PoB Exam chapters: 1,2,33,34,35

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Which level of biological organization is composed of several tissues?


A. organism

B. organ system

C. organ

D. cell

E. molecules

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Which level of biological organization is composed of several tissues?


A. organism

B. organ system

C. organ

D. cell

E. molecules

C. Organ

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A physician specializes in surgery involving the following group of organs: mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Overall, what is the highest level of organization that this physician is specialized in?


A. cell

B. tissue

C. organ

D. organ system

E. organism

D) Organ System

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Which sequence correctly lists the different levels of biological organization, from the smallest and simplest to the largest and most complex?


A. cells-organs-tissues-organ systems-organism

B. cells-tissues-organ systems-organs-organism

C. tissues-cells-organs-organ systems-organism

D. tissues-organs-organ systems-organism-cells

E. cells-tissues-organs-organ systems-organism

E. cells-tissues-organs-organ systems-organism

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Which statement about living organisms is not correct?


A. Living organisms create energy.

B. Living organisms maintain homeostasis.

C. Living organisms reproduce.

D. Living organisms have adaptations.

E. Living organisms grow and develop.

A. Living organisms create energy.

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Organs are composed of tissues, which are composed of cells. This is an example of which characteristic of life?


A. Living things grow and develop.

B. Living things respond to stimuli.

C. Living things maintain themselves by homeostasis.

D. Living things have levels of hierarchical organization.

E. Living things are adapted to the environment.

D. Living things have levels of hierarchical organization.

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All the  birds called cardinals (Cardinals cardinalis) in a forest would comprise a(n)


A. population.

B. ecosystem.

C. community.

D. biosphere.

E. species.

A. Population

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All the banded sunfish (Enneacanthus obesus) in a pond would comprise a(n)


A. population.

B. ecosystem.

C. community.

D. biosphere.

E. species.

A. Population

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Jennifer wants to use the brand of fertilizer that gives her the most tomatoes from each plant. She breaks her plants into groups and uses a different brand of fertilizer on each group. The experimental/independent variable is represented by


A. brand of fertilizer.

B. unfertilized tomato plants.

C. fertilized tomato plants.

D. amount of fruit produced by the tomato plants.

A. Brand of fertilizer

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Jennifer wants to use the brand of fertilizer that gives her the most tomatoes from each plant. She breaks her plants into groups and uses a different brand of fertilizer on each group. The response/dependent variable is represented by


A. brand of fertilizer.

B. unfertilized tomato plants.

C. fertilized tomato plants.

D. amount of fruit produced by the tomato plants.

D. amount of fruit produced by the tomato plants.

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Jeff wants to know what concentration of bleach would be most effective at killing bacteria without overdoing it and using too much bleach. Jeff makes 3 solutions of bleach in water, 1, 5, and 10% solutions. He then adds a specific number of bacteria to a test tube of each solution and waits 3 minutes.  He puts these bacterial on a petri plate and later counts colonies to see how many bacteria survived. In this experiment, the number of bacteria that were killed would be


A. control.

B. experimental/independent variable.

C. response/dependent variable.

D. confounding variable.

E. hypothesis.

C. response/dependent variable.

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Jeff wants to know what concentration of bleach would be most effective at killing bacteria without overdoing it and using too much bleach. Jeff makes 3 solutions of bleach in water, 1, 5, and 10% solutions. He then adds a specific number of bacteria to a test tube of each solution and waits 3 minutes.  He puts these bacterial on a petri plate and later counts colonies to see how many bacteria survived. In this experiment, the concentration of the bleach would be


A. control.

B. experimental/independent variable.

C. response/dependent variable.

D. confounding variable.

E. hypothesis.

B. experimental/independent variable.

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Which statement regarding the scientific method is false?


A. A theory is an explanation of why a pattern occurs.

B. Confounding variables make experiments difficult to interpret.

C. Deductive reasoning is often used in the design of an experiment.

D. A control group is always exposed to the factor being tested.

D. A control group is always exposed to the factor being tested.

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When researchers test a new human cancer drug using mice, the mice constitute the


A. hypothesis.

B. data.

C. experimental design.

D. model.

E. control.

D. Model

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In the antibiotic experiment in the textbook, what is the independent/experimental variable?


A. Presence/absence of stomach ulcers.

B. Number of people in the control group.

C. Number of people in the taking antibiotic A.

D. Whether or not the patient gets one of the antibiotics or placebo.

D. Whether or not the patient gets one of the antibiotics or placebo.

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Which of the following is a way to control for confounding variables in the antibiotic experiment covered in the textbook?


