Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Transcription
Transcription is __ to __ on a template that is __ to __
5’ to 3’, 3’ to 5’
coding strand (nontemplate strand)
the DNA strand that has the same sequence as the mRNA and is related by the genetic code to the protein sequence that it represents
RNA Polymerase
An enzyme that synthesizes RNA using a DNA template (formally described as a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase)
RNA sequence is complementary to ________ strand and ________ to coding strand.
template, coding
a region of DNA where RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription
The position on DNA corresponding to the first base incorporated into RNA
A sequence of DNA that causes RNA polymerase to terminate transcription
Transcription Unit
The sequence between sites of initiation and terminations by RNA polymerase; it may include more than one gene
Promoter and terminators define the
sequences in the opposite direction from expression
sequences proceeding farther in the direction of expression within the transcription unit
primary transcript
the original unmodified RNA product corresponding to a transcription unit
Transcription occurs by base pairing in a
“bubble” of unpaired DNA
RNA polymerase separates the two strands of DNA in a transient “bubble” and uses
one strand as a template to direct synthesis of a complementary sequence of RNA
The bubble is 12 to 14 bp, and the RNA-DNA hybrid within the bubble is
8 to 9 bp
RNA synthesis occurs in the
transcription bubble
RNA polymerase surrounds
the bubble
Transcription has ____ stages
RNA polymerase binds to
a promoter site on DNA to form a closed complex
RNA polymerase initiates
transcription (initiation) after opening the DNA duplex to form a transcription bubble (the open complex)
RNA polymerase catalyzes
During elongation
the transcription bubble moves along DNA and the RNA chain is extended in the 5’ to 3’ direction by adding nucleotides to the 3’ end.
Transcription stops (termination) and the DNA duplex reforms when
RNA polymerase dissociates at a terminator site
Bacterial RNA Polymerase consists of
multiple subunits
The RNA polymerase form that is competent to initiate transcription. It consists of the five subunits of the core enzyme and sigma factor.
RNA polymerase has _ types of subunit
Catalysis derives from the
B and B’ subunits
CTD (C-terminal domain)
The domain of RNA polymerase that is involved in stimulating transcription by contact with regulatory proteins
RNA Polymerase holoenzyme consists of
the core enzyme and sigma factor
Bacterial RNA polymerase can be divided into
the a2BB’w core enzyme that catalyzes transcription and the sigma subunit that is required only for initiation
Sigma factor changes the DNA-bidning properties of RNA polymerase so that
its affinity for general DNA is reduced and its affinity for promoter is increased
Sigma factor controls
The rate at which RNA polymerase binds to promoters can be too fast to be accounted for by
simple diffusion
RNA polymerase binds to
random sites on DNA and exchanges them with other sequences until a promoter is found.
Proposed mechanisms for how RNA polymerase finds a promoter
intrasegment transfer “hopping”
The holoenzyme goes through
transitions in the process of recognizing and escaping from promoters
Ternary complex
The complex in initiation of transcription that consists of RNA polymerase and DNA as well as a dinucleotide that represents the first two bases in the RNA product
There may be a cycle of ______ __________ before the enzyme moves to the next phase
abortive initiations
Sigma factor is usually released from RNS polymerase when the
nascent RNA chain reaches ~10 bases in length
Sigma factor controls
binding to DNA by recognizing specific sequences in promoters
conserved sequence
sequences in which many examples of a particular nucleic acid or protein are compared and the same individual bases or amino acids are always found at particular locations
A promoter is defined by the presence of short _________ _________ at specific locations
consensus sequences
The promoter consensus sequences usually consist of
a purine at the startpoint, a hexamer with a sequence close to TATAAT centered at ~ -10 (-10 element or TATA box), and another hexamer with a sequence similar to TTGACA at ~ -35 (-35 element)
Individual promoters usually differ from the consensus at
one or more positions
Promoter efficiency can be affected by
additional elements as well; it can be increased of decreased by mutation
UP element
Down mutations
UP element
A sequence in bacteria adjacent to the promoter, upstream of the -35 element, that enhances transcription
DNA elements and RNA polymerase modules contributing to promoter recognition by
sigma factor
Down mutations to decrease promoter efficiency usually
decrease conformance to the consensus sequences, whereas up mutations have the opposite effect
Up mutations
have the opposite effect of down mutations, increases conformance to the consensus sequences
Mutations in the -35 sequence can affect
initial binding of RNA polymerase
Mutations in the -10 sequence can affect
binding or the melting reaction that converts a closed to an open complex
a technique for identifying the site on DNA bound by some protein by virtue of the protection of bonds in this region against attack by nucleases
a high resolution method for characterizing RNA polymerase-Promoter and DNA-Protien interactions in general
A protein protects a series of bonds against nuclease attack
The consensus sequences at -35 and -10 provide
most of the contact points for RNA polymerase in the promoter.
