BIO Exam 2 Questions

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Which of the following is NOT a property common to both land plants and green algae?

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Which of the following is NOT a property common to both land plants and green algae?

the presence of a cuticle and stomata

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With few exceptions, which of the following is not a characteristic of plants?

A. They are multicellular organisms.

B. They are autotrophs.

C. They are eukaryotes.

D. They are heterotrophs.

E. They carry out photosynthesis.

They are heterotrophs.

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What part of plant cells contains chlorophyll a and carries out photosynthesis?

A. mitochondrion

B. chloroplast

C. central vacuole

D. cell membrane

E. Golgi body


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In flowering plants, the gametophyte is ______ the sporophyte.

A. larger than

B. the same size as

C. located on a separate plant from

D. much smaller than

E. absent and the entire plant is composed of

much smaller than

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In plants,

A. the diploid zygote develops into the sporophyte.

B. the haploid zygote develops into the sporophyte.

C. the haploid gametophyte develops into the sporophyte.

D. the diploid zygote develops into the gametophyte.

E. the haploid gametophyte produces gametes by meiosis.

the diploid zygote develops into the sporophyte.

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The parts of the plant that conduct water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves are the

A. xylem.

B. stomata.

C. roots.

D. phloem.

E. cuticle.


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The parts of the plant that allow for gas exchange are the

A. roots.

B. stomata.

C. xylem.

D. phloem.

E. cuticle.


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______ transport sugars produced by photosynthesis to the non-green parts of the plant.

A. Stomata

B. RootsPhloem

C. Phloem

D. Xylem

E. Cuticle


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The two types of vascular tissue in most plants are

A. lignin and xylem.

B. xylem and phloem.

C. lignin and phloem.

D. xylem and stomata.

E. stomata and lignin.

xylem and phloem.

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The substance that strengthens and supports cell walls, allowing plants to grow tall and upright is

A. sporophyte.

B. gametophyte.

C. chlorophyll.

D. stomata.

E. lignin.


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Evidence that algae are the closest relatives to plants is that they both

A. have chloroplasts.

B. contain chlorophyll a.

C. have cellulose-rich cell walls.

D. use starch as a nutrient reserve.

E. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct.

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Gymnosperms and angiosperms have ______ allowing them to live and reproduce in drier habitats than bryophytes and seedless vascular plants.

D. pollen grains and seeds

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What advantage do ferns have over bryophytes?

A. Ferns photosynthesize.

B. Ferns are heterotrophs.

C. Ferns have a vascular system, which allow them to grow taller.

D. Ferns do not require water to reproduce.

E. Ferns have alternation of generations.

  • Ferns have a vascular system, which allow them to grow taller.

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What advantage do gymnosperms have over ferns?

A. Gymnosperms produce pollen and do not require water to reproduce.

B. Gymnosperms have alternation of generations.

C. Gymnosperms have a vascular system, which allows them to grow taller.

D. Gymnosperms can grow larger gametophytes.

E. Gymnosperms can produce flowers and fruits to aid in seed dispersal.

  • Gymnosperms produce pollen and do not require water to reproduce.

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What advantage do angiosperms have over gymnosperms?

A. Angiosperms can produce flowers and fruits to aid in seed dispersal.

B. Angiosperms produce pollen and do not require water to reproduce.

C. Angiosperms have alternation of generations.

D. Angiosperms have a vascular system, which allows them to grow taller.

E. Angiosperms can produce spores, which are more stable than seeds from gymnosperms.

  • Angiosperms can produce flowers and fruits to aid in seed dispersal.

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In alternation of generations, a haploid gametophyte goes through mitosis to form a ____ gamete.

A. haploid

B. diploid

C. tetraploid

D. uniploid

E. No gametes are formed - this occurs in meiosis, not mitosis


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In alternation of generations, a diploid sporophyte goes through meiosis to form ____ spores.


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In alternation of generations, two haploid gametes fuse in fertilization to form a ____ zygote.


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in angiosperms, pollen must complete mitosis to produce gametes. Therefore pollen are which of the following?