A. using many replicates

B. allowing the person doing the endoscopies to know which subjects are controls

C. randomly assigning test subjects ot different groups

D. only a and c are true

E. all of the answers are true

D. only a and c are true

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Which of the following is a way to control for confounding variables in the antibiotic experiment covered in the textbook?


A. using many replicates

B. using a double blind study design

C. randomly assigning test subjects to different groups.

D. all of the answers are true

D. all of the answers are true

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Which of the following statements about the strengths of science is false?


A. Science is publicly understandable.

B. Scientific theories can change as new data become available.

C. Scientific theories, once found to be true, are always true.

D. Science is capable of making measurable predictions.

C. Scientific theories, once found to be true, are always true.

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Emerging diseases enter the human population due to


A. new interactions with other organisms that can then act as vectors of disease.

B. changes in technology use that can expose humans to new infectious organisms.

C. from the destruction of coral reefs.

D. Only A and B are true

E. None of the above are true.

D. Only A and B are true

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The atomic mass of an element


A. is determined by the number of protons and neutrons it contains.

B. equals the number of protons plus the number of electrons.

C. equals the number of neutrons.

D. depends on the number of electrons in the outermost shell.

A. is determined by the number of protons and neutrons it contains.

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If an element has an atomic number of 12, then


A. the atomic mass must also be 12.

B. the atom has 12 electrons.

C. the atom has 12 neutrons.

D. the atom must have only one orbital.

B. the atom has 12 electrons.

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Isotopes of a given element have


A. the same number of protons but differ in atomic mass.

B. the same atomic mass but a different number of protons.

C. a different number of electrons.

D. the same number of neutrons.

A. the same number of protons but differ in atomic mass.

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A covalent bond is


A. a type of bond that results in ionic compounds.

B. the transfer of electrons from one atom to another.

C. a sharing of electrons between two atoms.

D. an attraction of charged atoms.

C. a sharing of electrons between two atoms.

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When an ionic bond forms, electrons are


A. lost from both atoms.

B. gained by both atoms.

C. shared equally by both atoms.

D. transferred from one atom to another.

D. transferred from one atom to another.

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Which type of bond formation is responsible for the properties of water?


A. hydrogen

B. polar covalent

C. ionic

D. nonpolar covalent

A. hydrogen

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Which statement regarding acids and bases is correct?


A. Acids increase the pH, and bases decrease the pH.

B. Acids increase the proportion of hydrogen ions (H+), and bases reduce the proportion of H+.

C. Acids are harmful, but bases are not harmful.

D. Acids combine with bases to form sugars.

B. Acids increase the proportion of hydrogen ions (H+), and bases reduce the proportion of H+.

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Since pure water is neutral in pH, it contains


A. no hydrogen ions (H+).

B. no hydroxide ions (OH-).

C. neither hydrogen ions (H+) nor hydroxide ions (OH-).

D. an equal number of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).

D. an equal number of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).

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The lower the pH


A. the lower the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration.

B. the more acidic the solution.

C. the greater the hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration.

D. the closer the hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration comes to equaling the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration.

B. the more acidic the solution.

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Water is a liquid at room temperature. This is due to


A. ionic bonding of the atoms in the water molecule.

B. covalent bonding in the water molecule.

C. covalent bonding between water molecules.

D. hydrogen bonding within the water molecule.

E. hydrogen bonding between water molecules.

E. hydrogen bonding between water molecules.

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You notice that rain water forms "beads" on your car. This is an example of what property of water?


A. cohesion

B. high heat of vaporization

C. adhesion

D. solvent

A. cohesion

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Which of the following molecules is inorganic?


A. CH4

B. CO2

C. C6H12O6

D. C12H22O12

E. C6H6

B. CO2

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Organic molecules


A. always contain carbon.

B. always contain hydrogen.

C. always contain carbon and hydrogen.

D. are found only in organisms, hence their name.

C. always contain carbon and hydrogen.

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____ is a polysaccharide that is found in plant cell walls and accounts for their strength.

A. Cellulose

B. Chitin

C. Glycogen

D. Starch


A. Cellulose

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Glycogen is a


A. monosaccharide used for quick energy.

B. protein found in cell membranes.

C. polysaccharide used to store glucose/energy.

D. fat found in margarine.

E. nucleic acid found in the nucleus of a cell.

C. polysaccharide used to store glucose/energy.

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When two glucose molecules combine they form a disaccharide molecule and


A. another glucose molecule.

B. a dipeptide molecule.

C. a lipid molecule.

D. a water molecule.

D. a water molecule.

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Maltose is classified as a


A. fatty acid.

B. protein.

C. carbohydrate.

D. lipid.

C. carbohydrate.

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Which of the following types of lipids is the most abundant constituent of cell membranes?


