alexander the great
which empire is this?
which empire is this?
which civilization lived here?
which civilization lived here?
where was the battle of marathon?
a greek man had to run 140 miles to gather the spartan army
what quirky story occured during the battle of marathon?
the greeks
who won the battle of marathon?
where did the battle of thermopylae take place?
a greek traitor
who helped the persians win in the battle of thermopylae?
the persians
who won the battle of thermopylae?
the sarconic gulf
where did the battle of salamis take place?
burned down several greek cities
what did the persians do during the battle of salamis that angered the greeks?
pretend to retreat and then caught the persians by suprise
what did the greeks do to win the battle of salamis?
the greeks
who won the battle of salamis?
where did the battle of plataea take place?
poisoned their water supply
what did the persians do to the greeks during the battle of plataea?
poisoned their water supply
what did the greeks do to the persians during the battle of plataea?
the greeks
who won the persian wars?
greece and persia
who were the persian wars between?
it was much more mountainous and all parts of it were extremely close to water
how was greece's geography different from everyone else's?
he named at least 10 cities after himself
what is an example of alexander the great being egotistical?
what was the name of this greek fighting formation?
where was the palace at knossos located?
a minotaur
what was the palace at knossos reportedly guarded by?
a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a human
what is a minotaur?
more peaceful
were the minoans more peaceful or more violent?
women were considered to be important
what was unique about minoan society?
volcanic activity
what likely brought an end to the minoans?
the trojans
what other civilization were the myceneans near?
were the myceneans more peaceful or violent?
in their war against troy, did the myceneans win?
the myceneans
who gave the trojans a "gift" horse?
mycenean soldiers who wrecked the entire city
what was inside the wooden horse the myceneans gave to the trojans?
decrease in food production and trade
what caused the decline in mycenean society?
which famous philosopher was repotedly from mycenae?
people who invaded greece and changed some of the dialect
what was the dorian invasion?
the trojans or another similar group
who were the dorians, probably?
at the end of the dark age period
when did homer write the odyssey and the iliad?
greece uniting for the persian wars
what caused the end of the greecian dark age?
What is considered to be modern-day Persia?
What civilization was most of Persia's land conquered from?
Who was the first leader of the Persians (we learned about)?
Who was the second leader of the Persians (we learned about)?
Who was the third leader of the Persians (we learned about)?
Most organized
What was Darius I best regarded as?
How many provinces did Darius I divide Persia into?
Who governed Darius' provinces?
Were satraps from the capital city or were they from the local provinces?
Hired spies
What did Darius I do to ensure his satraps weren't planning rebellions?
A lot of northern India
What big expansion did Darius I make during his reign?
Underground canal systems Darius I built
What were the qanat?
What important city did Darius I establish?
Persia city
What does Persepolis mean?
Hired workers
Did slaves or hired workers build Persepolis?
The royal road
What was the name of the super important highway Darius I built?
1 week
How long would it take for someone to ravel across the royal road?
25-30 miles
How far apart were the postal stops on the royal road?
Liberated the Jews from Babylon
What did Cyrus do that made him appear in biblical texts?
Allowed them to practice their religions
What made Cyrus so loved in his conquered territories?
Was Xerxes considered benevolent or strict during his reign?
Their empires were too close to one another
Why was Xerxes beefing with Greece?
Did Xerxes win his first war against Athens?
Did Xerxes win his second war against Athens?
The empire was weakened by its wars with Greece and eventually got conquered
What caused Persia's downfall?
Is Zoroastrianism monotheistic or polytheistic?
Which leader of Persia was super into Zoroastrianism?
What was the name of the prophet of Zoroastrianism?
Good and evil
What moral concepts battled each other in Zoroastrianism?
Judaism and Islam
What religions likely became influenced by Zoroastrianism?
Which religion soon replaced Zoroastrianism in the Middle East?
Alexander the Great
Which world leader destroyed several temples and many priests that celebrated Zoroastianism?
What is a Polis?
Was Athens more militaristic or creative?
Was Sparta more militaristic or creative?
Which acronym can you use to describe the evolution of Athens's government?
One rule
What does monarchy mean?
Few rule
What does oligarchy mean?
Best (rich) rule
What does aristocracy mean?
One rule
What does tyranny mean?
Rule of the people
What does democracy mean?
citizens, free non-citizens, slaves (helots)
what were the standard classes in Greek monarchy?
Rich landowners
Who ruled in Greek aristocracy?
Appointed officials who made laws
What were archons?
Usurped power, were often popular with the poor
How did tyrants come to rule in Greece?
Which Greek tyrant was sort of like Robin Hood?
who was the "father of democracy"?
Political districts Cleisthenes divided his citizens into (geographical units)
What were clemes?
Free men
Who were the only people that could vote in Greek democracy?
Which Greek leader led Greece into the golden age?
who was the "father of history"?
Athens vs. Sparta
Who were the Peloponnesian wars against?
The Delian league and Sparta's league kept fighting
What caused the Peloponnesian wars?
Sparta allies with Persia
What major event caused Athens to lose to Sparta in the Peloponnesian wars?
Plague that spreads during the Peloponnesian wars
How does Pericles die?
The golden age ended and democracy suffered, Alexander the Great invaded
What happened to Athens after the Peloponnesian wars?
What was the name of the Greek religion?
Created myths and blamed the world on their gods
How did the Greeks use their gods to explain everything?
Who was the "father of history"?
A better historian than herodotus
who was Thucydides?
"father of tragedy"
Who was Aeschylus?