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Explain integration and coordination in nervous system
Integration is sensing environment and coordination is responding to it. E.g. integration is feeling the pain of stepping on something sharp and coordination is responding to it by moving your foot
What are the two parts of the nervous system
Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
What does the CNS consist of
Brain and spinal cord (made of neurons and glia)
What does PNS consist of
Peripheral nerves and ganglia (made of neurons and glia)
What are two features of neurons
Cells specialised for transmission of information
Four morphological types
What is the basic function of glial cells
Support for neurons
Two features of dendrites
Recieve input
Send info to cell body
Two features of neuron cell body
Contains nucleus and organelles
Sums input
Two features of axon
Carries electrical impulses
May or may not be myelinated
Two features of axon terminals
End of the axon
Neurotransmitter release
What is nucleus (nervous system)
Group of cell bodies in the CNS
What is a tract (nervous system)
Bundle of axons in the CNS
What is grey matter (nervous system)
Group of cell bodies in cerebral cortex or spinal cord in the CNS
What is white matter (nervous system)
Bundle of axons in cerebral cortex or spinal cord in the CNS
What is a ganglion (nervous system)
Group of cell bodies in the PNS
What is a nerve (nervous system)
Bundle of axons in the PNS
Input zone in neuron (structure and function)
Dendrites and cell body
It recieves CHEMICAL signals from other neurons
Summation zone in neuron (structure and function)
Axon hillock
It summates inputs
Conduction zone in neuron (structure and function)
Carries ELECTRICAL signals between brain areas, to and from spinal cord, or from peripheral sensory receptors to effector cells
Output zone in neuron (structure and function)
Axon terminals
Contact with input zone of other neurons or effectors
Release of neurotransmitter (chemical signal)
Four morphological types of neurons
Multipolar neurons
Multiple processes emanate from the cell body
Bipolar neurons
Two processes emanate from the cell body
Unipolar neurons
One process emanates from the cell body, then branches into dendrite and axon
Anaxonic neurons
No distinct axon, all processes look alike
Five basic types of glia
Astrocytes (CNS)
Microglia (CNS)
Ependymal cells (CNS)
Oligodendrocytes (CNS)
Schwann cells (PNS)
Astrocytes functions
Supply nutrients to neurons
Ensheath blood capillaries
Injury response
Microglia functions
Immune cells of the CNS
Engulf microorganisms and debris
Ependymal cells functions
Line fluid filled spaces of brain and spinal cord
Have cilia to circulate CSF
Oligodendrocytes functions
Support CNS nerve fibres
Ensheath them with myelin
Schwann cells functions
Support PNS nerve fibres
Ensheath them with myelin
Myelin and its function
Layer of lipid (fat) wrapped around an axon to increase conduction velocity
What are nodes of ranvier
Gaps between the myelin on axons to further increase conduction velocity
What is a synapse
A junction between neurons that communication occurs through
Pre-synaptic neuron
Neuron before synapse
Post-synaptic neuron
Neuron after synapse
Afferent definition
Information that goes into the brain
Efferent definition
Response that comes out of the brain
What is somatic in the nervous system
The stuff we are aware of and have control over
What is autonomic
The stuff we are not aware of and have no control over
What is somatic efferent
Voluntary muscle control
What is somatic afferent
Sensory information we are aware of
What is autonomic efferent
Involuntary muscle control
What is autonomic afferent
Sensory information we don’t know about
What is an effector
The part of the body that responds to a signal from the nervous system
How many neurons are between the brain and effector in somatic efferent division
Which neurons in the somatic efferent division are myelinated
Both upper and lower motor neurons are myelinated in sometic efferent division
What neurotransmitter is used in somatic efferent division
Acetylcholine (Ach)
What are the effectors in the somatic efferent division
Skeletal muscle
Is the somatic efferent division under voluntary or involuntary control
Voluntary control
Is the autonomic efferent division under voluntary or involuntary control
Involuntary control
Two divisions of autonomic efferent division
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
Autonomic efferent effectors
Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands, fat tissue
What are preganglionic neurons
Neurons located in the CNS (brainstem or spinal cord)
Part of autonomic efferent division
Extend their axons to the autonomic ganglia
Neuron #2 in autonomic efferent division
What are postganglionic neurons
Located in autonomic ganglia (PNS)
Part of autonomic efferent division
Extend their axons to the effectors
Neuron #3 in autonomic efferent division
What are autonomic ganglia
An area of a cluster of nerve cell bodies located outside the CNS and their activiation leads to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic response in target tissues
Which neurons in the autonomic efferent division are myelinated
Neuron #2 is myelinated and neuron #3 is unmyelinated
Which neurotransmitter does neuron #2 of the autonomic efferent division use
Which neurotransmitter does neuron #3 of the autonomic efferent division use
Acetylcholine for parasympathetic
Norephinephrine for sympathetic
Characteristics and effects of sympathetic nervous system
Prepares the body for stress responses
Fight or flight system
increased heart rate
increased blood flow to muscles, decreased blood flow to skin
decreased gastric motility
decreased salivation
increased pupil size
increased sweating
Characteristics and effects of parasympathetic nervous system
Prepares the body for restful situations
Rest and digest sytem
decreased heart rate
increased gastric motility
increased salivation
decreased pupil size
Structural differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic nervous system:
Neruon 2 has a short axon
Neuron 3 has a long axon
Sympathetic ganglion close to CNS
Parasympathetic nervous system:
Neruon 2 has a long axon
Neuron 3 has a short axon
Parasympathetic ganglion far from CNS
What is sympathetic chain ganglia
A type of autonomic ganglia that are related to the sympathetic nervous system that are located on either side of the spinal column
For the sympathetic nervous system, neuron #2 (preganglionic) synapses onto neuron #3 (postganglionic) in the sympathetic chain ganglia
Basic process of chemically ion gated channels
The chemical (in this case the neurotransmitter eg ACh) binds to a site on the channel, opening the channel and allowing ions to to cross the membrane, driven by the gradient.