A. cholesterol

B. phospholipid

C. triglyceride

D. fat

B. phospholipid

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Which of the following fats that can be found in the human diet have the highest correlation with heart disease?


A. phospholipids

B. steroids

C. unsaturated fats.

D. saturated fats

E. trans fats

E. trans fats

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Cholesterol is a component of cell membranes and is an example of which type of lipid?


A. steroids

B. phospholipids

C. triglycerides

D. oils

A. steroids

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The _____ structure of a protein consists of the sequence of the amino acids joined together by peptide bonds.


A. primary

B. secondary

C. tertiary

D. quaternary

A. primary

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A genetic mutation can cause a change in the sequence of the 20 amino acids used to build proteins. Such a change is a change to the protein's


A. primary structure only.

B. secondary structure only.

C. tertiary structure only.

D. primary structure, but this will likely alter higher levels of structure as well.

E. quaternary structure only.

D. primary structure, but this will likely alter higher levels of structure as well.

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Hemoglobin is a protein composed of two pairs of polypeptide chains. What is the highest level of protein structure represented by hemoglobin?


A. primary

B. secondary

C. tertiary

D. quaternary

D. quaternary

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What type of bond will connect the amino acids in a protein?


A. peptide

B. triple covalent

C. polar covalent

D. ionic

A. peptide

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What type of reaction is necessary to produce a dipeptide from individual amino acids?


A. dehydration reaction

B. hydrolysis reaction

C. Dipeptides are not formed from amino acids.

D. None of the answer choices will form a dipeptide.

A. dehydration reaction

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Nucleic acids are polymers of


A. amino acids.

B. nucleotides.

C. monosaccharides.

D. fatty acids.

B. nucleotides.

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Which of these combinations would be found in a nucleotide?


A. base-acid-salt

B. adenine-thymine-uracil

C. base-sugar-phosphate

D. DNA-RNA-nucleus

E. sugar-protein-fat

C. base-sugar-phosphate

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Which of the following statements is NOT true about fixed action patterns (FAPs)?


A. All the members of a species perform the exact same sequence of behaviors.

B. The behavior pattern is stereotyped.

C. The fixed action pattern is considered to be initiated by a sign stimulus.

D. FAPs require learning.

D. FAPs require learning.

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Male goats will attempt to mate with goats who resemble the female goat who raised them. This is an example of


A. an innate behavior.

B. classical conditioning.

C. imprinting.

D. a fixed action pattern.

C. imprinting.

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Imprinting is of benefit to organisms because it allows them to


A. perform the proper courtship ritual.

B. defend their territory.

C. recognize a member of their own species.

D. build a better nest.

C. recognize a member of their own species.

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Learned behavior that causes a family of baby ducks to follow their mother is called


A. imprinting.

B. operant conditioning.

C. extinction.

D. motivation.

A. imprinting.

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A farmer buys a duck egg and hatches it in an incubator. The baby duck, duckling follows the farmer every place possible after hatching. This is an example of


A. a fixed action pattern.

B. classical conditioning.

C. imprinting.

D. operant conditioning.

C. imprinting.

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To train an animal, you try to reward each instance of desired behavior. In this way, you can eventually get pigeons to play ping-pong. This system of reward, where animals are given a reward each time they responded correctly, usually in a boxlike environment, is called


A. operant conditioning.

B. insight learning.

C. extinction.

D. motivation.

A. operant conditioning.

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A female peacock spider will only choose a mate with the proper markings and who performs the proper mating ritual. This is an example of


A. sexual selection.

B. altruistic behavior.

C. sociobiology.

D. classical conditioning.

A. sexual selection.

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Male elk may earn the right to mate with female elk by battling other males with their antlers. This is an example of


A. sexual selection.

B. altruistic behavior.

C. sociobiology.

D. classical conditioning.

A. sexual selection.

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Natural selection might favor altruistic behaviors in closely related individuals because it


A. increases the frequency of the altruistic individual's genes in the next generation.

B. reduces fighting between species.

C. ensures the survival of the altruistic individual.

D. stimulates new learning behaviors.

A. increases the frequency of the altruistic individual's genes in the next generation.

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A nephew has a genetic relatedness of ____________ to an uncle?


A. 1/2

B. 1/4

C. 1/8

D. 1/16

B. 1/4

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Siblings who are not identical twins have a genetic relatedness of ____________?


A. 1/2

B. 1/4

C. 1/8

D. 1/16

A. 1/2

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A child has a genetic relatedness of ____________ to a parent?


