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What are the characteristics of smooth muscle?
Involuntary, no striations, uninucleate
What are the characteristics of cardiac muscle?
Involuntary, striated, uninucleate
What are the characteristics of skeletal muscle?
Voluntary, striated, multinucleate
What is contractility?
Ability to shorten, never pushes
What is elasticity?
Recoil ability, go back to original position
What is extensibility?
Stretch ability without damaging tissue
What is excitability?
Responding to stimuli, activation ability
What is acetylcholine (ACh)?
Neurotransmitter for muscle fibers, activates sarcolemma
What is actin?
Thin, troponin, tropomyosin, I band
What is myosin?
Thick, heads, power stroke
What is sarcolemma?
Plasma membrane, muscle fibers
What is endomysium?
Covering for muscle fibers, areolar CT
What is perimysium?
Covering, fascicles, dense irregular CT
What is epimysium?
Covering, entire muscle, dense irregular CT
What is a sarcomere?
Functional unit, myofibrils
What is the A band?
Dark part, H zone, zone of overlap, sarcomere
What is the H zone?
Thick, myosin, 'heavy' part, sarcomere
What is the I band?
Thin only, actin, sarcomere
What are Z discs?
Ends/beginning, sarcomere
What is the M line?
Supportive proteins, H zone, middle
What is the overload principle?
Gaining/building muscle, fatigue
What is the cross-bridge cycle?
Calcium, troponin, tropomyosin, actin, myosin
What is excitation-contraction coupling?
Sarcolemma, sarcoplasmic reticulum, actin, myosin, troponin, tropomyosin
What is the neuromuscular junction (NMJ)?
Synapse, motor neuron, ACh, action potentials
What is an action potential?
NMJ, neurons, depolarize, repolarize, RMP
What is a fascicle?
Group, perimysium, muscle fibers
What is a T-tubule?
Attached to sarcolemma, communication
What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)?
Release calcium, troponin
What are muscle fibers?
Cells, endomysium, sarcolemma
What is troponin?
Calcium, actin, tropomyosin
What is tropomyosin?
Myosin-binding sites, actin, troponin
What is calcium?
Sarcoplasmic reticulum, contraction, troponin
What are myofibrils?
Proteins, muscle cells, sarcomere
What is a motor unit?
Neuromuscular junctions, connectivity
What is isotonic?
Length change, contraction
What is isometric?
No length change, deadlifts
What is muscle tone?
Constant stimulation, slight contraction
What is concentric?
Isotonic, shortening
What is eccentric?
Isotonic, elongating
What is a twitch?
One action potential, latent, contraction, relaxation
What is the latent period?
Sarcolemma excitation, sarcoplasmic reticulum
What is the contraction period?
Troponin with calcium, cross-bridge cycle
What is the relaxation period?
Troponin without calcium, original position
What is summation?
Multiple action potentials, frequency
What are fast glycolytic fibers?
Fatigable, quick powerful actions
What are fast oxidative fibers?
Slightly fatigable, anaerobic or aerobic
What are slow oxidative fibers?
Cellular respiration, slow but steady, fatigue resistant
What is myoglobin?
Holding oxygen, aerobic exercise
What is sarcopenia?
Age associated, loss of cells
What is the frontalis muscle?
Frontal bone, eyebrows
What is the orbicularis oculi muscle?
Eyes, closes eyelids
What is the zygomaticus muscle?
Corners of mouth, smiling
What is the orbicularis oris muscle?
Circles mouth, closes lips
What is the mentalis muscle?
Wrinkles chin
What is the buccinator muscle?
Sucks in cheeks
What is the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
Turns head laterally
What are the rotator cuff muscles?
Infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
What are the internal intercostals?
Exhalation, condenses thoracic cage
What are the external intercostals?
Inhalation, expands thoracic cage
What is the deltoid muscle?
Shoulder, arm abduction
What is the trapezius muscle?
Scapula, shrugging
What is the latissimus dorsi muscle?
Arm adduction, arm extension
What is the pectoralis major muscle?
Arm flexion
What is the biceps brachii muscle?
Forearm/elbow flexion
What is the triceps brachii muscle?
Forearm/elbow extension
What is the palmaris longus muscle?
Flex hand and fingers, not present in all people
What are the quadriceps muscles?
Thigh flexion, knee extension
What are the hamstrings?
Thigh extension, knee flexion
What is the sartorius muscle?
Longest muscle, thigh flexion
What is the gluteus maximus muscle?
Largest muscle, thigh extension
What is the tibialis anterior muscle?
What are the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles?
Plantar flexion, achilles tendon
What is an aponeurosis?
Sheet, indirect attachment
What is a tendon?
Rope-like, indirect attachment
What is the origin?
Starting point, non-moving
What is the insertion?
Ending point, moving portion
What are agonists?
Main movers of a movement
What are antagonists?
Muscles that do the opposite of the agonist, activated while agonist is inactive
What are synergists?
Helpers of main movers, usually around main mover
What is the central nervous system (CNS)?
Brain and spinal cord, interneurons, integration
What is the peripheral nervous system (PNS)?
Outside of brain and spinal cord, sensory and motor neurons
What are astrocytes?
CNS, monitor, blood brain barrier
What are microglia?
CNS, immune cells, phagocytosis
What are ependymal cells?
CNS, cerebrospinal fluid
What are oligodendrocytes?
CNS, myelin, multiple axons
What are satellite cells?
PNS, monitoring, astrocyte-like
What are Schwann cells?
PNS, myelin, one area of axon
What are neurons?
Thinking, action potentials
What is the soma (or cell body)?
Nucleus, neuron, control center
What are dendrites?
Listening, receptors, neurons
What is an axon?
Track for action potentials, myelin
What is the axon hillock?
Create action potentials, soma to axon
What are axon terminals?
Neurotransmitters, calcium, NMJ
What are myelin sheaths?
Insulation, oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells
What are nodes of Ranvier?
Gaps between myelin, strengthening action potentials
What are afferent neurons?
Sensory, PNS, unipolar
What are interneurons?
CNS, integration, multipolar
What are efferent neurons?
PNS, motor, multipolar
What are unipolar neurons?
One process, sensory neurons, structural
What are bipolar neurons?
Smell and vision, two processes