A. sporophytes

B. eggs

C. seeds

D. sperm

E. gametophytes


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Many fern gametophytes are hermaphrodites, meaning they can produce both sperm and egg. Why is this necessary for a fern, but not for an angiosperm?

A. If one seed colonizes a new habitat, reproduction can occur in later stages.

B. The gametophyte can produce multiple types of spores.

C. The gametophyte can produce multiple types of seeds.

D. If one spore colonizes a new habitat, reproduction can occur in later stages.

E. Angiosperm gametes are diploid.

If one seed colonizes a new habitat, reproduction can occur in later stages.

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The term "gymnosperm" literally means

A. "clothed ovule."

B. "naked seed."

C. "naked ovule."

D. "clothed seed."

E. "clothed sperm."

"naked seed."

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The four phyla of the gymnosperms are

A. monocotyledons, dicotyledons, conifers, and cycads.

B. horsetails, true ferns, whisk ferns, and club mosses.

C. conifers, monocotyledons, dicotyledons, and cycads.

D. mosses, liverworts, club mosses, and hornworts.

E. conifers, cycads, ginkgos, and gnetophytes.

conifers, cycads, ginkgos, and gnetophytes.

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Cycads are
A. trees that produce flowers.
B. bryophytes.
C. trees that produce large cones.
D. algae.
E. ferns.

trees that produce large cones.

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What is the advantage of producing a seed over a spore?

A. Seeds are diploid, and can grow directly into a sporophyte.

B. Seeds are haploid, and can grow directly into a sporophyte.

C. Seeds are diploid, and can grow directly into a gametophyte.

D. Seeds are haploid, and can grow directly into a gametophyte.

E. Producing seeds over spores is a disadvantage.

Seeds are diploid, and can grow directly into a sporophyte.

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A cotyledon is

A. the first leaf structure to arise in the embryo of an angiosperm.

B. a spore-like structure used for reproduction in plants.

C. the fruit produced by flowers of angiosperms.

D. a tissue fragment of tissue used for reproduction in bryophytes.

E. the zygote formed in ferns from the union of two gametes.

the first leaf structure to arise in the embryo of an angiosperm.

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The two groups of angiosperms are

A. mosses and club mosses.

B. ginkgos and cycads.

C. monocots and eudicots.

D. horsetails and ferns.

E. conifers and gnetophytes.

monocots and eudicots.

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The structure of the angiosperm that supplies nutrients to the germinating seedling is the

A. endosperm.

B. fruit.

C. seed coat.

D. spore coat.

E. pollen grain.


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How have plants transformed the world?

A. Food source for many animals, fungi, and even some prokaryotes and protists

B. Habitat for breeding, rearing young, and escaping predators

C. Photosynthesis provides oxygen for aerobic respiration to make ATP

D. Fibers for clothing and paper

E. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct.

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Which of the following is NOT a way plants affect life on Earth?

A. Top of food webs

B. Habitat for microscopic and macroscopic organisms

C. Fuel source directly as nutrition and indirectly as wood and coal

D. Prevent erosion of landscape by rooting into soil and other substrates

E. Provide oxygen that forms the ozone layer

Top of food webs

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Which group of plants lack true leaves and roots?

A. liverworts, hornworts, and mosses

B. ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and whisk ferns

C. ginkgo, cycads, conifers, and gnetophytes

D. monocots and eudicots

E. All plants lack true leaves and roots.

liverworts, hornworts, and mosses

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Bryophytes lack vascular tissue and lignin and therefore cannot

A. sexually reproduce.

B. grow tall.

C. asexually reproduce.

D. produce a gametophyte stage.

E. produce a sporophyte stage

grow tall.

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Which group of plants have phloem and xylem but lack seeds, flowers, and fruit?

ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and whisk ferns

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Seedless vascular plants can ______ without water, but cannot ______ without water.