A. 1/2

B. 1/4

C. 1/8

D. 1/16

A. 1/2

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First cousins have a genetic relatedness of ____________?


A. 1/2

B. 1/4

C. 1/8

D. 1/16

C. 1/8

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Why should a female butterfly choose a vibrantly colored male for mating?


A. Brightly colored males are healthier and more likely to produce healthy offspring. 

B. Brightly colored males are less attractive to predators.

C. Brightly colored males are better parents and help with raising offspring.

D. Brightly colored males are better camoflauged.

A. Brightly colored males are healthier and more likely to produce healthy offspring. 

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The mating strategy in which a female mates with multiple males is


A. polyandry.

B. polygamy.

C. monogamy.

D. kin selection.

A. polyandry.

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An example of territoriality is 


A. barnacles attached to a boat bottom.

B. a red-winged blackbird singing to ward off other males and attract a female to the nest in his fence row.

C. a cloud of moths attracted to a light.

D. a swarm of mosquitoes hovering around a sweaty person.

B. a red-winged blackbird singing to ward off other males and attract a female to the nest in his fence row.

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Which of the following is NOT true about the bee waggle dance.


A. is a tactile form of behavior since it is done in a dark hive and the other beestouch the dancing bee to get information.

B. It is primarily a visual form of behavior as all dances are.

C. The angle the bee moves to gravity communicates the angel a bee must fly compared to the position of the sun to find the food source.

D. Bees can use the sun as a compass since they have an internal biological clock that allows them to compensate for the movement of the sun.

B. It is primarily a visual form of behavior as all dances are.

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A number of populations of different species interacting with one another in a natural environment, such as a rotten log, is called


A. competition.

B. a community.

C. predation.

D. symbiosis.

B. a community.

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A number of populations of different species interacting with one another is called


A. competition.

B. a community.

C. an ecosystem.

D. symbiosis.

B. a community.

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All the members of the same species that inhabit a particular area are termed a(n)


A. ecosystem.

B. ecological niche.

C. population.

D. community.

C. population.

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Which of the following would be LEAST likely to have an effect on biotic potential?


A. the number of offspring per reproduction.

B. how often each individual reproduces.

C. how often a male performs a courtship display.

D. chances of survival until the age of reproduction.

C. how often a male performs a courtship display.

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When the number of births exceeds the number of deaths, this results in


A. population growth.

B. biotic potential.

C. environmental resistance.

D. doubling time.

A. population growth.

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Under what conditions would one expect a negative population growth rate?


A. birthrate is greater than death rate.

B. death rate is greater than birthrate.

C. a country becomes poorer, because it is related to economic growth.

D. better health care reduces the death rate and increases survivorship of newborns.

B. death rate is greater than birthrate.

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A population expanding at the rate of 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 - 64...etc., is in


A. arithmetic growth.

B. additive growth.

C. exponential growth.

D. carrying capacity.

C. exponential growth.

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A populations under exponential growth would be graphed with  ______-shaped curves.


A. bell

B. pyramid

C. S

D. J

D. J

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The maximum population that the environment can support for an indefinite period of time is called the


A. biotic potential.

B. environmental resistance.

C. carrying capacity.

D. replacement reproduction.

C. carrying capacity.

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Population size is believed to level off at the _______ of an environment.


A. population growth

B. biotic potential

C. environmental resistance

D. carrying capacity

D. carrying capacity

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The carrying capacity of the environment for a species is determined by


A. the reproductive rate of the organism.

B. the number of organisms of that species.

C. a complex "balance of nature" that still has not been explained in terms that scientists can calculate.

D. the limited productivity of the environment and the environmental resistance to the biotic potential of the organism.

D. the limited productivity of the environment and the environmental resistance to the biotic potential of the organism.

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In a species with a type III survivorship curve


A. most individuals die of old age.

B. many individuals die early in life.

C. individuals die at a constant rate throughout time.

D. most individuals die during their reproductive years.

B. many individuals die early in life.

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In a species with a type I survivorship curve


A. most individuals die of old age.

B. many individuals die early in life.

C. individuals die at a constant rate throughout time.

D. most individuals die during their reproductive years.

A. most individuals die of old age.

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Interaction between two species in which one feeds on the other is


A. competition.

B. an ecosystem.

C. predation.

D. symbiosis.

C. predation.

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Interaction between two species as both attempt to use the same environmental resources is


A. competition.

B. a community.

C. predation.

D. symbiosis.

A. competition.

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A form of symbiosis in which one participant benefits and the other apparently is not benefited nor harmed is


A. commensalism.

B. parasitism.

C. mutualism.

D. coevolution.

A. commensalism.

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A relationsip in which two species live very close to each other and have close interactions is


A. competition.

B. a community.

C. an ecosystem.

D. predation.

E. symbiosis.

E. symbiosis.

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. A form of symbiosis in which both participants benefit is


A. commensalism.

B. parasitism.

C. mutualism.

D. predation.

C. mutualism.

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Which is NOT a density-dependent factor?


