How many bones are in the appendicular skeleton?
Parts that make up the appendicular skeleton
The pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, the upper and lower limbs.
The Pectoral girdle consists of
The clavicle and scapula
Collar bone that attaches to the sternum and scapula.
Shoulder blade that attaches to the clavicle and upper limb bone.
What forms the shoulder?
head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula
Pelvic Girdle is composed of
Two os coxa
Each os coxa has?
Allium, Ischium and Pubic bone
The ilium attaches to
The sacrum at the iliac crest.
What joins the 2 pubic bones
Pubic symphysis
Joints of the pelvic girdle
The sacroiliac joint, pubic symphsis, acetabulum
What is the acetabulum?
The socket that attaches to the head of the femur.
Parts of the arm( upper limb)
Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpals, Metacarpals and phalanges.
Parts of the leg (lower limbs)
Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Patella, Tarsals, Calcaneous, Metatarsals and plalanges
What makes up the integumentary system?
Skin, Hair, Glands, Nails, Nerves
The skin consists of:
The Dermis and Epidermis
Characteristic of the Epidermis
-Made up of keratinized Squamous epithelium -Made up of epithelial tissues from the ectoderm. -Avascular -Has thick and thin skin.
The Layers of the Epidermis
stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum.
statum basale
Bottom layer of the epidermis that is made of melanocyte and keratinocytes and gets its nutrients from the blood.
stratum spinosum
Epidermis Layer that's several layers thick and has limited cell division happening.
stratum granulosum
Epidermis layer that is 3-5 layers with dark granules and no blood supply.
Stratum Lucidium
epidermis layer with 2-3 flat, dead cell layers that's very apparent in thick skin.
stratum corneum
The glycolipid outermost layer of the epidermis that protects and retains moisture.
Thin SKin
Layer of the skin that has hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands.
Thick Skin
Has no hair follicles, no hair or sebaceous glands, found on the palm or sole of feet.
Characteristics of the Dermis
-Made of connective tissue proper. -Consists of fibroblasts, fibrocytes and matrix.
The Two layers of the Dermis
The reticular layer and the papillary layer.
The Papillary Layer
Vascular layer of the dermis made of loose, areolar connective tissue and has dermal papillae and dermal ridges.
dermal papillae
Upward fingerlike extensions that go in the epidermis.
dermal ridges
Structure below the dermal papillae that forms finger prints and has sweat pores.
The Reticular Layer
Furthest layer that's made of dense irregular tissue that makes up most of the dermis.
What forms after the dermis is torn and white scars (striae) forms?
Stretch Marks
Structures in the Dermis
Hair follicles, Sebaceous and Sudireferous glands, Sensory receptors and Arrector Pili Muscles
Contraction of erector pili forms
the connective tissue layer under the dermis that stores fat. and
Where in the skin is Melanin found
Between the stratum basale and Stratum Spinosum.
Structures derived from the epidermis
Hair, Nails and Exocrine glands (sebaceous, sudoriferous, ceruminous and mammary)
Characteristics of Hair
-Made of dead keratinized cells. -Hair shaft is above skin surface. -Hair root is below skin surface.
hair follicle
sac within which each hair grows
hair papilla
Small piece of dermal tissue that protrudes into the hair bulb.
root hair plexus
Hair nerve ending
Nails are made of
keratinized epidermal cells found in the stratum corneum
sebaceous glands
Gland that produces sebum/oil to lubricate the hair and skin.
ceruminous glands
Modified sweat glands that makes ear wax.
mammary glands
Modified sweat glands that produces milk.
suderiferous glands
Gland that produces sweat, which cools the body, works as antibiotic( lysozyme) and removes waste.
cutaneous sense receptors
Nerve endings found in the skin that respond to stimuli.
touch receptors
Nerve endings that detect touch on your skin
Example of touch receptors
Meissner's corpuscles
pressure receptors
Nerve endings that respond to pressure on your skin.
Example of Pressure receptors
Pacinian corpules
Nerve endings that detects cold and hot.
Nerve endings that detect pain
frontal bone
Name this bone.
parietal bone
Name this bone.
temporal bone
Name this bone.
occipital bone
Name this bone.
sphenoid bone
Name this bone.
ethmoid bone
Name this bone.
Name this bone.
Name this bone.
palatine bone
Name this bone.
zygomatic bone
Name this bone.
lacrimal bone
Name this bone.
nasal bone
Name this bone.
Name this bone.
sagittal suture
Name the structure.
coronal suture
Name the structure.
lambdoidal suture
Name the structure.
squamous suture
Name the structure.
external auditory meatus
Name this opening.
mastoid process
Name the structure.
zygomatic arch
Name the structure.
styloid process
Name the structure.
sella turcica
Name the structure.
occipital condyle
Name the structure.
zygomatic process of temporal bone
Name the structure.
foramen magnum
Name this opening. BONUS
foramen ovale
Name this opening. BONUS
foramen spinosum
Name this opening. BONUS
foramen lacerum
Name this opening. BONUS
jugular foramen
Name this opening. BONUS
carotid canal
Name this opening. BONUS
Name this bone.
Name this bone.
spinous process
Name the structure.
vertebral foramen
Name this opening.
transverse process
Name the structure.
Name the bone.
Name the bone.
Name the structure.
hyoid bone
Name the bone.
Name this bone.
body of the sternum (gladiolus)
Name this bone.
xiphoid process
Name the structure.
auditory ossicles
malleus, incus, stapes
Function of the hyoid bone
Attach muscles of the tongue, neck and pharynx.
Each vertebral column has
A body, Lamina, Pedicle, Vertebral arch, Vertebral foramen, Spinous process, transverse process, superior and inferior articular processes.
5 Regions of the Vertebral column
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx
How many vertebrae in the cervical region