A. reproduce asexually, reproduce sexually

B. reproduce sexually, reproduce asexually

C. grow, reproduce

D. utilize phloem, utilize xylem

E. utilize xylem, utilize phloem

grow, reproduce

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Which group of plants have phloem and xylem, seeds, flowers, and fruit and in many cases require animals for reproduction?

A. liverworts, hornworts, and mosses

B. ferns, club mosses, horsetails, and whisk ferns

C. ginkgo, cycads, conifers, and gnetophytes

D. monocots and eudicots

E. All plants

monocots and eudicots

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The main vegetative parts of plants include

A) stems, roots, flowers, leaves, and fruits

B) roots, flowers, and stems.

C) roots, stems, and leaves.

D) flowers and fruits only.

E) fruits, flowers, and leaves.

C. Roots, Stems, and Leaves

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Which is a function in a plant but found outside the root?

A) absorb mineral nutrients for the plant

B) absorb water

C) form beneficial relationships with microorganisms, thereby increasing the plant's ability to obtain nutrients

D) anchor the plant

E) produce energy that the plant can use to carry out metabolism

E Produce energy that the plant can use to carry out metabolism

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The point at which one or more leaves attach to the stem of a plant is a

A) sieve tube.

B) node.

C) petiole.

D) internode.

E) anther

B Node

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Internodes of plants are

A) located on the stems.

B) located on the male flower parts.

C) periods of time between releasing of pollen.

D) dormant periods of time between rapid growth stages.

E) located on the roots

A Located on the stems

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The opening and closing of a plant's stomata are regulated by the flow of ________ ions.

A) potassium

B) copper

C) sulfur

D) magnesium

E) phosphorus

A potassium

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Plants need nitrogen since they have to have it to make

A) proteins.

B) chlorophyll.

C) amino acids.

D) nucleic acids.

E) All answers are correct.

E All answers are correct

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The bacterium Rhizobium

A) enters plants through the root hairs.

B) lives symbiotically within plant cells.

C) triggers the development of root nodules in legumes.

D) breaks the triple covalent bond in N2.

E) All answers are correct

E All answers are correct

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The type of plant cell that provides support without interfering with growth and is familiar as the "strings in celery" is a

A) sieve tube cell.

B) sclerenchyma cell.

C) guard cell.

D) collenchyma cell.

E) parenchyma cell

D Collenchyma Cell

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The type of plant cell that provides rigid support and is dead at maturity is a

A) parenchyma cell.

B) collenchyma cell.

C) sclerenchyma cell.

D) guard cell.

E) sieve tube cell.

C) sclerenchyma cell.

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If you want to make maple syrup, you have to extract sugary syrup from a stem tissue, so you would tap the ________ tissue.

A) guard cells

B) stomata

C) phloem

D) xylem

E) epidermis

C Phloem

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The main phloem-conducting cells are

A) sieve tube elements.

B) tracheids.

C) stomata.

D) companion cells.

E) vessel elements.

A Sieve tube elements

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The conducting cell(s) of the xylem, which make up the bulk of the vascular tissue, is(are)

A) vessel elements only.

B) both tracheids and vessel elements.

C) both tracheids and sieve tube elements.

D) tracheids only.

E) sieve tube elements only.

B Both tracheids and vessel elements

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A potato stores a lot of starch. Which tissue would you expect to be most abundant in a potato?

A) vascular tissue

B) dermal tissue

C) equal amounts of ground and dermal tissue

D) ground tissue

E) equal amounts of dermal and vascular tissue

D Ground tissue

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If you cut a stalk of celery and put it in a glass of water containing red food coloring overnight, the next morning the celery will be red. Through what was the food coloring taken up?

A) stomata

B) dermal tissue

C) phloem

D) xylem

E) ground tissue

D Xylem

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You are looking at a cross section of a plant stem under the microscope. You note that the vascular bundles are scattered throughout the ground tissue. Is this a monocot or a eudicot?

It is a monocot because the vascular bundles are scattered throughout the ground tissue in monocots.

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The primary organ of photosynthesis in a plant is the

A) stomata.

B) stem.

C) bark.

D) chlorophyll.

