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Aristotle (Geocentric)
Experiment and reason
discovered the five elements
round earth experiments (Gravity, constellations, lunar eclipse)
Moon phases
Aristarchus (Heliocentric)
1,700 years before copernicus’ discoveries
sun,moon, sizes and distance from earth
stars, suns and parallax and the earth’s rotation
Eratosthenes (Geocentric)
invented geography
measured size and tilt of earth
alexandria — syene (Aswan)
Hipparchus (Geocentric)
Developed trigonometry
created greatest star maps to date
discovered precession
created stellar magnitude system
developed reliable methods for predicting eclipse
Ptolemy (Geocentric)
Deferent and Epicycle
Retrograde motion
Copernicus (Heliocentric)
Planetary configuration
conjuctions (Plains, Inferior, Superior)
Twilight Zone
Retrograde Motion
Tycho (Geocentric)
Save the geocentric
tychonic planetary system
supernova 1572
comet 1577
Kepler (Helliocentric)
Three laws of planetary motion
law of eclipses
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
planets travel around the sun in eclipses with the sun at one focus
the straight line joining the the sun and the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times
the straight of siderial period of planet is in direct proportion to the cube of the semimajor axis (Distance to the sun) of its orbit
Newton’s Law of Motion
Inertia - a body at rest styes at rest or in motion in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force
Acceleration - A change in motion is directly proportional to the force acting on it and in the direction of that force
(Action/Reactions) To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Newton’s law of gravitational
Between any two objects anywhere in space there exists a force of attraction that is in direct
Objects Fall at Same rate due to earth’s central force (Gravity)
Inertia ( foundations for newtons laws )
light speed
Galileo’s moon observations
milky way
Isaac Newton (Heliocentric)
Light (Spectrum)
Reflecting telescope
three laws of motion (Inertia, acceleration, action/reaction)
universal law of gravitation
Halley (Heliocentric)
Diving bell
Mathematically verified Newton’s Theory of gravity
Discovered proper motion of Stars
Discovered some comets are periodic
theorizes that the sun is the center of the solar system
argues that the earth is the center of the solar system
“Invented the telescope” was the first to patent the tool
Lauren Cassegrain invented the cassegrain reflector
Also known as the schmidt telescope
discovered infrared
discovered uranus
Christian Huygens discovered the light waves theory, he believes that light travels like a wave
came up with a different Ideal and liked newtons idea of light traveling was huscular — accepted the idea of hilance aka light being an idea
discovered that light takes time to travel
Light travels 136,400 miles per second
a physicist and does astronomy from australia, set up an experiment for the speed of light
invented the eight sied mirror rotating
186,282 miles per second for the speed of light
speed of light (mps)
186,282 miles per second
5,800,000,000,000 miles
Discovered radio astronomy, invented the radio telescope
reber had mapped the radio structure of our galaxy and discovered radio raves outside of our galaxy
created what we know as photons which is particles of energy
concluded that night is not just a wave or a particle but a particle known as a waveacle of energy
gravity waves
Galileo was the first to discover the effects of gravity
the apparent height, is the angle between the object and the observer’s local horizion
when an angle is between 0 and 90 degrees and is measured from true north and increasingly upwards
Earth’s tilt
Earth is tilted 23.5’
up and down
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
discovered by hipparchus
the high point - the very top of the sky
the lowest point of the fortune
a line of longitude that we say is the beginning
North Pole
the northermost point on the earth
South Pole
below the equator
is the center of the earth
Celestial Pole
the equator of the sky
tropic of cancer
lies at the 23rd 26’33 23.439 north of the equator and marks the most northerly latitude at which the sun can appear directly at noon
tropics of capricorn
23rd 26’22 (23.5) degrees
Antartic circle
66.5 degrees
Arctic circle
66 degrees and 33’ north of the equator
International Date Line
in the pacific ocean and it is to keep things in order and separates the time and day
Right Ascension (Longitude)
hours, minutes, seconds *due to changing rotation
Declination (latitude)
degrees, minutes, secons
the time of a planet going around a sun
planetary configuration
especially significant apparent position of a planet
the alignment of inferior and superior planets
Retrograde motion
was on the epicycle, when a fast planet passes a slow planet, the slower planet will appear to be moving backwards
Inferior conjunction
occurs when the planets are approximately between Earth and the sun
Superior Conjunction
when the inferior planets is in alignment or opposite side of the earth
an apparent
lunar phases
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
full moon
wanning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
new moon
inferior planet
mercury, venus
the alignment of inferior and superior planets
Retrograde motion
was on the epicycle, when a fast planet passes a slow planet, the slower planet will appear to be moving backwards
Inferior conjunction
occurs when the planets are approximately between Earth and the sun
Superior Conjunction
when the inferior planets is in alignment or opposite side of the earth
between the sun the earth and the planet you have a right angle that forms, it can be east or west
Jovian Planets
Gas giants, a group of 4 planets that are in the solar system and they compromise the outer planets
Terrestial planets
they have a compact, rocky surface, like earths terra firma
is the amount of solar radiation recieved on a given surface in a given time period.
23rd of september
the period of day-time is equal to the period of nighttime
daylight savings
the point where the sun appears to reach the highest or the lowest point in the sky for years
fall,winter,spring,summer the suns direct rays
so when the north pole tilts towards the sun it is summer in the northern hemisphere
solar eclipses
only occur if there is perfect alignment and szyygy
lunar eclipses
occur when the moon moves into its shadow - last 6-7 minutes
synchronous rotation
describes the rotation of an object that always shows the same face to an object that is orbitting because its rotation period and orbital period are the same
the perfect alignment from where we began and where we land 29 and half degrees
sidereal period
360 degrees of motion - perfect circle
— 27 and 1/3 says but you arent in a straight line and need extra time and 29 and a half days to get back
created so that the planet would go around the epicycle as thew epicycle is going around the deferent which is centered around the equate
geometric model used to explain the variations in speed and direction of the motion of the moon and the sun and the planets — in a circular motion
regular repeating path that one object in space takes around another one
greatest elongation
when a planet appears farthest from the sun as viewed from the earth
the point of the closest approach to the earth
— moving at its maximum speed
synchronous rotation
describes the rotation of an object that always shows the same face to an object that is orbitting because its rotation period and orbital period are the same
the perfect alignment from where we began and where we land 29 and half degrees
named after plutos, objects just like pluto in structure — just like pluto in structure
the close point between the earth and the sun
far point from the sun and the sun looks a lot smaller in july we were 4 million miles away
regular repeating path that one object in space takes around another one
Any celestial object in our solar system whose orbit lies beyond neptune, including pluto
greatest elongation
when a planet appears farthest from the sun as viewed from the earth
objects with a large trail there are comets that form
extremely small units only 1 centimeter
red light
long wavelength
blue light
shorter wavelength
speed of light
wavelength x frequency = the speed of light
the distance between succesive crests of a wave especially points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave
Refracting telescope
uses the front of the lens, objective lens in the front end
reflector telescope
uses a mirror
cassegram designed for camera work and was made for the design of reflecting telescopes