Basic process of voltage gated ion channels
They are opened by a change in voltage, then go into an inactivated state so cannot open again until the membrane has been repolarised
Basic process of mechanically gated ion channels
Channels are gated in response to physical touch/mechanical pressure
What ion channels are on the dendrites of neurons
Chemically gated
What ion channels are on the axons of neurons
Voltage gated Na+ channels, voltage gated K+ channels, and voltage gated Ca2+ channels
Types of ion channels
Chemically gated, voltage gated, mechanically gated
What ion channels are in dendrites and cell body
Chemically gated
What ion channels are in axon terminals
Voltage gated Ca2+
What is presynaptic nerve terminal
The part of the axon terminal that forms a synapse with a target cell
What is a synaptic cleft
The small gap between the presynaptic and post synaptic neurons where a synapse occurs
What are synaptic vesicles
Vesicles made of membrane that are filled with a chemicall signalling substance specific to the type of nerve terminal they are in. They live in the presynaptic nerve terminal
Explain the process of a synapse
A wave of depolarisation from the action potential along the axon reaches the terminal
The inside of the terminal becomes positive relative to the outside
The change in voltage activates the Ca2+ ion channelsm causing Ca2+ ions to enter the axon terminal, further increasing the positivity of the terminal
This triggers the synaptic vesicles containing the neurotransmitter (e.g. ACh) to leave through exocytosis
The neurotransmitter binds to the chemically gated Na+ channels, causing sodium ions to enter the postsynaptic neuron, causing a graded depolarisation
If the depolarisation is big enough it will trigger an action potential if the threshold is reached
The neurotransmitter is then broken down, (e.g. ACh is broken down into acetate (A) and choline (Ch) by AChE (acetylcholinesterase))
The axon terminal reabsorbs the broken down neurotransmitter to recycle it and synthesise new molecules of ti (e.g. Ch is reabsorbed to make more ACh)
What are electrical synapses
A special type of synapse where the pre and post synaptic neuron are joined by a gap junction. Depolarisation can pass straight through this junction, meaning there is no opportunity for signal modulation which is why this type of synapse is rare
Nerve to nerve synapse information
Synapses are tiny and there are thousands of them at each cell
An AP in an individual neuron will rarely bring the next one to threshold
Inputs may be exitatory or inhibitory and many neurotransmitters are used
Nerve to skeletal muscle synapse information
Synapses are huge, each muscle fibre recieves input from only one neuron at one site
An AP in a neuron is very likely to bring a muscle cell to threshold
There are only excitatory inputs and only ACh is used as a neurotransmitter
What are local potentials
A localised change in voltage across the membrane of a cell which can lead to an action potential
What are inhibitory potentials
Make the membrane potential more negative (K+ ions exit)
What are excitatory potentials
Make the membrane potential more positive (Na+ ions enter)
How do local potentials turn into action potentials
Local potentials are graded (meaning the magnitude of the voltage is related to the strength of the stimulus), local potentials also undergo spacial and temporal summation (meaning the local potentials are summed over time and space). If the net voltage change of the summed local potentials exceeds the threshold an action potential will be generated
What is the usual threshold voltage for an AP
What happens at each number
(1) A graded depolarisation brings an area of excitable membrane to threshold
(2) Voltage gated sodium channels open and sodium ions move into the cell. The membrane potential rises to ~+30mV
(3) Sodium channels close, voltage gated potassium channels open, and potassium ions move out of the cell. Repolarisation begins
(4) The voltage gated potassium channels begin closing. Near threshold, the voltage gated sodium channels begin reactivating, and the membrane returns to its normal resting state
What is an absolute refractory period
A period of time during the action potential where no matter how large the stimulus, another AP cannot be generated
What is a relative refractory period
A period of time during the action potential where an AP can be generated but only in response to a very large stimulus
Why are there refractory periods
To prevent the AP propogating backwards
Explain how action potentials propogate along axons
An action potential develops at the initial segment, the membrane depolarises to +30mV
Graded depolarisation quickly brings the membrane in segment 2 to threshold
An AP develops in segment 2, while the initial segment begins repolarisation and is in a refractory period
Graded depolarisation quickly brings segment 3 to threshold, while segment 2 enters a refractory period
Differences in propogation along myelinated vs unmyelinated axons
When APs are propogated along myelinated axons, the myelin acts as an insulator that the ions cant pass through so the AP ‘jumps’ from one node of ranvier to the next while in unmyelinated axons they have to travel the whole way down.
This results in myelinated axons have a much faster condunction speed than unmyelinated axons (120m/s compared to 1m/s)
Where does the spinal cord start and finish, and where is it located
Starts at the foramen magnum
Ends at 1st lumbar vertebra L1
It is located in the spinal cavity within the vertebrae surrounded by a sac of meninges
Which is the dorsal and which is the ventral side
What is spinous process
The dorsal side of vertebrae
What is conus medularis
The end of the spinal cord that is made of non neural tissue and is the attachment point for filum terminale
What is filum terminale
Fibrous, non neural tissue that anchors the spinal cord from the conus medularis to the end of the spinal cavity
Segments of the spinal cord
31 in total
8 pairs of cervical spinal nerves
12 pairs of thoracic spinal nerves
5 pairs of lumbar spinal nerves
5 pairs of sacral spinal nerves
1 pair of coccygeal spinal nerves