The point of contact lie primarily on
one face of the DNA
RNA polymerase contacts
one face of DNA
Interactions between sigma factors and Core RNA polymerase change during
promoter escape
A domain in sigma occupies
the RNA exit channel and must be displaced to accommodate RNA synthesis
Abortive initiations usually occur
before the enzyme forms a true elongation complex
Sigma factor is usually released from RNA polymerase by
the time the nascent RNA chain reaches ~10 nt in length
A model for enzyme movement is suggested by the
crystal structure
DNA moves through a channel in RNA polymerase and
makes a sharp turn at the active site
Changes in conformations of certain flexible modules within the enzyme control
the entry of nucleotides to the active site
DNA is forced to make a turn at the active site by
a wall of protein
Bacterial RNA polymerase terminates at
discrete sites
There are two classes of terminators
intrinsic terminators
rho-dependent terminators
intrinsic terminators
those recognized solely by RNA polymerase itself without the requirement for any cellular factors
rho-dependent terminators
requires a cellular protein called rho
The DNA sequences required for termination are located
upstream of the terminator sequence
Intrinsic termination requires
recognition of a terminator sequence in DNA that codes for a hairpin structure in the RNA product
The signals for termination lie mostly within sequences
already transcribed by RNA polymerase
Termination relies on
scrutiny of the template and/or the RNA product that the polymerase is transcribing
An intrinsic terminator has two features
Single-stranded U-run & G-C-rich region in stem
it occurs at transcription or translation when RNA polymerase or the ribosome, respectively, ignores a termination signal because of a mutation of the template or the behavior of an accessory factor
A mechanism of transcriptional control in which termination is prevented at a specific terminator site, allowing RNA polymerase to read into the genes beyond it.
Rho factor is a protein that
binds to nascent RNA and tracks along the RNA to interact with RNA polymerase and release it from the elongation complex
an acronym for rho utilization site, the sequence of RNA that is recognized by the rho termination factor
Rho terminates transcription
RNA polymerase transcribes DNA
Rho attaches to rut site on RNA
Rho translocating along RNA
RNA polymerase pauses at hair pin and rho catches up
Rho unwinds DNA-RNA hybrid
Termination: all components released
The effect of a mutation in one gene in influencing the expression (at transcription or translation) of subsequent genes in the same transcription unit.
Antitermination complex
Proteins that allow RNA polymerase to transcribe through certain terminator sites
Rho can terminate when
a nonsense mutation removes ribosomes
Wilt Type transcription
Ribosomes pack mRNA behind RNA polymerase
Ribosomes impede rho attachment and/or movement
Rho attaches but ribosomes impede its movement
Transcription continues
Nonsense mutant transcription
Ribosomes pack mRNA behind RNA polymerase
Ribosomes dissociate at mutation
Rho obtains access to RNA polymerase
Transcription terminates prematurely
Supercoiling is
an important feature of transcription
Negative supercoiling
increases the efficient of some promoters by assisting the melting reaction
Transcription generates
positive supercoils ahead of the enzyme and negative supercoils behind it. and these must be removed by gyrase and topoisomerase
Transcription changes
DNA structure
Negative supercoils → Transcribing DNA → Overwound (Positive supercoils)
Topoisomerase relaxes
negative supercoils
Gyrase introduces
positive supercoils
Competition for sigma factors can
regulate initiation
E.coli has _______ sigma factors
seven, each of which causes RNA polymerase to initiate at a set of promoters defined by specific -35 and -10 sequences
Sigma factor controls
promoter recognition
Holoenzyme with σ⁷⁰ recognizes one set of promoters
Substitution of sigma factor causes enzyme to recognize a different set of promoters
The activities of the different sigma factors are regulated by
different mechanisms
anti-sigma factor
a protein that binds to a sigma factor to inhibit its ability to utilize specific promoters
Heat Shock response
a set of loci that is activated in response to an increase in temperature that causes proteins to denature (and other abuses to the cell)
all organisms have this response
the gene products usually include chaperones that act on denatured proteins
sigma factors may be
organized into cascades
A cascade of sigma factors is created
when one sigma factor is required to transcribe the gene coding for the next sigma factor
The early genes of phage SPO1 are transcribed by
host RNA polymerase