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Psychodynamic Theories of personality
conflict is external, then at some point its brought inward (internalized) now theres conflict between behavior, thoughts, and emotions
reasonably stable patterns of emotions, motives, and behavior that distinguish one person from another
conscious mind
part of the mind that is aware of the external and internal stimuli
preconscious mind
part of the mind that contains ideas that are out of awareness but can be made conscious by focusing on them
unconscious mind
part of the mind that contains primitive instincts, urges that cannot be experienced consciously
unconscious mind
part of the mind that cannot be studied directly but inferred from behavior, can manifest through: dreams. slip of the tongue, posthypnotic suggestions, materials derived from free association, projective techniques
the automatic ejection of anxiety-evoking ideas from awareness
can arouse emotional outbursts and psychological problems
psychoanalytic theory
freud's theory of personality AKA
psychic structures
describe the clashing forces of personality
psychic structures
cannot be seen or measured directly but presence is suggested by behavior, expressed thoughts, and emotions
id, ego, superego
3 psychic structures <
psychic structure that is present at birth
freud: "a chaos, a cauldron of seething excitations"
pleasure principle
what principle does id follow?
reality principle
what principle does ego follow?
moral principle
what principle does superego follow?
pleasure principle
demands instant gratification without consideration for law, social custom, or other people
represents biological drives and is entirely unconcscious
psychic structure that is develop during the 1st year of life
reality principle
stands for reason and good sense, for rational ways of coping with frustration
curbs the appetites of the id and seeks ways to find gratification yet avoid social disapproval
takes into account what is practical along with what is urged by the id
provides the conscious sense of self
psychic structure that develops as the child incorporates the moral standards and values of parents and other members of society
holds up shining models of an ideal self and monitors the intentions of the ego, handing out judgments of right and wrong
floods the ego with feelings of guilt and shame when the verdict is negative