E) leaf.


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A(n) _________________________ bud is present at the base of each leaf; this feature helps distinguish between simeple and compound leaves.

A) primary

B) secondary

C) axillary

D) cortical


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Compound leaves are defined as being divided into

A) stomata.

B) companion cells.

C) lateral meristems.

D) blades.

E) leaflets.


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You are looking the cross section of a plant root under the microscope. You see that the vascular tissue is located in a central cylinder surrounded by cortex. Is this a monocot or a eudicot? Will it have a taproot or a fibrous root system?

A) Monocot, fibrous root system.

B) Eudicot, taproot.

C) Eudicot, fibrous root system.

D) Monocot, taproot

Eudicot, taproot

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The source of a plant's new cells is a type of plant tissue called its

A) meristem.

B) tracheid.

C) guard cell.

D) mesophyll.

E) cortex.


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You are examining a newly discovered plant when you find a dome of cells at the end of its stem. You have found the new plant's

A) tracheid.

B) apical meristem.

C) lateral meristem.

D) vascular bundle.

E) No answer is correct.

Apical meristem

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The tissue that produces cells to thicken a root or stem is the

A) cortex.

B) apical meristem.

C) epidermis.

D) lateral meristem.

E) No answer is correct.

Lateral meristem

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The products of photosynthesis move from the leaf to other parts of the plant via

A) xylem.

B) cortex and xylem.

C) cortex.

D) cortex and phloem.

E) phloem.


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The attraction of a molecule of one substance, such as water, to a molecule of another substance, such as cellulose in plant cells walls, is

A) evaporation.

B) condensation.

C) hydrolysis.

D) cohesion.

E) adhesion.


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In the pressure flow theory, any part of a plant that does not carry out photosynthesis is a

A) aqueduct.

B) source.

C) sink.

D) companion cell.

E) reservoir.


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Which will not increase the rate of transpiration in a plant?

A) high wind speeds

B)high temperature

C) high humidity

D) low humidity

E) All answers are correct.

High humidity

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The concentration of solutes in most soil is lower than the concentration of solutes in root cells, so water enters the roots by

A) adhesion.

B) cohesion.

C) hydrolysis.

D) hydrostatic pressure.

E) osmosis.


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During photosynthesis in a leaf, sugars are loaded into the sieve tube by ________ followed by ________ to increase the pressure.

A) gravity, active transport

B) active transport, osmosis

C) osmosis, gravity

D) facilitated diffusion, osmosis

E) osmosis, facilitated diffusion

Active transport, osmosis

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How does sap move from the sieve tube into a sink?

A) by active transport

B) by gravity

C) by a pump

D) by pressure

E) by osmosis

By pressure

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A __________________________ is any plant part that produces or releases sugars.

A) stem

B) sink

C) source

D) shoot


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Angiosperms owe their widespread distribution to their production of pollen, seeds, and flowers. What is the greatest advantage to the production of pollen?

A) It promotes pollination.

B) It is necessary for sexual reproduction.

C) It protects and nourishes the embryo.

D) It allows fertilization in moist areas.

E) It allows fertilization in the absence of water.

Allows fertilization in the absence of water

Allows fertilization in the absence of water

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The sporophyte generation of a plant is ________ and produces ________ spores.

A) diploid; haploid

B) triploid; haploid

C) triploid; diploid

D) haploid; diploid

E) multicellular; diploid

diploid and haploid

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In all major groups of multicellular organisms ________ produces the cells that begin the haploid generation, and ________ unites the gametes to begin the diploid generation.

A) fertilization; meiosis

B) mitosis; pollination

C) meiosis; fertilization

D) fertilization; mitosis

E) pollination; fertilization

Meosis; fertilization

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The number of similar anatomical parts called whorls that make up a flower is

A) three.

B) two.

C) five.

D) one.

E) four.


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Pollination is the transfer of pollen from a(n) ________ to a receptive ________.

A) stigma; anther

B) stigma; ovary

C) anther; stigma

D) ovary; stigma

anther; stigma

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The main pollinators of red flowers are

A) moths.