A. food supply

B. weather

C. shelter or nest space

D. disease

B. weather

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A population of 100 butterflies living on an acre of land loses three-quarters of its members when a sudden freeze in the spring occurs just after they emerge as caterpillars. This population has undergone a reduction in population size due to


A. an intrinsic factor.

B. a density-independent factor.

C. a density-dependent factor.

D. natural selection.

B. a density-independent factor.

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Ecology is best defined as the study of


A. populations.

B. communities.

C. how populations are restricted by environmental resistance.

D. organisms as they interact with other organisms and with their physical surroundings.

D. organisms as they interact with other organisms and with their physical surroundings.

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All of the organisms living in your front yard represent a(n) _______, while the blue jays represent a(n) ______.


A. population; community

B. population; ecosystem

C. community; population

D. ecosystem; community

C. community; population

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Consider that a species of salmon lays 20,000 eggs per pair when it spawns and dies. At the end of five years, an average of one pair of mature salmon from this group of hatched eggs returns again to spawn in the parent stream (19,998 have died). What is the per capita rate of increase?


A. 2,000, because this must be divided by five years

B. zero, because there is exact replacement of the previous generation

C. -2,000, because there was this much average die-off per year

D. -19,998, because there was this much total loss

B. zero, because there is exact replacement of the previous generation

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Which of the following is NOT a form of environmental resistance?


A. limited food supply

B. accumulation of waste products

C. number of offspring produced per litter

D. predation

E. limited living space

C. number of offspring produced per litter

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A population age structure diagram in which the birthrate is high and the population is mainly young would be best represented by a graph with a(n)


A. bell shape.

B. urn shape.

C. pyramid shape.

D. S-shaped curve.

E. J-shaped curve.

C. pyramid shape.

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The demographic transition, where population growth speeds up and then slows in developed countries, is due to a(n)


A. decreased death rate followed by a decreased birthrate.

B. decreased death rate followed by increased birthrate.

C. increased death rate followed by a decreased birthrate.

D. loss of a large number of members of the child-bearing age population.

A. decreased death rate followed by a decreased birthrate.

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Which of the following is a biotic factor in an ecosystem?


A. parasites

B. water availability

C. temperature

D. sunlight

A. parasites

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An ecosystem consists of what two components?


A. grazing and detritus food chains

B. habitat and niches

C. biotic and abiotic factors

D. water and temperature

C. biotic and abiotic factors

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In the biosphere, which of the following is NOT constantly recycled?


A. carbon

B. nitrogen

C. water

D. energy

D. energy

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Ecologists have found that


A. ecology cannot be explained using principles from chemistry and physics.

B. it is possible to capture all the photosynthetic energy absorbed in a molecule of glucose.

C. energy flows one way through an ecosystem and requires an external input.

D. inorganic elements flow through an ecosystem.

C. energy flows one way through an ecosystem and requires an external input.

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Energy flow in an ecosystem is NOT cyclic because energy is


A. evenly spread out over many organisms.

B. converted to many kinds of useful energy.

C. totally destroyed as it is used.

D. no longer useful when it is converted to heat.

D. no longer useful when it is converted to heat.

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Fungi and bacteria are detritus-feeders, also known as


A. herbivores.

B. decomposers.

C. autotrophs.

D. carnivores.

B. decomposers.

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Animals that feed on both plants and other animals are called


A. herbivores.

B. carnivores.

C. omnivores.

D. detritivores.

C. omnivores.

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Which eats only plant foods?


A. omnivore

B. herbivore

C. autotroph

D. carnivore

B. herbivore

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The primary consumers that feed directly on green plants are called


A. omnivores.

B. herbivores.

C. carnivores.

D. producers.

B. herbivores.

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Which type of organism produces food in an ecosystem?


A. heterotroph

B. autotroph

C. consumer

D. herbivore

B. autotroph

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Which kind of organism would be most likely to perform photosynthesis?


A. heterotroph

B. herbivore

C. decomposer

D. autotroph

D. autotroph

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The first step in the use of carbon by living organisms occurs in


A. humans.

B. vertebrates.

C. invertebrates.

D. green plants.

D. green plants.

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