Unit #5: Political Participation

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Linkage Institution

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Linkage Institution

Channels that connect individuals with the government. Elections, political parties, interest groups, and the media.

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Twenty-Sixth Amendment

Allows those eighteen years old and older to vote

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Twenty-Fourth Amendment

Prohibits Congress and the states from imposing poll taxes as a condition for voting in federal elections.

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Political Action Committee

Federal Election Campaign Act was a law that created limits on PAC and individual donations to political candidates. Monitored by FEC. No limits on support not directly linked to candidates, referred to as independent expenditures

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Party Line Voting

Voting for candidates who belong only to one political party for all of the offices on the ballot

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Electoral College

Voters do not cast ballots directly for the president. Voting for a slate of electors pledged to vote for a nominee. Candidate needs 270 votes to win out of 538 total. The House of Representatives decides if no majority is reached. Candidates do not need to win the popular vote. Winner-take-all system. Electors are chosen from party leaders and activists.

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Winner-Take-All System

Candidate that receives the most votes at the state level wins all of the electoral votes for that state.

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Battleground State

Candidate that receives the most votes at the state level wins all of the electoral votes for that state.

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Swing State

A state where levels of support for the parties are similar and elections swing back and forth between Democrats and Republicans.

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Super PAC

A state where levels of support for the parties are similar and elections swing back and forth between Democrats and Republicans.

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Straight Ticket Voting

Voting for all of the candidates on the ballot from one political party.

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Split Ticket Voting

Voting for candidates on a ballot from both political parties.

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Party Platform

A set of positions and policy objectives that members of a political party agree to. Voted on at the convention. When they win, they begin the process of governing based largely on the shared platform.

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The formal process through which parties choose their candidates for office.

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A person who acts as the voters' representative at a convention to select the party's nominee.

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Primary Election

An election in which a state's voters choose delegates who support a presidential candidate for nomination or an election by a plurality vote to select a party's nominee for a seat in Congress.

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Open Primary

All eligible voters may vote, regardless of their party affiliation.

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Close Primary

Only those who have registered as a member of a political party may vote.

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A meeting held by party members to discuss issues in the party and upcoming delegates.

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A party leader or activist who can support any one they want and aren't committed to a specific party.

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Two Party System

A system in which two political parties dominate politics, winning almost all elections (Democrats and Republicans)

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Proportional Representation System

An electoral system for a legislature in which citizens vote for parties, rather than individuals, and parties are represented in the legislature according to the percentage of the vote they receive.

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Single Member Plurality System

It's an electoral district that is represented by a single officeholder.

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Third Party

a minor political party in competition with the two major parties

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