knife
Can be used in equine but for very soft adjustment, used to trim off hoof wall
Hoof rasp
Function: To smooth the rough edges of the hoof wall after trimming
IV administration set
instrument used for visual examination of the abdominal cavity
Instruments used for examining the larynx or for assisting for intubation
Muzzle — basket
Muzzle — nylon
Needle holder — Mayo-Hegar
Needle holder — Olsen-Hegar
Obstetrical chain and handle
an instrument used to examine the interior of the eye
instrument used for visual examination of the ear
Pig tooth nippers
Radiology personal protective
Rumen magnet
put in reticulum "hardware stomach" collects metal
Scalpel blade
Scalpel handle
Scissors — Suture wire cutting
Scissors — Bandage
Scissors — Lister bandage
Scissors — Littauer suture removal
Scissors — Mayo dissecting
Scissors — Metzenbaum dissecting
Silver nitrate sticks
Function: To stop bleeding from a blood vessel
Small animal oxygen cage
Snook ovariohysterectomy hook
Speculum — large animal oral
Speculum — small animal oral
Staple remover
Surgical drapes
Suture needle — cutting
Suture needle — taper
Syringe — automatic, multi-dose
Tattooing instruments — small
and large
instrument used to measure pressure
Trocar and cannula
Twitch human
Twitch chain
Gravity feeder