B) bees.

C) birds.

D) bats.

E) beetles.


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The main pollinators of flowers that have markings visible only under ultraviolet light are

A) flies.

B) birds.

C) bats and moths.

D) beetles.

E) bees


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If you examined a pea pod carefully, you would see that it was the result of one carpel. That would make it what kind of fruit?

A) double

B) multiple

C) simple

D) axillary

E) aggregate


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Where is the energy stored in a fertilized angiosperm?

A) endosperm

B) egg

C) zygote

D) pollen

E) stigma


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If you were given a bumpy fruit that clearly had one set of sepals around it and the bumps in which were the result of individual carpels having fused back to themselves, what kind of fruit would you have?

A) multiple

B) double

C) axillary

D) simple

E) aggregate


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The resumption of growth and development after a period of seed dormancy is

A) fertilization.

B) transpiration.

C) stagnation.

D) germination.

E) pollination.


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Which of the following is necessary for germination?

A) Favorable temperature.

B) Water

C) Oxygen

D) All of the above.

E) None of the above.

All of the above

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You plant a seed in a pot containing soil, and then add water and place the pot under a light. After the seedling emerged, complete with two green leaves, the carbon dioxide levels decreased in the closed chamber. What can be said of this plant?

A) It is a triploid monocot.

B) It is polyploid monocot or eudicot.

C) It is a diploid monocot.

D) It is a diploid eudicot.

E) It is a triploid eudicot.

It is a diploid edict

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Which of the following is true of large seeds?

A) They possess large reserves of nutrients for seedling growth.

B) Cultivated plants tend to have larger seeds than their wild ancestors.

C) They don't travel very far from the parent plant.

D) All of the above are true of large seeds

All of the above

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n the section "Investigating Life: Genetic Messages from Ancient Ecosystems," what was the advantage of looking for DNA samples in permafrost?

Permafrost preserves DNA because frozen cells do not decay

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Molecular evidence places fungi closer to plants than animals


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The rigid barrier that surrounds most prokaryotes is the

cell wall

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Fungi and plants are similar because they both

have cell walls and can not move about

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Evidence supporting the idea that mitochondria and chloroplasts in present-day cells originated as independent organisms includes

similarities in DNA sequences between mitochondria and chloroplasts

in size and shape between mitochondrial and bacterial genomes

between photosynthetic pigments in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria

the way mitochondria, chloroplasts, and prokaryotes reproduce

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A jellylike substance produced by red algae and used as a culture medium for microorganisms is


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How does the pressence of vascular tissue (xylem and phloem) affect a plant?

All of the above are correct

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In comparing the life cycle of an angiosperm to that of a human, pollination is analogous to _____ and the seed is analogous to the ____.

Sexual intercourse; baby

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What plant group is correctly matched with an adaptation of its members?

Cycads: vascular tissue

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Which of the following is a supportive cell type with a thick secondary cell wall?

Sclerenchyma cell

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Which structures provide abundant surface area for water and mineral absorption?

Root hairs

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The ability of a sunflower plant to become taller is directly due to its

apical meristem

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Which tissue type occupies most of the volume of a tree trunk?

Seconddary xylem

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Where do the simple sugars in phloem sap originate?

Photosynthesis tissue

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The new gene combination associated wit sexual reproduction in plants are the result of


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Assuming that every egg in a flower is fertilized, the number of ovules in the flower is typically ____ the number of seeds in the resulting fruit

Equal to

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Where would you find a male gametophyte?

Inside a ripe pollen sac

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How does the endosperm develop inside the seed?

It receives nutrients from the parent plants

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Wind or animals carry _____, which lands on the _______ of a flower.

Pollen, Stigma

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The ______ grows toward the ovule and _________ fertilize the egg and the two nuclei of the central cell.

Pollen tube, sperm nuclei

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All land plants have a cuticle. T or F?


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The purpose of fruit is to provide nourishment for the growing plant after the seed germinates. T or F?


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